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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top American Companies Are Creating More Jobs Abroad Than Here

With 96 percent of the top 500 American corporations turning profits this year and stock prices soaring to the highest levels since the recession began, you'd think you'd start to see a dent in that near double-digit unemployment rate. But that's not so, partially because companies are boosting their bottom lines by moving toward outsourcing.

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Anonymous said...

Whats that Republicans. I thought companies were our friends. I thought companies were out to see America prosper.

Anonymous said...

These are the very ones Republicans want to extend tax breaks to! Wake up America!

Anonymous said...

Du , what do think the problem was.
Create jobs in america and problem solved.
Quit investing in china, or other foreign countries.
How stupid are people?

Anonymous said...

When you over tax business and then force in over paid Unions employee's their only option is to outsource jobs or close their doors. You can thank the Democrats for our job loss's.

Anonymous said...

Compare our corporate tax rate to Canada's, or Mexico's...We're sitting 10% higher then Mexico's rate, and Canada is actively lowering their rate to 15%. We have 35% corporate rates in America...why invest here when you're required to line Washingtons pockets with your profits? In todays' 24/7/365 world, we're rapidly being left in the dust due to moronic tax codes.

Anonymous said...

STOP investing in products made overseas. Hold the republicans and democrates accountable. Too many millionaires, billlioniares and lobbyists are running this country. This country needs a serious revolution against big businesses, oil tycoons, banks, auto, wall street and the federal government. Stop investing in companies that outscource our American jobs. Let's start with Wal-Mart. It's time for the middle class and poor citizens in this country to take a stand and go on strike against the elite who don't care about American citizens. Let's take one day and strike. Let us all for one day, NOT spend one dime of our hard earned "tax eating up our" money on anything. Let's not buy gas, food, clothing, take a train, bus or a plane anywhere and etc for one day. Let's see how much the rich will lose in one day. Let's shut them down for a day. Pick a day. Let the kids know too.

Anonymous said...

Gee, How do we put this on /America's table and vote it up? Let's talk action, people! yalk & email your delegates! Hello?

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