
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Thursday, December 30, 2010

First They Threaten To Rape My Wife, Murder Our Grandson & Now This!

Some time ago Tom McGuire went out and ordered FUJA tags for his vehicle and proudly drove around with them. After my contacting the state of Maryland, they ultimately forced him to turn in those tags and he is now bragging about how his new tags say, "JASA15". By the way, he also bragged about how these new tags were supposed to arrive THURSDAY.

You remember Tom McGuire and his wife/girlfriend Nikki. They're the couple from Delmar that wished Brooke Mulford dead. He was running for Mayor and she was running for city Council. They sent me a letter begging me to publish it and when I did they freaked out.

For almost 7 years now I have given my time to this community as well as my finances. What these Anti Albero Bloggers are doing to threaten lives and encourage attacks against me and my family and now our property must be stopped.

I am offering a $1,000.00 REWARD for the capture and conviction of the individual who just did this last night or early this morning. The Salisbury Police are reviewing their videos of the traffic and perhaps get an image of the individual who did this but if you know who it was, $1,000.00 is YOURS.  

Let's hope Matt Maciarello reads between the lines and recognizes that violence will be next. I mean, how badly does it have to slap everyone in the face before they recognize this is just too mental.


Quotes from McGuire:
T.J. said...
"FUJA IS NOW JASA 15 YOU FIGURE IT OUT As to my sons school are you saying that Wicmo is a bad school? Sorry been a lil busy with the new roof going on and yet one more new car we bought last night .Thanks for your concern tootles .*All the cars will have the proper personalized tags on them by T day .*I will send you a few pics.
BTW next election I will be supporting Carl for mayor ."

Oct 27, 2010 10:03:00 AM

"That it what I sent out to alot of ppl there was a lot of bcc to leo’s Now as to all the emails going between Ruark Joey Mikey and whoever I was not cc’d I did nothing wrong and have nothing to apologize for.Some said i have no care about Joe they are right Joe does not scare me.Maybe Joe I upset I found this site first who knows or cares .Rapidly jihad is coming undone. *I my JASA TAGS AND MY OTHERS WILL BE HERE THUR *I say that loud a Joe will read this."


snap said...

wasnt there a camera installed right on your street when B. Til was in office? If it's still there you should have the city check it out. Good Luck Broseph Albero.

Anonymous said...

I dont understand what JASA15 means. Wish I knew who did it I sure could use that grand though.

Anonymous said...

Aren't there laws protecting historic sites?

Anonymous said...

McGuire admits he's a night owl. See if anyone saw him leave his home last night.

Anonymous said...

You peed in somebody's corn flakes. Honestly I don't think this is McGuire's work, I think it is the work of other anti alberos setting his dumb ass up.

Anonymous said...

How about cameras at the bank? I know PNC is close by there has to be more cameras around that area. Getting them to look at them is another problem. They city will probably spend more time and effort trying to fine you for this being on your building than trying to solve who did it.

Anonymous said...


What does JASA15 mean?

Are these some kind of gang markings, or just some kind of graffiti?

Keep on doing what you do for our community, and give the new police chief a chance with this. The good guys always prevail!

Above all just remember that what comes around goes around.

Good luck and have a happy new year.

Anonymous said...

joe i wouldnt be surprised if you did it your self to have something else for your continueing pitty party, never seen anyone in my life that wanted to make a show everytime you did alittle charity, most of us like to keep it to ourselves

Anonymous said...

Matt Maciarello has way bigger issues in this town than you man. Man up and handle your own business, I thought you were a tough New Yorker.

Wayne said...


Anonymous said...

KARMA is a bitch. I guess they took out the camara on the corner overlooking your front door after you raised so much hell about Webster spying on you.

Wayne said...


John Robinson said...

LMAO you deserve everything you get. I'm not sure how spraypainting equals violence against that retarded family of yours, but I think it's funny as hell. I'm offering to pay the person who did it $1000 just because it made me laugh so damn hard!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to see you got tagged and I hope they find the immature @$$wholes who did it.

But actually I wanted to suggest a post on the marine and his wife who were assaulted by a mob at a FL movie theater.

Wayne said...

Just a guess, but I think this stands for Joe Albero Sucks Ass !! SPOT ON !! ROTFLMAO !!!

Anonymous said...

this has become a sad community no wonder people are moving away. sorry to see this kind of stuff happening in this town.

Anonymous said...

have to agree with 1051. although this is just childish and stupid, unfortunately that leaves very few people out.

Anonymous said...

Don't we have enough problems in this area without wasting police resources on childish vandalism?

These are grown men? What a waste of skin. A little jail time and maybe they will grow up.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know who it is that keeps trying to stir the pot using Robinson and Wayne's names. I hope they find out and kick that anonymous persons butt.

Anonymous said...

wow does mcguire always write like that?? i got a headache just trying to understand what the hell he was saying!

Anonymous said...

Joe, I think these 'people' are just wussie bullies. They obviously have a fixation with you, for whatever reason.

They crave attention and will search it out in any arena they can use. Even your site.

I would suggest saving all this crap and not publish it until they are caught and prosecuted. ( Keep supplying it to law enforcement thought )

You will eventually have the last laugh and we will be rid of some of the trailer trash that lives in this area.

You have many supporters and I would hate to hear of any of them doing you a 'favor' and getting in trouble themselves.

If you don't already have some, I would suggest some flood lights around your house and security cameras to document any illegal activity to your property.

Some of us are disgusted with what these mental midgets are doing. They can't hide forever.

Good luck.

Anonymous said...

This reminds of when Morton Downey Jr was attacked my skinheads.

sburygirl16 said...

As I read this, it saddens me that there are adults posting such immature hateful comments. Here is where I stand:
1) If you do not like Joe Albero, do not go on his blog to read what he posts.
2) That being said, if you do in fact go on here just to make gossip of it later, you need a new hobby. Your life is obviously pathetic.
3) It clearly states at the top of the blog "hate us of love us", so take your pick. If you hate Joe so badly, why read things posted by him and then make smart irrational immature comments on it. Don't read it to begin with. I know there are a few people I dislike and the last thing I do is stalk them.
4) It is clear to myself and many others in this community that McGuire is a pure horses a$$- that was made clear when he and his p.o.s wife wished death on a sick innocent child.
5) Grow the hell up.

Anonymous said...

John Rob, Go lick a dogs ass... You only have money because you were born into it, you didn't earn it or work hard for it... You have no say in this matter... Watch out I might get some cops on you for drinking and driving... Secondly to those who are not smart enough to read the lines... JASA15 = Joe albero sucks ass 15; Which is the age of tom's kid I believe... And to the other really stupid people who think it was a gang, STFU and die in a fire slowly, a gang won't use someones tag plate lettering to tag on a wall of someone they don't know... They use their gang symbol to show their turf... NO wonder SBY is the way it is... LOOK at all these dumb asses on here Joe and in this city wanting to hate on someone... NOTICE the ones always out to get you or say bogus crap are the ones who were shunned because they did something wrong and got caught...

"That's like telling a judge in court for drinking and driving and crashing into a house, its not my fault for driving drunk and crashing into a house; its the fault of Honda... They shouldn't have sold the car..."

To those who say its karma, you to may STFU; it is actually called vindictiveness which means someone did it deliberately... not to be confused with karma, which means when you do bad things, it will come back on you... Because Joe doesn't do bad things he does good and right things so karma has no effect...

Anonymous said...

Oh well, looks like your getting a taste of medicine long overdue.

Anonymous said...

McGuire does always write like that. He is an utter moron. How the hell the 70 people that voted for him can bare to live with themselves is beyond my comprehension.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 11:23 a.m.

In addition to this being about you, Joe, it angers me that anyone would do such a thing, period, but especially to a historic building.


Anonymous said...

poor, poor, you.

Anonymous said...

Make sure you get it cleaned up before teh city fines you for grafitti on your building.

Anonymous said...

Real men use their fist.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe, I know that there are many local companies who install security equipment that records day and night. I would install as soon as possible this type of equipment at your home for sure. I don't trust them and I would want documentation of any vehicles on your personal property. They do have the capability of recording at night too, which I would make sure before installing anything. I would want to protect your family as much as possible It's actually getting extremely disturbing the lengths that these people will through these day to be in the news. Please be safe. Have a Happy New Year. We will be looking forward to the upcoming year with Salisbury News.

Wayne said...

WOW, 21 posts. People are really worried about you. ! ROTFLMAO !!!

Anonymous said...

no wonder i have no friends in this area. who would want them? this place is pathetic and i can't wait to get out of here and get to a real town where people care about each other instead of threats and violence being at the top of their list. this is so pathetic it sickens me to the core. find a hobby you jerk offs, instead of getting new tags and spray painting the town....jillb

Anonymous said...

11:01 right you are

Anonymous said...

Well gee if you let those comments in maybe I have a chance.

Karma is indeed a sneaky thing and you DESERVE every little bit of it. Take the hint, you are not wanted in this town, LEAVE. Go back to New york or where ever you are from. These people don't hate you just for no reason, you bring it on yourself. You get everything coming to you whatever that may be.

Anonymous said...

Salisbury is full of pathetic people. I can't believe adults are doing this... It makes me ashamed to live here. Thank god I am not from here.

"that retarded family of yours" Honestly? Learn some respect loser.

Scott Gondal said...

Wow......are all involved still in 8th grade??...If you have a problem with Joe, stop by and see him....
I don't always agree with him, but I don't spray paint idiotic acronyms because of that. I've met Joe on a few different occasions, and he's always had the time to chat and give good wishes and a handshake....
Keep up the good work Joe, you do have suppport regardless of the weak-minded people who can't seem to grasp the idea of a civil society.

Anonymous said...

Whomever wrote those posts has got to be the dumbest SOB in America. It doesn't even make sense. I hope they don't have children, because there will be no hope for them to become educated or have a positive role model for a parent.

Anonymous said...

Time to take your medication!

Go get a Coke and a smile.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea. How about all of us who support Joe come down and help him clean the mess up this weekend. What a way to show "them" how much support Joe has!! Joe, you select the time and date and I'll be there for sure. Heck, I might even bring a cake!!

Anonymous said...

Mr .alberro,
You ca n dish it out but cry when ppl give it back to you .I dont feel badly for you . jasa=fuja=crybabie joe
go and move in md and leeve delmar .

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 3:14, Thank You very much. However, not to worry. A company has already been contacted and it will be chemically removed very soon. They make a special formula just for graffiti and there will be no trace. My Family is safe and that's more important then a little spray paint on a building.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 3:41, aka Tom McGuire, you pussy. Why aren't you man enough to use your name. The P:olice know how you write and I'm 100% confident that message is from you.

That being said Tom, when have you ever seen me deface someone's property? When have you ever seen me order custom tags defaming someone? It's never happened.

YOU have a Blog Tom, why not just stick to writing your hate there? Why deface a historic building and hide behind anonymous. Because you're a pussy, that's why. Notice my name on this comment Tom. I hide from no one. You messed up in a BIG way Tom McGuire and you're going to have to answer to the law. Not that you respect the law but for a man at your age to act like such a child ordering tags and perhaps defacing a building with spray paint, you need very serious mental help. Remember Tom, its only a building. Material things can be replaced. Children with cancer cannot.

Anonymous said...

I hope this is the lead story tonight on WMDT. With your offer of a $1,000.00 reward, whoever did this will be brought to justice. I can't believe that someone would deface your property when you do so much good for Salisbury. You help people with snow removal, give food to the needy and spend time away from your precious family to give to Salisbury. If we had more people like you Salisbury would be a better place.
Martha W.

Anonymous said...

I dealt with crap like this at my last job. Seems to be the cancer of Smallsbury. Immature jerks that bring everyone down, instead of working together to make an environment better. Then I began reading the blogs and was amazed at the disgusting attitudes of those that brag that they grew up here. This place is nothing but an embarrassing sinkhole of the shore. Ya'll are too stupid to realize that the only one you are making look like an ass are yourselves, not your target. I lie about where I live because I am too embarrassed to admit my locale. Whine, complain and bully seems to be the culture here.

Anonymous said...

I truly wonder if the people who did this are that dumb. You cannot hide your IP Address, and Joe isn't crying... He is setting you up. Every time you do something stupid, then come on his web site and brag he is getting a track record for court.

DAH! Here's your sign! LOL!

Greg B said...


Anonymous said...

Ok I have to chime in now! I am not from Salisbury or the eastern shore at all. I have been here for 6 years and I have to admit I was ready to move not longer after I bought my house because there were so many people that didn't want my family here because we are not from here. However, I stuck it out and rooted through the trash that speaks out so loudly to find the good hearted people that are all over the shore.

I know there are people that don't want us here beacuse we are "baltimorons" (even though I have NEVER lived in Baltimore!), F.B.I, westernshore idiots...etc. I am sure you have all heard the fun phrases used to describe people from the western part of MD. I was not born here, but I had no choice in where I was born. I do however have the choice to move to the eastern shore because I want my children to grow up appreciating hard work and to have morals and values that I instill in them. I made the choice to buy my first, and hopefully only, home on the shore and I make the choice to avoid the negative ignorant people and to appreciate the kind generous accepting people that surround me.

You may not like me for where I came from but rather than judging someone by where they are from or where they live how about judging them on the content of their character? The city and state listed on my birth certificate does not dictate the person that I am or what I stand for.

Every area has idiots, no matter where you are in the world, you cannot judge an area by the actions of a few but you must invest time and effort to make more people better people. That is how to take a town, city, state and country back.

Anonymous said...

Better watch your back Joe, McGuire has a concealed carry permit. Never know when a ticking time bomb will go off. MD State police need to check into him a little deeper maybe revoke that permit.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3:14 glad to here you can have it removed ,but if you ever need help with anything let us know ANNA

Anonymous said...

I dont care if someone doesn't care for Mr. Albero. What was done to his building is horrible. It is not Karma.

Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo Poor Joey

I have had a bunch of calls and emails from people asking me what happened to the post made by Archie on Joe's building being spray painted downtown. I will say the same thing I told Archie, Joe Albero has to make himself the victim to have people feel sorry for his plight of being such a fine outstanding and respected citizen in these parts that us 7 people that hate him will go to such terrible lengths to get him.

First someone so he claims leaves him a comment threatening to Rape Jennifer and Kill Gavin and now he claims someone tagged his building Downtown and the next step must be real violence toward him and his family. If anyone is actually doing these things to him just so you know that is illegal but honestly Joe when you have pissed off so many people and soooo many hate your freaking guts what do you expect to happen? people leave you flowers and thank you cards?

This community is sick of you and your family and I am sorry you stuck around this area so long that people finally figured out what an ass you are and these things are now happening to you if you aren't doing them yourself for attention that is. Next thing you know you will go shoot a hole in your garage and claim we are set up as snipers in the deer stands near your property all for some attention. You are so damn stupid the best way to have dealt with this is clean it off and never mention it then whoever did it would have gotten no satisfaction, but why would you do that you have to be seen as a victim

Jonathan Taylor

Rob said...

Wayne is an A%S, he needs a life also!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Having another melt down, chubby??????

Anonymous said...

At one time the city had security cameras in that area of the plaza. Check with the surrounding occupants and maybe someone has cameras like the doctor across the street. Someone knows something. Big Red had a birthday yesterday and might have been on a tear.

Anonymous said...

7 people is so many people?

If Joe wasn't around, who would you bully then?

Joe isn't from here but he has done more for this area than most if not all the people who have lived here their whole lives.

What have you and the other magnificent ones done?

You spend most of your time on the computer bashing Joe and anyone else you feel is better than you.

You are small little people who are consumed with hate and jealousy. You are to be pitied.

It seems you are trying to make names for yourselves at the expense of others. That simply will not work. Someday you will realize that.

People like you are an embarrassment to the good people of the shore. You were just not raised correctly. Sadly, there are many like you in this world.

No matter how much we avoid and ignore your type, unfortunately sooner or later we just can not escape and have to suffer your presence.

You seem intent on making fools of yourselves. We will continue to distance ourselves from your kind.

I don't even know why Joe allows your vile comments to be allowed. Just more of the moral cancer eating away at our country. Ugh.

LadyLiddy said...

Honestly people, are you kidding me? I'm embarrassed for any adult who feels the need to paint someone's property because they don't like that person. Get a grip! A little psych eval could go a long way.

Anonymous said...

4:26 amen.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that a person who is a sex offender from raping a 13 year old girl has the nerve to open up a candy store next to Food Lion on Snow Hill Rd. in Salisbury!

Anonymous said...

5:25 PM

Ain't that the truth. You would think someone close to them would intervene. Assuming of course they have someone close.

Anonymous said...

5:31 CANDY STORE? what the heck is that??

Anonymous said...

There are security camera's that can be watched via the internet. You can sit home and watch multiple screens of several properties if you like.

You can also sit home and make sure non of your employees have their hands in the till or stealing. On the spot busted.

Anonymous said...

JT, please speak for yourself. I am glad Joe came to Salisbury and called out people like you; Putting their info on the blogs, so all can see. Unlike you, Joe is a self made man; you are like you appear, lazy. Joe had the position to not be touchable by the powers to be here, meaning he didn’t need their money or their job. So he called them out. Joe made himself the vehicle of voice for so many people that were put down here. I am glad he moved here and I hope that so many more do move here. I was raised here and wish we double our population with educated and prospering people. Unfortunately this community still has it's blinders on and running things the "ole fashion" way. In a year or two Wicomico may be completely broke, because this community does not look forward, grow, and change with the times. Instead, you not from here, you not get business. It has to change, or I will still encourage all to move away from here and live in a safer, nicer place to live. Where adults act like adults. Have an opinion not a spray can. I do not agree with everything that Joe does or says, he has not posted some of my comments that are filled with facts and not the fiction that others are posting. However I do not know one person that I agree with totally, so it's normal. Do I go spray their house, their property; no I voice my side and respectfully listen to theirs.
So, final point, Joe glad you are here, thanks for the change that you have helped bring to this sloooooooooow changing area. I hope you still have you own cameras on your building like you did to catch the last guy.

Anonymous said...

Mark offender, seven teas candy store, 817 snow hill rd....might want to think twice about taking your kids!

Anonymous said...

Is this where the pity party is?? LMAO ! ! !

Mark C. said...

Joe, If you're so worried about the threat you received over an anonymous comment, why don't you just turn anonymous comments off? It'll keep the other bloggers who have nothing better to do from continuously posting comments it will keep people from posting as other people, and it will add some credibility to the comments. You're the only one who can lead everyone to keep some of these A*&holes from hiding behind these anonymous comments that are all over the local blogs. I don't have a blogger account to leave comments right now, but I will if you make it so you have to in order to say something.

Jack K Richards said...

I totally agree with Mark C. I cannot believe the very great amount of comments that are posted without names. Obviously there may be times that it would be detrimental to publish a name and you could ask the person to define the reason and if you feel that it would be appropriate, then do not name the poster. The Daily Times, years ago, had that policy and may still do so. I think that these people are enjoying all this chatting and maybe it would be best for you to turn this over to the authorites and go on with your busines.

Anonymous said...

Think about this Joe.....a tag is something that goes on the on a car = registration plates. BUT it is also slang for being marked.....when something has been painted on it is said to have been "tagged". I think that's what they meant when they said the "tags" will be in. They make small surveillance cams. I know I'd have then installed.

J. Rob said...

Joe you are too cheap/poor to afford video cameras for your property. Go back to DE, Bowie, Bronx, whereever. Real mafia men don't call the cops pussy.

J.T. said...

blah blah blah!

Anonymous said...

I don't know how a post got on here about Mark Dix the sex offender opening a candy store next to Food Lion but I am glad this was reported and I'll be checking into it. I saw this loser at Disney on Ice last year. My husband and I recognized him from the website. Sick. We should all picket the store w/pedophile signs.

Phil said...

Got your back Joe!! Just say the word, I'll be there for you! Nobody threatens a woman and child! Nobody!!

Anonymous said...

6:46: AMEN! Salisbury needs excactly that, more "EDUCATED and prospering people." This place is overcrowded with good ole boys who don't have a lick of sense when it comes to the fact that the world is changing. News flash people...this place has changed! All while they just sit around and let the city become an ugly ugly place. How can you expect positive change with backwoods rednecks like JT and TM?!

Joe: I, for one, am glad you're here. This place needs more people like you!!

Anonymous said...

I love you Joe..Kick some butt,,Put these a-holes in jail..They can enjoy each other there,,Dropping the soap...oh yea..