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Friday, November 05, 2010


Hebron has officially dismissed the appeal it filed in the Court of Special Appeals from the ruling of the Circuit Court for Wicomico County regarding approval of the mega-development, Waller Landing.  
Seven months ago, Hebron did as the Circuit Court Judge stated and held a re-do of its public hearing on Waller Landing--Hebron hadn't even done the basics of recording the first hearing!!!!! 
Hebron is truly an "Alice in Wonderland" world!
Stranger still is the fact that in all those months since Hebron got its act together and held a re-hearing, the Commissioners have failed to even vote on the matter.    Interestingly, the Waller developer has not kept its account current..............  
Hebron also has appealed the MDE penalties regarding its WWTP.  The decision states the fix for the problem was a component part, the cost of which was ONLY $50.00.  Seems Hebron can't win issues on the first go-round and is big on appealing.  That should be not so 'appealing' to Hebron taxpayers--are you paying attention to how your tax dollars are being spent and who's spending them?  Wake up.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't Hebron have two attorneys on the payroll to advise them?
Also, Planning Commission needs to consider reorganizing to seek pro-active leadership.

Anonymous said...

the two lawyers are always on some sort of quest for the trouble-makers outside of town limits that think they own the town. if they could get rid of these (mainly two) people, things would be alot smoother.

Anonymous said...

The County's new "Comprehensive Plan" will put the kibosh on the "Waller Landing" nonsense. Too bad that the Town of Hebron has spent so much of the taxpayers' money to assist that would-be developer from Wilmington.

Anonymous said...

What's happened to that guy with the cowboy boots who was shilling for the developer?

Anonymous said...

to 11:42 a.m---hey, you're funny. Those "outside of Town limit" folks won big time in Court against Hebron, hands down (and Hebron had two attorneys!) Guess that shows who really knows what's up!

"Outsiders" know lots of stuff........Hebron should have listened when they speak! Had Hebron done so, things would have been different. I hope the "outsiders" continue to speak Truth to Power.

Anonymous said...

And how 'bout this--Hebron taxpayers pay a consultant big bucks to come here on its WWTP problems. And all it needed for a fix was a $50 part? The penalty by MDE was thousands of dollars. So, Hebron taxpayers pay the consultant and then turn around and also pay the attorneys to appeal the MDE penalties. Oh,well, that's Hebron for ya'. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

11:42 it appears those "outsiders" know more than Hebron. Maybe Hebron should try listening to them. They might learn a thing or two; they seem to be quite intelligent and raise very good points.

Anonymous said...

The dude in pointy cowboy boots has not been seen in months. His side-kick has made himself very scarce too. Hebron officials sure didn't mind listening to those two "outsiders" drifting into town with their big-city plans! They were the ultimate "outsiders", not those folks whose who live just outside Hebron limits but whose lives and property would be so badly affected by Waller Landing. Hebron got a lesson they should not soon forget. Winners.