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Friday, November 05, 2010


WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Steele released the following statement today:

“This week, the American people went to the polls and delivered a clear message to Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress that near 10 percent unemployment and unsustainable debt is unacceptable.  Now facing 9.6% percent unemployment and continued economic uncertainty, it is time for this Administration to start working with Republicans to implement commonsense policies that will free small businesses from burdensome regulation, and help create jobs in the private sector. Americans are tired of the broken promises, shallow finger pointing, and shameless hypocrisy that they’ve seen from the Obama White House. For the last two years, the Republican Party listened to the American people and campaigned on principles of fiscal discipline, low taxes, and limited government.  Tuesday’s election was a referendum on the failed policies of the Obama Administration and a confirmation that America needs to head in a different direction.”


Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything good or bad about the new Salisbury Fire Chief? I heard that he was mean and humiliated an employee in front of his coworkers? What I have seen of him is not very impressive. He needs to go back to Virginia where he came from and take Ireton with him.

Anonymous said...

He seems to forget that we have a historically high unemployment rate during a decade of historically low federal taxes. Hmmmm.

Anonymous said...

You believe it's 9.6 for 3 months running? Not in a million years. Jobs created by the elections & purposeful unfactual reporting are keeping the figures lower than they are.