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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Man Voted Straight-Party Ticket And Got Opposite Results

A Craven County, NC voter says he had a near miss at the polls on Thursday when an electronic voting machine completed his straight-party ticket for the opposite of what he intended.

Sam Laughinghouse of New Bern said he pushed the button to vote Republican in all races, but the voting machine screen displayed a ballot with all Democrats checked. He cleared the screen and tried again with the same result, he said. Then he asked for and received help from election staff.

“They pushed it twice and the same thing happened,” Laughinghouse said. “That was four times in a row. The fifth time they pushed it and the Republicans came up and I voted.”

M. Ray Wood, Craven County Board of elections chairman, issued a written statement saying that the elections board is aware of isolated issues and that in each case the voter was able to cast his or her ballot as desired.

Chuck Tyson, chairman of Craven County GOP, remains skeptical. He has been communicating with Wood about the issue and was invited to a meeting Wednesday with state elections officials. There were no further details about that meeting.

“Something is not right here,” Tyson told the Sun Journal. He said he “got two or three calls” from people describing the same problem while they were voting.

“I’ll be matter of fact, I didn’t find that press release satisfactory,” Tyson said, referring to Wood’s written statement.

Tyson reported other problems as well, including long lines waiting for just two voting machines in Havelock, and machines reporting 250 ballots cast where 400 voters had signed in to vote.

More on this


Anonymous said...

haha told you it didn't matter who you voted for

Anonymous said...

Where is the outrage? This country has been so dumb ed down they don't even know what this means.

Orsonwells said...

Electronic voting presents too many possibilities of fraud, and I do not trust this method. Paper ballots can be counted electronically, and physically in case of a recount request.

Electronic data can disappear in an instant and never be recovered.

Anonymous said...

exactly 1110am, the media is awfully quiet on this. me thinks we need an open ballot and do away with this secrecy.

Anonymous said...

We are done for as a free society.

Anonymous said...

11:16 AM

So we can have kooks like Seth knocking on doors asking why they didn't vote for him? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

I guess thats one way for the democrats to win.OMG we are doomed !

Anonymous said...

11:16 the media is only quiet to dummies like you who only get their news from Hannity et al. Every election cycle over the past couple of years has sparked plenty of complaints, showcased on the news, of these machines messing up

Anonymous said...

It's just a scam perpetrated by THE MAN to keep a brotha down.

Anonymous said...

My sister and her family live in New Bern, they had the same complaints about the wrong party coming up on the screen. In her husband's case he got so aggrivated with it he walked out but first told the woman who had originally gave him his card a few words since no one was able to figure out the problem. He had to get back to work.

Anonymous said...

For the life of me I can't understand why ANYONE would support the Democrat party when it is so BLATANTLY crooked! Every election we have these same stories and they are always involving trickery and hinky voting by dead people, etc. from the Democrats. Can anyone ever remember a case of voting fraud by the Republicans? I'm not saying that the Republicans are squeaky clean...I just don't ever remember them being involved with out and out voter fraud.

Anonymous said...

11:51 Hannity is an opinion show not news you idiot! Maybe if you watched a more fair and balanced news outlet you might have the intelligence to know the difference!

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of thing that would make a Patriot pick up his gun and shoot a couple of these extremists!

Anonymous said...

its funny though, the complaints you hear about are the ones like votes just showing up for al franken, or your friends at acorn registering whoever or whatever or the black panthers blocking voters. i am sure that if their were complaint of the tea party folks manipulating machines or votes you would be going nuts. what this country is sick and tired of is progressives trying to steal elections. here we go again. there is no reason that with today's technology that there should be anything wrong with voting machines unless it is intentional

Anonymous said...

What happens is that when you touch the screen to select "English" as your language, it immediately goes to the next screen where you select your candidate. But the old button that said "English" is very close to where the new button that votes for candidates appears.

So if you are slow to remove your finger from the "English" button, your finger is already on the 'vote for candidate button', resulting in what the slow voter thinks is a default vote.

This is:

1. A bad GUI design. Grade D- in my opinion for putting the touch buttons so close and keeping the touch time too short/sensitive.

2. A bad tester, if they did any. Grade F. I mean really, was this that hard to catch?

3. Reminds me of moronic and illegal paper 'butterfly ballot' used in Florida not that long ago. Can't we get competent people to design these things?

George Bradford said...

And this is the flaw of touch screens.
Even if the code was public and audit-able, if the touch screen is not calibrated correctly, it is not going to work correctly.
This is why opto scan/scan tron type ballots are the best. They leave a physical record and allow you to have the results instantly.
They also reject the ballot on the spot if something cannot be read correctly or a choice was not filled in. So stupid voters get a second change to fix their mistake and poll workers only have to specifically help those that cannot fill in a circle.

Anonymous said...

Don't you wonder why the electronic voting machines do not have paper trails?

ATM's have paper trail.

Why can't our voting machine produce one?

They are designed to NOT PRODUCE A RECEIPT. There is no possiblity of election audits.

This is done on purpose

Anonymous said...

12:47, my point exactly, yet so many of you take everything these guys say as the gospel truth.

sorry 12:53, I call out both sides for the wrong. The problem with our country is that loonies from both sides are selectively outraged.

Anonymous said...

So when the ballot box, our last option for peaceful redress, is found to be corrupt, where do we turn. When the judges and courts refuse to address these issues, where do we find relief. This means that our votes don't count. What options are left? 3% of the population knew what to do 235 years ago. This is just another incident in the "long train of abuses and usurpations" saga. Time is short boys and girls. I fear action will soon be necessary to stop these abuses lest we lose our freedom forever. Once we lose it we will never regain it. How much longer shall we stand by and let all that our forefathers fought for whither and die as so many oak leaves as winter approaches. If we let the socialists remain in power, all hope is lost for our republic. Long live the Constitution!

Anonymous said...

3:29 If your not outraged by illegal voting methods you are not an American you are a Marxist!