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Friday, October 08, 2010

IDF Will Use Dogs In Future Flotilla Interceptions

The IDF’s Oketz canine unit will be used to assist soldiers in boarding Gaza-bound ships during future interceptions, a military source said on Thursday.

The decision followed intensive deliberations by military chiefs on how to improve boarding techniques following the bloody confrontation on board the Mavi Marmara ship on May 31, in which navy commandos were stabbed and beaten, and nine Turkish activists were killed.

Boarding the ships has been identified by military planners as the most problematic stage in aid-ship interceptions, and the Oketz unit is seen as a promising solution.

Video footage provided by the IDF of the Mavi Marmara raid shows naval commandos being assaulted by multiple attackers immediately after descending from a helicopter.

In future operations, specially trained dogs will be placed on the ships first to ensure that naval commandos can safely board.

The incorporation of the canine unit will require dog trainers and their animals to train together with the commandos.

Oketz operates under the command of the IDF’s General Staff, and trains dogs to take part in counterterrorism missions, search and rescue tasks, and other specialized activities.
More from the Jerusalem Post


Anonymous said...

Flotilla Occupants:

The next time IDF shoots at you from helicopters and then descend ropes with fully automatic weapons blazing on you . . . do NOT attack them with bottles and sticks.

You might get hurt (or killed).

Also, stop trying to help the people of Gaza. They are set to be exterminated like so many bugs in a basement. Allow the Israelis to kill them systematically with White Phosphorus Bombs, cluster bombs, and rockets carrying depleted uranium projectiles.

It is the job of the Israeli military to kill the residents of Gaza. It is your job to pray for them.

Got it? Any questions?

Anonymous said...

So besides machine guns and clubs, they're adding attack dogs to their arsenals? BRILLIANT!

That will make the day go so much better!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely HATE what our Country (the Country of my birth) has become. It is a military dictatorship and we no longer have any freedoms. Our government owns our time, labor and bodies. They even tax our space (homes). They secretly spy on us.

But, I am soooooo glad I was not born in Gaza