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Friday, October 08, 2010

Here's Where We Stand On Candidate Interviews

First let me start by thanking all of you for your patience recently. I have been doing my very best to deliver you Posts of interest while spending a good part of each day interviewing political candidates.

My days start at 5:00 AM, pre posting articles throughout the morning up until 10:00 AM. After 5 hours of working on posts I'm then able to get ready for the day and head down to 300 W. Main Street, (SBYNews Headquarters) to start interviewing candidates. Those interviews last up until 3:00, (at least) and then I head home to spend a couple of hours with our Grandson. Believe it or not, I'm usually off to the races once again around 6 PM and get home around 11:00 PM. So these are very long days for me and quite frankly I can't wait until the interviews are over.

While we thought we'd try to keep these interviews as brief as possible, the shortest one is over 16 minutes long and so far the longest one is actually around 45 minutes. Sine we scheduled each candidate every 30 minutes, the line started getting pretty long while candidates fortunately remained patient and we have been able to complete each and every one of them.

There have been no cancellations and quite frankly we have received more calls than we had actually expected. So much so, we're actually starting to make appointments for next week, Monday is already completely booked.

Here's what I can tell you. Mr. Cowell thinks we need him, he is mistaken. In fact, after speaking directly with him the other night, I actually told him that I hoped he'd win this election. He stopped, looked at me with a surprise on his face and I continued, oh yeah, I'm going to have a LOT of fun with you for the next 4 years.

Seth Mitchell is on the fence with an interview. He told me the other night that since I had already shown support for Maciarello, what's the point. He was pretty snotty when he made that remark. I replied, Joe Albero does not even vote in Maryland. While it is no secret I support Matt, we have proven to deliver fair and balanced interviews and I would guarantee the same for ANY candidate.

Mike Calpino has refused to answer any of our messages. We have not heard a word from Frank Kratovil. Have you? Other than that, we have a verbal promise from Matt Maciarello but we have yet to be able to set in stone a time and date. Joe Ollinger says he absolutely will not do an interview.

I will tell you this Folks. I do have at least TWO interviews none of you will be expecting. One before the general election and one immediately following.

As far as the interviews we have completed, Folks, they continue to get better and better. I know it's not easy to find a half hour to sit back and watch these videos. However, some of them are just unbelievable. Rick Pollitt, Addie Echardt, man, wait until those pop up! In fact, I may put Rick Pollitt's up tonight so everyone has the weekend to review it.

Someone made a comment earlier that stated they're being patient knowing I'm busy with politics right now but they understand and look forward to us getting back to normal right after Nov. 2nd. If this helps any, I should be back to normal just as soon as we complete these interviews. I will assure you I'll be back to more local news and information. Remember, this is a one man show up against others that have up to 100 people working for them.

I thank you for your patience and I truly hope these interviews help you to become better informed while considering your vote towards the best candidates that meet your wants and needs.


Anonymous said...

Mitchell has ALWAYS been snotty and rude. That's why everyone hattes him.

Anonymous said...

Joe, No matter what THANK YOU for your efforts. We appreciate you asking the tough questions and interviewing the candidates. It's nice to see them in a different forum other than the negative ads that our on t.v. I like to know what the candidates are bringing to the table instead of a 30 second blip going after the other candidate. It's ridiculous. After this, please do your family a favor and take a well deserved break. Go away for the weekend. Also THANK YOUR FAMILY for putting up with our intrusion once again into your lives. Again we thank you. Sincerely Beth

Anonymous said...

Like I said in an earlier post......David Cowall is rude and arrogant and I couldn't stand working with him as a Dr and I still can't stand him. And he is for removing the tax cap along with Pollitt.

Anonymous said...

I definately DO NOT want Rick Pollitt for another term however, Joe Ollinger is really making me wonder with his behavior. I think Ollinger has it right now but withhis refusal to be interviewed and his attitude lately he is gonna push people right over to Pollitt. He needs to win people over not push them away. Think about it Joe Ollinger!!Don't lose it now with your behavior.

Anonymous said...

Seth is worried you'd ask him, on what terms did he leave the Public Defenders office.