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Friday, October 08, 2010

Charitable Donations

Interesting, ever wonder where that donation money goes?

Keep these facts in mind when "donating". As you open your pockets for yet another natural disaster, keep the following facts in mind; we have listed them from the highest (worse paid offender) to the lowest  (least paid offender).

The worst offender was yet again for the 11th year in a row is, UNICEF - CEO, receives $1,200,000 per year, (plus use of a Royal Royce for his use where ever he goes, and an expense account that is rumoured to be well over $150,000.) Only pennies from the actual donations goes to the UNICEF  cause (less than $0.14 per dollar of income).

The second worst offender this year is Marsha J. Evans, President and CEO of the American Red Cross...for her salary for the year ending in 2009 was $651,957 plus expenses. Enjoys 6 weeks - fully paid holidays including all related expenses during the holiday trip for her and her husband and kids. including 100% fully paid health & dental plan for her and her family, for life. This means out of every dollar they bring in, about $0.39 goes  to related charity causes.

The third worst offender was again for the 7th time was, Brian Gallagher, President of the United Way receives a $375,000 base salary ( U.S. funds), plus so many numerous expense benefits it's hard to keep track as to what it is all worth, including a fully paid lifetime membership for 2 golf courses ( 1 in Canada , and 1 in the U.S.A. ), 2 luxury vehicles, a yacht club membership,  3 major company gold credit cards for his personal expenses...and so on. This equates to about $0.51 per dollar of income goes to charity causes.

Fourth worst offender who was also again in the fourth spot, for every year since this information has been made available from the start 1998 is amazingly yet again, World Vision President ( Canada ) receives $300,000 base salary, (plus supplied - a home valued in the $700,000 - $800,000 dollar value range, completely furnished, completely paid all housing expenses, including taxes, water/sewer, telephone/fax, HD/high speed cable, weekly maid service and pool/yard maintenance, fully paid private schooling for his children, upscale automobile and an $55,000 personal expense account for clothing/food, with a $125,000 business expense account). Get this, because it is a "religious based" charity, it pays, little to no taxes, can
receive government assistance and does not have to declare were the money goes. Only about $0.52 of earned income per dollar is available for charity causes.

Of the sixty some odd "charities" we looked at, the lowest paid (President/C.E.O/Commissioner) was heading up a charity group right here in Canada . We found, believe it or not, it was......

Ready for this... I think you might be surprised... It is, none other than...

The Salvation Army's Commissioner Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing) for managing this $2 Billion dollar organization. Which means about $0.93 per dollar earned, is readily available and goes back out to local charity causes...truly amazing and well done "Sally Anne"

No further comment is necessary..."Think Twice" before you give to your Charity of choice as to which one really does the best for the most - or the least for the most, for that matter.


Anonymous said...

thanks I will only give to the salvation army

Anonymous said...

Also , you may want to look into your local fire dept. expenditures.
These books are public information , just see how difficult it is to see the books.

Anonymous said...

And Joe gives 100% of his money collected from advertizers.Thank you

Anonymous said...

My family and I look forward to volunteering every year for the Red Kettle Drive. It's become a family tradition for us. Salvation Army hands down gets my donation of my time and my $$$!

Anonymous said...

PRMC practically forces employees to give to United Way--they arrange to take it out of you paycheck. Well this sucker ain't doing it.

Anonymous said...

I would love to see the incomes of the susan Komen foundation as well--the hpe for "PINK" everything is pervasive in our culture--have the mortality rates from Breast cancer improved since this propaganda movement?

Anonymous said...

The numbers for the local United Way are worse than reported here. Even less of your dollar actually makes it to the charities!
Give directly folks, not through a clearing house organization!

Anonymous said...

This is the kind of reporting that hurts our local charities' efforts. Our local Red Cross workers operate on bare bones and do excellent work. Maybe you should ask them how much of your dollars stay local before you condemn them all.

lmclain said...

The Red Cross is, without question and beyond any doubt, a rip-off scam. A joke on their contibutors. The police will arrest you for asking for gas money in a flim-flam scam, but the Red Cross gets away with the same type of scam, only on a MUCH grander scale, as evidenced by this article. They will sqirm and try to spin it in a hundred different ways (look at our LOCAL efforts!!), but the fact remains....they are legalized criminals.

Anonymous said...

Ok, 10:55, what did the Red Cross deny you? You obviously have a personal beef. I am thankful for our local chapter; they helped my family when we lost everything in a fire. I can't say enough positive about them.

lmclain said...

read the article, 11:03. Get back to me on it. If a murderer shoots your family, then SPARES YOU, are you going to sing his praises and talk about how wonderful he is? LOL.

Reconciled1 said...

There are several good local charities to give to as well where they directly affect our community. I'm glad you put this info out there for everyone to see.
Remember the old saying.. absolute power corrupts absolutely. The S.A. has kept people top priority and held to the Christian principles they were founded on.

Anonymous said...

Listen, 11: 32,aka dimwit. The article talks about the NATIONAL Red Cross. I'm talking about the local folks. And again, I ask you, what did they do to you that you need to call them criminals, even murderers? If you want to make an analogy, at least use something that pertains to the issue at hand. LOL right back at you. If you can't share first hand information based on your own actual experience, maybe you should be quiet until you get some facts - again, in case you missed it the first two times I said it - about the LOCAL Red Cross.

Anonymous said...

Whatsamatta, Imclain, did you have to do your community service at the red cross? Wonder if my verification word - hasol- refers to you?

Anonymous said...

Skip the big ones and donate to small local charities.Seton Center in Princess Anne is a good one,as is any Lions Club.

Anonymous said...

The local United Way is out of control. They - mainly Kathleen the director - won't allow member agencies to fundraise for themselves during the UW Campaign. So, from Sept 1 to November 15 - they have to sit on their hands during the most generous time of the year for giving. She is afraid that people can't distinguish between payroll deduction and sponsoring or buying tickets to events.

The Board wants the Black Out period gone - she won't allow it. Check around the country and see what is happening. Is this United Way truly doing what is in the best interest of the community? Do you really believe that 100% of the funds they raise stay here? Almost EVERY national charity has to give SOME amount to their national office to help sustain it.

Have you seen the UW offices - they are VERY plush compared to most charities in town. The article about the CEO's perks is just one example.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid much of this information is incorrect, and this post and a related e-mail is making the rounds. We need to consider salaries at sharities, as well as other expenses, but let's make sure the information we're considering is factual. For example, the World Vision statistic is wrong--the president's salary is nothing like that, and they've posted details on their website responding this information. (I'm a donor, and so I wanted to check this out.)

We need to make informed decisions about giving and to whom, so let's get the correct information to make a good choice.