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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Law Enforcement Group: Legalize Pot So Cops Have Time To Fight Real Crime

In November, California voters will have their say on Proposition 19, which would make it legal to grow, possess and use up to an ounce of marijuana for personal use. And as that decision day draws near, a group of law enforcement insiders has come out in support of the proposition, saying it would free up the police to focus its efforts on more serious crimes.

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Anonymous said...

yes. finally. there is no more ridiculous a law in our land.

blaze on!

Anonymous said...

nothing better than creating more non result oriented work for tax payers to have to burden

Anonymous said...

it would be a great thing to legalize mary jane, but they cant. they wont be able to make any money on it. most people can grow their own plant. what you do in your house would be your business. the government than could not regulate it, therefore couldnt tax you. by keeping it illegal, they stand to make more money. not only will they collect fines and court costs, but they will continue to receive bribes and kickbacks from the drug lords down south.

lmclain said...

You mean the police are now just realizing that pot is NOT a "gateway" drug, its NOT an addictive drug (like heroin, cigarettes, and alcohol), it WON"T turn you into a werewolf or make you a violent/abusive spouse, and that giving someone a criminal record for life for smoking a joint is a LITTLE bit crazy. AND that BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars are WASTED on police, probation ofiicers, drug testing, prisons and jails....for the sole purpose of stopping people from smoking marijuana??? Here's a CANNOT stop people from smoking pot. EVER. Not with propaganda, laws, or scare tactics. Go concentrate on some REAL crime.

Anonymous said...

better yet, leaglize speeding so the cops around here will have more time to fight "real" crime.

Anonymous said...

dont speak for all of us, i know a lot of productive heads. a lot. in fact, the doctors you visit, the dentists you visit, some of the teachers teaching your kids, some of the highest paid atty's in the area.

i know more worthless drunks, than worthless pot heads.

open your mind, you will see.

lmclain said...

Speeders actually do KILL people (at high rates of speed, NOT 57 in a 50), but I have NEVER seen ANYONE smoke a joint and start a fight, beat their wives or assault a police officer....more like go to McDonalds, get a shake and do some laughing. No one injects marijuana and there is no such thing as an "overdose" on doesn't (in any strength) cause hallucinations. I wish you paranoid, fall-for-whatever-the-government says people would think for yourself and realize that drug convictions make up the large majority of the populations of our jails and prisons. Over a MILDLY euphoric plant. Obama is the savior of mankind, Muslims are peace loving people, the check is in the mail, and pot is a really really really dangerous drug. The reason this debate is taking place now is because all of the people (including Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, plus a HOST of Senators, Representatives, judges, attorneys, doctors, architects, etc) grew up in the 60's and 70's and SMOKED POT. They KNOW it ain't no big deal... and now they are in the lesson MUST be --- smoke weed and become rich and successful???

Anonymous said...

That's all we need to dumb down the population even more.

lmclain said...

5:58...I guess you missed my last post...the last three presidents have ADMITTED using pot...another guy you may have heard of, John F. Kennedy, has been named by friends and associates as an occasional pot smoker. Although he probably (one never knows for sure) didn't smoke it, Jimmy Carter (not a great president, but smarter than you and me put together--- a nuclear sub comander under Rickover) advocated its decriminalization. Arnold Swartzeneggar admitted smoking it (& liking it) ON FILM. And, as a prior poster said, doctors, dentists, lawyers, COPS, etc, in THIS town (I know this for SURE) smoke pot. MILLION AND MILLIONS of Americans smoke it and never say a word...YOU very likely work with someone who smokes it. Plenty of people you would NEVER suspect, go home at night and take a couple of hits....teachers, prison guards, cops, judges, school superintendents... It doesn't make anyone stupid that already isn't stupid. The REAL stupid people are the ones who don't know what they are talking about, but still do a lot of talking. They usually just talk the propaganda lines the government puts in their mouth...they don't know any better and don't seem to be able to separate fact from myth, lies, & propaganda. I guess it's easier for them that way...less critical thinking...maybe its the alcohol and cigarettes clouding their thinking skills. But the facts of the original story are the same --- COPS are coming out to admit it AIN'T worth their time or effort. Spin THAT.