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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Barry Goldwater Jr.: GOP Establishment Should 'Shut Up' Over O'Donnell

Former California Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr. says establishment Republicans who are bitter over the stunning success of tea party conservatives this primary season "ought to keep their mouth shut and just take a look at what's going on in this country."

In an exclusive Newsmax.TV interview Goldwater, the son of the Republican icon whose presidential campaign in 1964 revitalized the American conservative movement, said the Republican Party is now undergoing a full-fledged realignment.

"No more of this middle of the road, no more of these moderates. The American people, and in the Republican Party, want to be redefined as solid conservative," he said.

Goldwater said tea party activists are actually fighting for many of the same principles his father stood for: smaller government and lower taxes.

"Reminds me a lot of the conservative movement in 1960 and 1964,” Goldwater said. “It is an effort by people who are sick and tired of the country moving to the left."

More on this


Anonymous said...

Sorry, Junior. This ain't nuthin like the conservative movement your father was a main part of.

He's rolling in his grave at the sick intolerance of the so-called conservatives today. That's what people see instead of the principles you say your dad stood for (and he did).

This radical nonsense from loonies is killing off the real stuff.

Sign me,
A TRUE Goldwater Conservative and Proud of It!

Anonymous said...

Since when did "middle of the road" become a bad thing? How do we expect to accomplish anything without cooperation? THIS is where the real problems lie! Lunatics!

Anonymous said...

Coming from the same bunch that locked the Republicans out of the conference rooms while they wrote 2000+ page socialist takeover bills?
Right on, dude.
How do we expect to accomplish anything without cooperation?

Anonymous said...

How is one a hypocrite if you think both sides need to cooperate? Listen,"dude", get over yourself, grow up and learn to work together.

Anonymous said...

Right on 2:32. Last I checked, man was definetly a fallible being. Neither side has it right all the time. You yahoos on the far right and left are tearing us apart. All we are getting is alternate pushes from the left or the right, and each time either side comes up with half-baked policy solutions based on half-truths and conjecture. The opposition won't argue the facts, simply feed their beasts more red meat in preparation for the next cycle of power.

Anonymous said...

Prime example:

Conservatives, low taxes are great. But what exactly do you intend to cut in order to keep us from going deeper in debt than we did with TARP and the stiumulus combined?

Dems, when are you going to take a hard look at the way many social programs are administered and admit that many, although well-intentioned, just plain DON'T work?

This is the mind of an independent. The mind of somone who weighs facts instead of soaking up anything that sounds like it could be true.