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Monday, August 09, 2010

A Letter To The Editor

Recently, candidates for state office were given the opportunity to interview with Several questions addressed taxes. The responses were revealing.

Delegate Norm Conway, D-38B, and Mayor Gee Williams, a Democratic candidate for the district, are not in favor of seeing taxes lowered on Marylanders. They desire no change in the sales tax (recently raised by 20 percent), no change in the millionaire's tax (a recent income tax increase) and no change in Maryland's corporate taxes (highest in the region).

The liberal, progressive agenda believes in government. They believe government knows best. They approach taxes from the perspective that your take-home pay is what government allows you to keep. Kings and royals behave as such.

O'Malley's tax policies, supported by Conway and Williams, are abject failures. The millionaire's tax was supposed to produce hundreds of millions in additional revenue. It resulted in a loss of revenue as those affected merely voted with their feet.

Every sales tax increase in Maryland raises revenues only for Delaware and Virginia, yet this is lost on government bureaucrats who have seemingly no knowledge of free-market principles.

When cigarette tax revenues drop in Maryland, they believe it is because folks have stopped smoking and proclaim it a "victory," while sales increase in neighboring states. What folly.

The path to freedom and prosperity is paved with reduced government spending and lower taxes. The current tail on Maryland's kite is a lead ball and chain. She wants to soar -- let's cut her loose in November.

Mike McDermott

Pocomoke City

Editors Note: The Daily Times did not create an on line link to Salisbury News, (as usual) and in fact broke up the address so if someone wanted to copy and paste it to see what was up, the link wouldn't work. Again, Salisbury News always links directly to their story if we happen to provide one from them. Very unprofessional Daily Times. You'll use any trick in the book.

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