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Monday, August 09, 2010

Incident At The Mall Yesterday

Hi Joe,

"Today I took one of our daughters to the Mall to get school clothes. We parked at Macy's, the side across from the Food Court. I parked the car and as we were walking to the doors I noticed a bumper sticker I liked and saw a woman standing with the front door open smoking. I commented on the sticker and she went on to tell me how she had 8 dogs and was trying to get rid of 3 of them. I told her that we already had 2 and that we weren't interested. That was the end of the conversation.

My daughter and I came out of the mall around 4:15 and noticed the car was still there. The dogs were angry and barking a lot. Of course they were, they were locked in a sweltering car for hours on end!!!

I called the police and reported her. Gave her license plate #, make and model of the car and where she was parked. The officer on the phone said that he would send someone as soon as they had someone to send. I didn't stay until the police got there because I was in a rush to get home. There were 2 other ladies that witnessed this too and they stayed and called Mall security.

Shortly after arriving home I got a call from an officer asking if I would come back up to the mall and talk to them. When I arrived back to the parking lot, I was asked a series of questions and noticed what looked like chaos. There were quite a few people around the car, 2 people sitting on the curb in hand cuffs and the looks on everyone's / the officers faces were sad. It was heart breaking to see and hear those poor dogs in their condition. It was HOT today! We were sweating just standing there talking and those poor dogs were locked in a car for hours upon hours! How cruel can one be? This is sickening to me and I hope that the owners get what they deserve!

An officer called me a while ago to update me. It was over 105 degrees in that car!!! They were left in there to dye in my eyes! This is just awful!!! I won't get into the detailed report that I got, but it's not pretty. Those poor dogs are suffering because of their owners stupidity!!!

I am happy that I could help, but saddened to hear that one of the dogs didn't make it. I just do not understand some people. It was a sad, sad situation...

I will be supined to court and will gladly go and testify against those MONSTERS!!!!!

I know that you too, have witnessed things like this and wanted to share my story. One last thing before closing...


Have a good night and give your pets some extra love tonight."


Anonymous said...

How tragic!!! Let's get their names out there so they can know everyone knows what a jerk they are.

Anonymous said...

Thank-you for taking action and calling the police.

I wonder if Mall Security is allowed to break-in or open the vehicle if the police can not arrive right away, or any store security for that matter?

Anonymous said...

How horrible! Some people just shouldn't own pets. There are other ways then what they did. The Humane Society would have taken those dogs off of their hands. No need to torture them in a sweltering hot car. There should be harsher penalties for people who abuse their pets. Pet give unconditional love and ask nothing more then to be properly taken care of.

Anonymous said...



Cathy said...

@9:58 - mall security isn't allowed to do ANYTHING! I know of a store who had a shoplifter a few weeks ago. the employee followed the shoplifter out of the store to look for a security guard - there happened to be one very close. the employee confronted the thief, who proceeded to argue but eventually gave the merchandise back and when asked by the employee if he was going to detain the thief, the security guard replied "i can call the cops but that's all i can do!"

mall security is somewhat of a joke. have you seen some of those people who work security? you have extremely overweight older men & some younger women who look like they MIGHT weigh 100lbs soaking wet.

Anonymous said...

the animal control guys on the SPD take their jobs very seriously they go out of their way to get to the court dates for offenders like this and make sure they get jail time
you wouldn't believe what find people doing to animals

Anonymous said...

In a case like this, SPD should have paged animal control right away, even though they do not technically work weekends. The AC officers are very clear about that - they get highly ticked off if dispatch refuses to call them for emergencies.

Good job to all involved (except the owner - they need to be locked in their own car for at least as long as the dogs were.)

Anonymous said...

I say we tie up the owner and stick her in the car today with the windows up.

jf said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

OMG What stupid jackasses..I love my dogs as if they were my own children,They are treated better than most children..What is the problem of these sick mental people..Lock them up in a hot car .Let them suffer too..So sad my heart breaks for these poor animals...

Astonesthrow said...

The 5 dogs were taken to The Humane Society. I was told that officers were going to their house to get the other dogs as well.

Thanks Joe, for posting this.

Anonymous said...

When you research how long it takes for an animal to die in a car in 85 degree heat ----you find they can die in 30 min.because the inside of the car reaches over 100degrees!! --- even an animal who survives can have damage to the brain.

I was told by someone attending the Rabies Clinic at the Humane Society, a man had several dogs to get shots & because they were large & somewhat agressive, he'd kept other dogs in the car awaiting their turn in line . The line was long, the temps were HOT! He took 2 dogs in for shots, put them bk in his truck, got more & went to the back of the line again!!!!!!!

I know if I ever came upon a dog locked in a car in heat over 85 degrees ----If help wasn't there within 20 min. I would break the glass to get them out!! Yes, I know I would then be in trouble, but I could not stand to think I could have saved an animal, rather then let it die in front of me!!!

More than likely the judge will throw this case out-----Why they do this---I have no idea. If you check on how many animal cruelty cases are thrown out----You will be amazed!

Please stand up for "the ones who have no voice!" Don't leave the site untill you know they have been helped!!! EW

Astonesthrow said...

12:10... If the "Don't leave the site until you know they have been helped." Was directed at me...

I had no choice, I had to leave and get home. There were other witnesses who stayed and called Mall security. Security stayed with the dogs until the police arrived.

I would hope that this case won't get thrown out. They each have 18 counts against them and one of the dogs died! The temp inside the car was 105!!! I didn't sleep well thinking about those poor dogs. So very sad...

Chimera said...

Thats awful!!!I am sorry to hear that.Another problem on the Shore is dog fighting.Yes I said it.It isnt just in Delaware or big cities its happening in every slummy neighborhood on the shore.I wish that authorities could do more to punish these people besides a slap on the wrist.

Anonymous said...

Please provide the name of this person. They deserve some very special treatment because of this.

Anonymous said...

Astonesthrow -
Thank you. In 3 hours time, how many people walked by and did nothing. Thank you for stepping up, getting involved and saving the lives of these poor dogs.