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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Half Of Democrats Favor Punishing Soldiers Who Oppose Homosexuality, Survey Finds

A nationwide survey of 1,000 likely voters found that 59 percent of Democrats think that members of Congress should consider the opinions of homosexual advocacy groups over the opinions of top military commanders when considering a repeal of the law prohibiting homosexuality in the military.

The survey also showed that half of Democrats support penalizing soldiers opposed to homosexuality, including those who oppose it for religious reasons.

“Americans understand that the current push for sexual minorities in the military is motivated by politics, not principle,” Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, said in a statement about the poll results on Tuesday.

More on this


Anonymous said...

"sexual minorities" Ha. What will they think up next.

Face it LGBT community, most of us don't care what you are doing in the privacy of your own bedroom. What we don't want is for you fairies gallavanting all over the public street corner, kissin in public, or otherwise you tellin us how a man wanting to be a woman is ok. It wasn't ok on the playground as a kid, still not ok today. So live your life but know that the majority does not approve; act accordingly.

Anonymous said...

It's biblically wrong - aside from the fact that biologically, them plumbing ain't designed to work that way.

Meanwhile, don't force your LGBT views on me....or your Democrat views either!

Anonymous said...

I wonder what goes on (or doesnt go on) in the bedrooms of the two posters above that makes them so bitter and willing to judge...

Anonymous said...

The Zionists want to destroy our culture and our morals. They have orchestrated the de-masculization of American men. They control Hollywood and the television media. It is now cool to be a sodomite. Playing is another man's fecal matter is considered normal now.

Any efforts to educate your children differently will also be met with attacks from the liberal media and education agenda

Anonymous said...

You may be a sodomite or you may simply not understand the meaning of a moral lifestyle. You may be a Satan loving witch for all I know.
But the other commenters are expressing NORMAL thoughts on this behavior disorder you liberals want to call gayness or homosexuality.
Normal is when a man and woman behave intimately in the privacy of their abode. Normal is when men do not touch fecal matter. Normal is speaking clearly to others about immorality and perverted sexual acts. Normal means a person becomes offended by the expression of beastiality or unatural acts of human intecourse.

What is NOT normal is engaging in unclean and insane acts or behaviors with members of the same sex. That used to be a given in our society - before the satanists and demon possessed idealogues began their mind control campaigns against everything NORMAL in life.

Don't do it in front of us and don't tell us about it. Otherwise it will not be an issue. But if you want us to RECOGNIZE you or give you some special status because you have BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS then forget about it.

You are disgusting. Period. We don't want you around our children.

Got it?

Now get back under your covers of darkness or in some damp closet where you belong - you perverted sons of satan.

Anonymous said...

2:39 Thou protest too much. It is always the one yelling the loudest that gets caught in the act.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. Intense!

I have not seen the obvious stated so clearly before and it is quite thrilling to read the comments of a normal thinking person for a change.

We are always put on the defensive for being normal and moral. Our country is in a serious moral decay. The Hollywood types, the news media anchors, and the politicians are mostly gay (perverted) and therefore our experience in life now seems so twisted and unatural. I have been thinking for a long time how to defend the normal point of view.

Well you told them for me, and for a lot of us out here who feel exactly the way you do. I just didn't have the words to express it.

Thank you

And for the weird out there . . . stay away from us! Leave us and our children alone. Stop asking for special recognition because YOU are the ones with the problem.

Anonymous said...

2:39 and 3:07 the same person? Your writing and structure are exactly the same.

Anonymous said...

who has time to worry about what kinda sex people are having if that worried me id be repulsed 99% of the time living on the shore