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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Frank Kratovil


Frank showed up to a seminar at the Chamber of Commerce for veterans who are interested in starting their own business. He gave a little speech in the beginning and quickly left. He was spouting off about how many amendments he's included in bills since he's been in office in support of veterans, but when specifically asked which ones. he stuttered and lost his composure saying "well so many get voted on it's hard to keep track of which ones pass and which ones don't"......what a butt hole! It was about that time a veteran came in wearing an Andy Harris 2010 shirt, very poetic.


Anonymous said...

I am all for new business startups and fully support any aid to veterans in starting new businesses. Having said that, I have to wonder why anyone would start a new business in Maryland, known to be unfriendly to small businesses and why would anyone start a new business now, in this economy. Long time, well established businesses are struggling to keep their doors open and people employed. Opening a new business in this economy will not stimulate the economy nor will it create jobs as the politicians would have you believe. How can a business maintain employees, pay all the fees and taxes imposed by the state, counties and cities and be profitable when people are not spending money? The only thing this program does is increase the number of business licenses sold to give the appearance of a recovering economy. It's all smoke and mirrors to make some politicians look good. They'll use programs and training targeted at children, the elderly and veterans to further their agenda of false hope and change.

I would advise any veteran to take the training and put it to use in better economic times. Don't fall prey to politicians in a critical election year. Let them know we are not as gullible as they'd like us to be.

Anonymous said...

Its simple vote this Butt Hole out of office.