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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Senate Passes $60B War Bill, Kills House Add-Ons

The Senate passed a $60 billion bill to fund President Barack Obama's troop surge in Afghanistan Thursday night after rejecting more than $20 billion in domestic spending the House had tacked on.

In a take-it-or-leave-it gesture, the Senate Thursday returned to the House a measure limited chiefly to war funding, foreign aid, medical care for Vietnam War veterans exposed to Agent Orange, and replenishing almost empty disaster aid accounts.

The moves repel a long-shot bid by House Democrats earlier this month to resurrect their faltering jobs agenda with $10 billion in grants to school districts to avoid teacher layoffs, $5 billion for Pell Grants to low-income college students, $1 billion for a summer jobs program, and $700 million to improve security along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The House bill fell prey to a 46-51 tally that fell short of a simple majority, much less the 60 votes required to defeat a filibuster. The Senate is instead insisting on its almost $60 billion version of the measure, passed on a bipartisan vote in May.

The Senate measure is likely to be grudgingly accepted by House Democrats next week despite opposition by many liberals to the war in Afghanistan, which many of them view as unwinnable.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been agitating for the money and warned lawmakers this week that unless the measure is enacted into law before Congress leaves for its August recess, the Pentagon could have to furlough thousands of employees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They are no better to get furloughed than State employees (this excludes Teachers who are not included) . They should have already been furloughed. With their salaries they would never be effected by 10 forlough days or a 2.5% pay reduction.fafbledi