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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Obama's Civilian Army Is Now LAW And Is Funded


Concerned Retiree said...

This the same concept that is embedded in Radical Islam, New Black Panthers and the Nation of Islam philosophy, to name a few. If it is not why is it Farrakan travels with his army, which he calls his security. They have ranks the same as the military. Farrakan and the New Black Panthers go into low income areas as security forces and drive out the Police in Cities. I beleive with this Democratic beleif, that is why they refuse to cut waste and cut Police and other services instead. This allows the Cicvlian Army, Brown Shirts, to intervene and take over American Cities and America. Now that Obama and the Democrats has made it legal and is using tax dollars for funding of Radical Islamic beleifs they will be attacking armed citizens even more through these ridiculous laws they pass without reading. Can anyone else see what is coming quickly between the classes in America? That is why I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment and peoples rights as a free people (as of today, maybe no longer tommorrow).

Anonymous said...

Can we get names of those in it's ranks ?

smitty240 said...

Where are the bulk of our patriotic youth? They have enlisted and we continue the "surge" concept in Iraq and Afghanistan, i.e., we pour more troops into this region. What's a great concern in this region? Iran building nukes.

How long will it be before there is a major nuclear exchange in the region that will devastate the young patriotic core of the US? What will be left on the home front for defense, or overseas for that matter? We will have the Obamanites and their "Obama Youth" to defend and "protect" our home. We will have an over whelming jihadist Muslim faction growing exponentially within our borders.

Is this what you are willing to accept for "cheap health care"? IF you are too blind to connect the dots, then you deserve your fate. Sorry, but this is not the time for sticking your head in the sand. We have forces over seas protecting big oil interests while our sovereign borders leak like a sieve. Wake up people, or you will be living in the worst kind of third world country, one which has known great prosperity and pi$$ed it all away because we were too lazy to defend and uphold our Constitution.

Anonymous said...

You guys are idiots.

Concerned Retiree said...

typical Democratic / liberal response since you cannot disagree you want to go to name calling I was looking for your comment be of a Racial nature. so thanks for confirming at least my comment is correct.
PS: so you will know I was around this type of thinking for several years so I know what I say is correct.