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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Breaking News

There has been a fatal accident on Rt. 113 in Worcester County. This was a 2 vehicle accident. One patient was air lifted by DSP and several people taken to PRMC. Snow Hill fire and rescue responded, assisted by Pocomoke Ambulance. This was near Kleg Range Road. Photos and more information to follow.


Anonymous said...

Please give us updates Joe!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i think that might be grange

Anonymous said...

Who is "Contributor"?

Anonymous said...

Actually the accident was on US Rt. 13 N/B @ Beth Eden Church Rd.

Anonymous said...

Heartfelt sympathy to the Condyles family.

Anonymous said...

Praying for the family of Joan Condyles. A wonderful mother, friend, physical therapist for Worcester County schools. She was truly an asset that will be sadly missed. All because someone was in a rush and ran a stop sign.

Georgia Queefenberry said...

I was on the scene in a car just behind these. 1 of the paramedics had stated that the air lifted patient was going to be a "puddin' head" and should've been pronounced. I am currently constructing a letter to the editor and contacting the Snow Hill Fire Chief. That was the most unprofessional statement I've ever heard.

Tom Woods said...

Ms. Queenfenberry. You sit in your car with your donuts and cell phone and criticize the people that make a profession of helping others? Have you ever experienced the effect andrenaline has when you come face to face with trauma? You are probably one of these people that criticizes our warriors deployed overseas too, right?

Get a life. Your remark is pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Tom Woods. I've been overseas and done both with the wounded soldiers and come face to face with trauma and never said anything so professional. This lady has a valid point and should make it. People helping others don't have the right to make such comments and if they stop caring they should stop helping! What if this was your daughter, wife, mother? Would you want this said about them? Of course not!

Anonymous said...

Mr Snow Hill Fire Chief: Please gives this paramedic a lesson in professionalism, a disciplinary record and/or his walking papers. We build these people up as heros so we should not accept it when they act like this either. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree..I have been around for over 20 yrs in this type of service and have never even considered saying such a thing to any citizen in public....I agree..draft a letter to the chief and describe this person in detail...they should be fired or let go from the company....alot of kids in that department need a lesson on how to be a little more professional!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am a RN and a former counselor and I understand that people sometimes say inappropriate things in situations that make them uncomfortable. That being said I feel that paramedic was completely wrong and unprofessional for saying something like that, especially in front of others. If this situation upset him he should be a professional and deal with his discomfort by speaking privately with his co-workers or talk about it with his superiors. On the other side of the coin, just because the paramedic lacked tact and professionalism does not mean you need to behave the same Ms. Queefenberry. You could have quietly typed your letter to this persons superior or picked up the phone and called his supervisor. In my opinion you posting that comment on a public blog, for the Condyles families friends and family to read is just as tasteless as the paramedic saying it. The Condyles family are some of the kindest people you could ever know and they really don't need that thought or image in their heads when pondering their loss.

Anonymous said...

I will write letters as well Ms. Queefenberry. These people need to be stopped!

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone being so ridiculous? The people that have jobs as cops, firemen, emts, doctors and nurses etc. see the worst of the worst. if they have a nervous breakdown everytime they go to a scene they wont be in their job for long. things like that are said all the time, and so what, its a coping mechanism. No more than that. Did the guy you are calling out come up to you in your vehicle and say it to you? if not then he didnt do anything wrong. He just wasnt PC enough for you. He didnt say that to the victims family members either and they didnt need to hear it but if they read this blog you have made sure that they will read all about it. so if its true at all, you should have kept it to yourself. hope you are proud of yourself- i think you did more damage than the emt you are complaining about.the more i think about it, that name the poster used, it looks like another made up bunch of bs to get everyone all riled up again.

Anonymous said...

Respect-----Have people none anymore??
The remark was disgusting & I hope you are disciplined for saying such a thing!
This should Never Happen Again! EW

Anonymous said...

Ms. Queefenberry, you may also want to forward a letter to MIEMSS (Maryland Institute of Emergency Medical Services System in Baltimore) They are our governing body. by writing a letter to the chief of Snow Hill or any dept down here is NO guarentee that it will be handled properly. I.E. THE GOOD OL BOY SYSTEM!! Paramedics like this need to be weeded out and punished appropriately!!

Also you may want to forward a letter or a copy of the MIEMSS Letter to our EMS laison in the ER @ PRMC. His name may be obtained by contacting the charge nurse in the ER @ PRMC.

To the family of the victim who was lost in this accident, my most humble of condolences and prayers for your family. May God be with you and comfort you during this time and after as you grieve.

Anonymous said...

3:06 You need to quit. You are in the same category as the one who said it. If you think this is a coping mechanism, you really do need to seek help maybe from 11:32. Do you really think this is appropriate or are you just trying to defend someone for saying something incredibly stupid? In either case, the people who are really sincere in the EMS community don't need to be brought down by people like you!

R. Smegma said...

Georgia...did you go to Delmar HS? It's Richard Smegma. Long time no see.

Anonymous said...

Is anymore info on this? How are the injuried people doing?

Anonymous said...

To my knowledge (friend of one of the kids, getting updates secondhand), most of the involved are recovering physically. The young woman who was airlifted is still in critical condition; I don't know more than that.

I can't speak to anything beyond the physical.

Nick Manning said...

I just heard that the young lady who was sent via medevac to the trauma center died early this morning. My sincere condolensces to the family.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to correct the previous comment - per communications with the family, she still has a long ways to go and isn't out of the woods yet, but she is very much alive. In case others are following. (Same anonymous as the previous update regarding conditions - refrained from updating earlier per waiting on confirmation.)