Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt has officially filed again to run for County Executive. While we have known about this since early morning, we were hoping to get an official Press Release but have yet to receive one. Perhaps we'll see one in the very near future.
God help us all!
Somehow I hear the theme to "The Titanic".
What else could the blood sucking engorged tick on the back of the citizens do?
what a loser. Damnit, isn't there anyone out there who cares? anyone? I was hoping John Cannon - a businessman - would take him on.
Someone with a brain who knows how to do simple math please run against him!
Someone who can stay awake during a conversation please run.
Where is the rotten eggs? Can we set up a throw for all on the town square?
Why not just let the voters decide?
I have got a sudden case of the poos.
It must be nice to have a campaign spokesman (Fineran) courtesy of the Wicomico County Taxpayers.
This little piggie went to file,
This little piggie went tuna fishing,
This little piggie went to tuna fishing too,
This little piggie went to swig a little during his break,
This little pigget cried me me me all the way home.
I would support Stevie Prettyman. She is a businesswoman who has been very successful, plus I agree with her on her voting on issues.
She brings common sense to this county and always has.
Why hasn't Jim Fineran supplied this information yet?
I know you won't publish this Joe but "GO RICK"!!!!!
to 3:44: are you joking? this man can't tie his shoes. remember; you can't reason with or fix stupid. rick doesn't have a clue about business; making a payroll; lowering taxes to bring business in the area. the only thing he seems to be able to do is spend, spend, spend money that isn't his to spend...it's mine and yours. get it???????
308 Did you support her when she failed to come through on ridding the county of the PIO officer?
The Big Bopper is back for more swill at the public trough!
How many votes does he need to become the county executive. Just DON'T VOTE.
Don't know how she voted on the PIO officer and I don't really care. The budget was a total mess and I do know she voted against it for the right reasons...
Why hasn't the PIO sent out the press release? Are we paying him for a 5-day holiday?
Can't you talk Robin Holloway into running against him? She has no baggage and she is the smartest of the Holloways around here.
Louise Smith could run.
Pollitt is not a leader, he should seek other employment. Hopefully he will be defeated and someone worthy of the job will win.
I'm glad he filed. I support him 100%. He's a good man, caring and honest. If you read this blog, Rick, thank you!
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