We've also been informed that Mr. George M. Collins is again the #1 suspect. The photos above were taken yesterday evening at Mr. Collins home in N.W. Salisbury off Waller Road. Salisbury News has been told Mr. Collins has been using the above Gator to get around and drop off packages to business locations as well as residences.
Mr. Collins has been arrested. Charges and Press Release to follow. In the mean time, now you have it WBOC, WMDT & The Daily Times.
UPDATE: The West Side Primary School is in lock down.
joe, we both know they will more than likely release hime again....
I hope he get's the help he needs this time. I thought bomb threat's were illegal. He is my brother and I love him but our family has enough issue's with the recent loss of our mother that the things he is doing is making it worse having to worry about him too.
Do you they have locked down the intermediate school?
anonymous 10:37, there was "no threat." This complicates matters quite a bit but I'm confident the States Attorneys Office will come up with charges that fit the situation.
I don't know about you but that looks like a house in the City of Delmar not Salisbury...
I hope so Joe because this is way out of hand. We have done everything we can do to have him get the help he needs and they just keep letting him go. My apologies for the harrasment to you and anyone else who's life has been disrupted by his maddness.
yeah...we for sure its in salisbury...i live across the street and our address are salisbury.
Stuck between the lines and cant find his way out.
I think this gentleman is on the brink of full on madness. I hope the police find a way to keep him from the public.It is just a matter of time before he loses it .
I am still trying to figure out which school is on lock down and if it still is locked down. The intermediate is closer then the primary...which did they lock down?
I'm sure it must be WestSide Intermediate (located in Hebron) and not WestSide Primary (located in Quantico) that's on lock down.
i called the primary school and they were still locked down as of 11:45 this morning.
Why are they on lockdown? Because of this man?
yes for what he has done today. 1:37
I feel bad for the person he gets a hold of taking pictures while trespassing on his property.
Impound his "gator" for use during a terroristic acts. It may be a little overboard in some cases but if it keeps this nut job from doing any more damage it needs to be done.
(If they do let me know my kids would love to have that from a police auction!)
10:37 if he is your brother, and you know he is sick and needs help, why don't you have him committed to a mental institution and get help. Don't ask him just do it!!!! Apologizing to us is okay but you need to get him out of the population which he is a threat to. A Dr and you can commit him. JUST DO IT PLEASE!!!!!
What is his problem anyway? What is causing him to be so unstable at such a young age?
3:59pm....what the hell do you think we have been trying to do since NOVEMBER??? we have done emergency petitions TWICE and he has been arrested from a sisters house in december for trespassing. We have done everything we can to try to help the judges grant the emergency petition they go pick him up and worthless PRMC releases him with in an hour. At one time he was actually in the mental ward for about 3 weeks and after a day of medication they released him. he has to go to lower shore clinic every once in awhile so that they cant make him go back to hospital. he does make those appointments but he is not taking medicine. If it was that simple we wouldnt all be going through this. I am one of his sisters he has 2 sisters that live real close...with in less than half a mile and who do you think he walks over to all the time. we help him with food ect...but the police or the hospital will not do anything unless the words "im going to hurt someone or hurt my self" come out of his mouth. THERE IS NOTHING MORE WE CAN DO! we have to wait for "the bomb to drop" before they will take this seriously. He is 39 years old...our mother died in august he hasnt been able to work in about 2 years or so.... He is not a freak he is actually a very good person...what ever he is going through has certaintly changed him. Believe me, we want the ond George back!
3:59...sorry to sound mean lol that was not aimed towards you..just frustrated.
Does he have any weapons?
The Intermediate School was on lockdown... The state helicopter had to land on their playground.
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