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Thursday, April 29, 2010

8 Ways To Outsmart Your Allergies

Itchy eyes and sneezing aren't just for springtime

Think allergies end in April or May? Guess again.

Those sneezy, itchy-eyed, congested months can last well into late fall, as different trees, then grasses and, finally, weeds bombard the air with pollen. If that weren't irritating enough, outdoor mold starts to release airborne spores starting in summer and continuing through fall, which can cause further irritation. In fact, reactions to mold (fungi that thrive in warm, moist, humid climates both outdoors and in) as well as ragweed may be even more of a problem in certain parts of the country this summer because of heavier-than-usual rainfall.

If you're sneezing like crazy, here's how to stay outside, active, and virtually symptom free — all allergy season long.

1. Rethink your exercise plan.
You breathe harder and suck in more air when you're exercising than when you're, say, watching TV.

GO HERE to read more.

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