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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

School Assault


Yesterday at Bennett Middle, a student was seriously assaulted in a science classroom. According to my son who witnessed the event, the student's head was slammed down and sounded like it "cracked" (from a 14 yr old) and blood was flowing. He was taken by paramedics to the hospital. The attacker was taken away in handcuffs. This was not reported by any source."


Anonymous said...

The new school will help curb this type of behavior in the future. Students will act like model citizens when they are in a modern

Anonymous said...

Probably a young gang banger.

Anonymous said...

I believe the victim was a young Korean student. My son said his attacker had been making fun of his speech prior to the incident. Wouldn't that elevate the assault to a hate crime?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The new school will help curb this type of behavior in the future. Students will act like model citizens when they are in a modern

11:39 AM


Anonymous said...

Why didn't anyone address this at the Board of Education meeting last night?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Probably a young gang banger.

11:50 AM

There are no gangs in Wicomico schools. Just gang like activity, right Margo!

Anonymous said...

A new school will not help people like this. Put the attacker in reform school and be done with him.

Anonymous said...

I hope ban this animal from receiving an education ! It's bad enough they force our kids to go to school with problem kids but when they hinder everyone else s education a line needs to be drawn .

Anonymous said...

With all the tolerance for "outsiders" and anyone different shocking this could happen here.

Anonymous said...

Public schools! what a joke!
Might as well put the wolves in with the sheep!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps 11:39 was being ironical

Anonymous said...

WOW, if the new school will help with this behavior, then they should build all new jails, then with they are out, no more problems, right? All sex offenders will be rehabilited if all it takes is a new building.

Anonymous said...

The internet really needs a sarcasm font...right 11:39?

Anonymous said...

12:34 Maybe your just a misfit !

Anonymous said...

11:39 was being sarcastic. I think that's obvious.

Anonymous said...

Ooops-didn't mean to be redundant, 12:51. We were posting at the same time. (Yes, a sarcasm font would be helpful.)

Anonymous said...

@ anon 12:04... i think that anon 11:39 was being sarcastic.

Darth Hurley said...

Good to see that school violence has become an excuse for racism and xenophobia. Sometimes the people of this town make me doubt intelligent thought truly exists.

Anonymous said...

12:20- This child needs help. Bet his home life and/or parents are an absolute mess. Banning him from an education is not a good answer (he's in middle school not high school!) but putting him in a place where he can get proper help would be. Of course, its easier said than done.
I mean, what would you suggest we do with all the problem children we ban from an education? Where would they go to better themselves and learn not to turn out like their parents?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 12:36 - What does public have to do with it ? This could happen anywhere !

Anonymous said...

I wish some of you parents would just go to school one day with your child you will see the real idiots us taxpayers pay for to get a education and all they is interupt the ones trying to learn. Thank you to all the teachers that put up with those idiots.

Anonymous said...

1:04 thank you for volunteering to pay for that venture. Now we won't have to.

Anonymous said...

1:04 - I hate to be political but this liberal attitude where we can "help and assist" every dumb and misguided individual is leading factor of the erosion of this country.

So let's blame his parents, and then let's not stop there, why can't we blame his grandparents, the media, the president... at some point we need to stop passing the blame because soon there will be no one else left.

What ever happened to discipline , punishment, and consequences for your actions? Why should a whole classroom suffer because of one wasted kid?

Anonymous said...

Just one more plug for private schools...

Dee said...

Who are the middle school students, the commentators or the individuals in the story?

Its hard to make a judgement call on whether the attacker should be kicked out of school,or what. No one reading this was actually there, and does not know how and when it started.

There is no justification for violence against anyone no matter what. But, the situation needs to be totally investigated...and the punishment should be tough!!!

Anonymous said...

That's why I said easier said than done and wanted a suggestion for those of you that think banning an 11 to 14 year old of an education was the best option. Kick him out of school and he'll be in jail/prison or eventually welfare and you'll be paying for it anyway, smart ass.

Anonymous said...

The school system is ridiculous. There is a lot of disrespect for authority, the dress code is non existent - judging by the x-rated attire of all socio-economic levels and fights and bullying and sex are rampant. How do I know? I have substitued in many of the Wicomico county schools. Things are out of control.

Anonymous said...

My suggestion would be to put all these gang-"like" kids in the OLD Bennett Middle building in locked down rooms with "armed and trained to use" teachers of questionable skills. If they want to be dirtbags, let them eat dirt.

Anonymous said...

Maybe SU students can start a book discussion club at the schools instead of in the prisons. They seem to think it will reduce the recidivism rates. What a bunch of idiots live in this county. Books have always been in schools and prisons. They learn to read in school then hone their reading skills in prison.

Open that bootcamp back up and teach these kids to have some purpose in life other than bashing each others brains out.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I hope ban this animal from receiving an education ! It's bad enough they force our kids to go to school with problem kids but when they hinder everyone else s education a line needs to be drawn .

12:20 PM

I agree 100%. Also start by getting rid of John Fredericksen and the Board of Education.

Anonymous said...

1:04 Maybe you can take him with you to save the whales and fix global warming. Rose colored glasses. Geez

Anonymous said...

I was at the Board of Ed. meeting last night and I was shocked to see Dr. Fredericksen cutting people off during public comments. Can someone answer this for me? Does the Superintendent work for the Board of Ed. or does the board members work for the Superintendent? Isn't there a board president that should be keeping time on the public comments and not the Super? who does he think he is?

Anonymous said...

2:44 Can I get that in Spanish please?

Anonymous said...

this is really getting out of hand, not sure if it is true but if you could look into this joe>the delmar students are talking about a 7th grader stabbing a 12th grader on monday. violence is everywhere in every grade remember the kindergartender who got his skull busted open in the bathroom about 5 years ago? what ever happened with that? i am scared everyday that i send my boys to school and i pray every night for their safety. As a parent all we can do is pray and help our babies to grow up into fine outstanding citizens and hope that they influence others along the way.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

That's why I said easier said than done and wanted a suggestion for those of you that think banning an 11 to 14 year old of an education was the best option. Kick him out of school and he'll be in jail/prison or eventually welfare and you'll be paying for it anyway, smart ass.

2:12 PM

Liberal idiot. Keep the juvenile delinquent in the schools so all the normal kids can suffer is not the answer. Put him in reform school.

Anonymous said...

I pulled my kids and put them in private school. I'm certainly not wealthy, but I don't want my kids exposed to this type of activity.

We have been very pleased at The Salisbury School with the great academic program and the nurturing learning environment. My kids now love going to school and are doing remarkably.

I know some scholarships and financial aid are available at The Salisbury School. I would encourage any frustated public school parents to take a look. I graduated from the local public schools and did not think I would send my kids to private school - but times have changed and it has been a great decision for us.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
..... Open that bootcamp back up and teach these kids to have some purpose in life other than bashing each others brains out.

2:37 PM

Oops...don't let Barrie Tilghman and Alan Webster read that!!

Anonymous said...

3:17 - I am very far from being liberal and very much conservative. My point was that banning him from school completely, is not he answer and the solution would be to get him help, whatever it is, so that he could become a useful citizen, since at this point he is a CHILD not an adult. With my statement "easier said than done" I am aware that there are not many programs that support this type of child. Unfortunately, we don't have a system that gets rid of all the bad disruptive kids so that the well behaved students can learn in harmony without disruption. Wouldn't that be nice, 2:47?

Anonymous said...

joe, one of my gransons went to bennett middle and was bullied relentlessly. the administration didnt do anything about it. they told him to ignore the bullies and walk away. yeah right. my daughter took him out of that place and moved to bridgeville. he loves the school and the kids. no bullies just normal kids. so much for wicomico's great school system. thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

That is exactly why we need the Magnet School Program at their own magnet centers.

Anonymous said...

Most people familiar with the school system in this county know that the Middle Schools are a disaster and it is ruining this area and our youth.

Here is the crux of the problem. Where are the middle schools? In the city of Salisbury. What do we have in Salisbury? Almost 80% rental properties and one of the highest crime rates in the country. It is a known fact with rentals comes crime. A BOE member told me that if I wanted to put my kids in a private school that middle school is when to do it. Why aren't there any middle schools on the East side or the West side of the county.

There is no such thing as community schools in this county and we are forced to bus our kids to schools with criminals and thugs. It is no wonder that the test scores are some of the lowest in the state and country.

I am sick and tire of the liberals forcing me to mingle and cohabitate with the lower socioeconomic groups and criminals.

Socialism is not the answer!

Anonymous said...

Really we should just "eliminate" those types of kids. That way they would never reproduce another child in the likeness of themselves, we would never have to pay for wasted education, and we could forget ever having to pay to keep them in prison. Through attrition we would end violence directed toward anyone. Everyone would be a model citizen.

Anonymous said...

hence the decision to never have my child in public school, he's been in private and will stay there as long as i live on the shore.

Anonymous said...

3:56, How would that have stopped this? What does an assault at a school have to do with the magnet program?

Anonymous said...

Schooling and education is a priveledge in this country that has somehow morphed into a preceived right. IT IS NOT A RIGHT and when there are thugs like this one who bully and hurt students, he should be kicked out for good. This bully needs to go to a juvenile detention center, a boot camp, a reform school, something. These thugs have no fear and they need to have fear aka RESPECT put back into them. We have allowed these idiots to beat up and bully our children and face no consequences. It has to stop.

Anonymous said...

12:04 Hate Crime: it is only a hate crime if victim is black and attacker is non-black.

Terri said...

Delmar Elementary definatly has its's "bad eggs" My son has a child in his class named Damien who tells everyone he is named this because he is the son of satan! This "bad egg" is also a huge problem child and disruptance to the class. Wont be long before he is assaulting someone if we don't do something about these types now

Anonymous said...

Check out new statics....One in twenty-five persons display Sociopathic Tendencies...We need more new schools...but, not for the other Seventy-five students...

Anonymous said...

No Blood...... and the student returned to school today. Just letting the concerned know.

Anonymous said...

When I was in 3rd grade we started integration or busing I was an above average student prior . After being harassed and having the class curriculum slowed down I hated to go to school . I ended up dropping out and years later got a GED but I can't help but wonder if I would have gone to college and how my life might be different if I was never forced to become part of this failed social experiment .

Anonymous said...

You know this is really sad. I hope that the boy that was injured was ok. The kid who did this will be expelled and sent elsewhere. Knew a troubled child like this. Got kicked out of school too. He got sent to Baltimore. He now has his GED, has cleaned up, doing outstanding and has a job. He basically went to a boot camp type facility. You know something, losing their freedom for a while, taking cell phones away and having an established routine is just what he needed. I know how difficult it was on the parents to watch this, but it was the best thing that could ever happen to him. Hopefully this child will have to go down the same path. I tell you what, if I had done something like this, my a$$ would have been worn out by the principal and my parents.

school employee said...

Anon 4:10 said, "Why aren't there any middle schools on the East side or the West side of the county."

There are. The east side has Pittsville Middle (Pittville Elem & Middle), and the west side has Mardela Middle (Mardela Middle & High).

Anonymous said...

I think we should have all girl schools and all boy schools just to take out that whole dynamic .

Anonymous said...

Dr. F. was keeping time at the Board meeting last nite to cut off comments which he opposed. He wants to mix the most dedicated students with the thugs so they can socialize each other. That is the truth. Yes, thugs always chose hard-working students for their role models. What a crock!

Anonymous said...

A positive plus a negative always equals a negative . Stop using my kids to make your job easier my child is there to learn not teach a thug !

Anonymous said...


I know who 3:48 PM is talking about and that is the God's honest truth. They moved to a nicer area and the child is getting a much better education in Sussex County. He is getting a much better education than the Ghetto Middle Schools in Wicomico County can provide. Not only did we lose a good student in the county school system we lost a tax paying family in Wicomico County.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

3:56, How would that have stopped this? What does an assault at a school have to do with the magnet program?

4:38 PM

What an idiot!! Who said it would stop anything. The Magnet Programs are for children and families that go to school to get an education. It Bennett Middle School is nothing more than a Kiddie Warehouse for free child care. Dump the under achievers in schools like Bennett Middle and carry the Magnet programs through Middle School. The kids that want to learn need to be separated from the distractions like the criminals that are roaming the halls of Bennett Middle School.

Anonymous said...

You make a good point anon 5:28 PM and that is the exact reason we need the magnet centers in our schools. We need to separate the kids that want to learn from the street thugs that are slowing everyone down. If you were in a Magnet Program your life definitely would be different.

Anonymous said...

Uh... 5:50 Pm they are not really middle schools. They are mixed as you stated.

Anonymous said...

I think we should have all girl schools and all boy schools just to take out that whole dynamic .

6:04 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. F. was keeping time at the Board meeting last nite to cut off comments which he opposed. He wants to mix the most dedicated students with the thugs so they can socialize each other. That is the truth. Yes, thugs always chose hard-working students for their role models. What a crock!

6:53 PM

I noticed Dr. F. keeping time and cutting off people that he opposed. The first person he cut off was Mrs. Hazel. Very rude and disrespectful. He doesn't know who he is dealing with. Can we send his a$$ back to Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

Putting prayer back in the school will resolve many issues. The unfailable proof that the effectual and ferverent prayer of the righteous works,is written.

Anonymous said...

4:50.. hate crimes are not just black and white. hate crime can be over color, religion , weight , or many other things.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Cannon said...

4:50.. hate crimes are not just black and white. hate crime can be over color, religion , weight , or many other things.

8:51 PM

Mr. Cannon you are correct, but the point 4:50 is making is that in this PC world it can't be a hate crime unless the criteria was as he stated.

Employee said...

The child who assaulted was back in school today because of state testing....he will be suspended starting Monday....TRUTH

Anonymous said...

Joe I think the issues in the Wicomico County School system have been needing to be addressed for many years now. Just like the Mayoral election in Salisbury it is time for us to take our schools back. Get rid of the dead beat elected officials and clean house in the BOE. The best thing we can do for the children is to have an elected school board. An elected school board would work for us the tax payers and they could be replaced if they didn't do their jobs. Get an elected school board now.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment made about opening the bootcamp back, I worked there in the educational part of it and what a difference some of these young boys went through, but not one of them would think of doing that in the classroom and they all showed respect to each other and myself. When they said they were closing the doors some of these boys were actually upset because this was the first time they had structure and discipline...I have also worked in Wicomico County schools and actually gave it up because of the things that I witnessed throughout the schhol system and unfortunately, so many of our children are being left behind because of the no child left behind stinks...I am sure the child that did this will just be moved to another school

Anonymous said...

7:35, YOU are the idiot. Just because a child may not be in the magnet program, it does not mean that they do not want to learn, or be should be subjected to this type of behavior either. I am glad that maybe your child may have the capacity to be in the program, but that does not make him/her any more special than any other child that is in school to learn and does not have behavioral issues. So, once again, you are the idiot. The government does not mandate the magnet program, so if you want school that can provide "extras" I suggest you enroll your child in private school.

Anonymous said...

My son started attending Wicomico Middle this year and he was bullied so much the first semester. I got a call from the nurse telling me to come and pick him up because he had been body slammed onto the gymnasium floor. I had to take my 11 year old child to the emegency room for xrays. In the days to follow the principle and vice priciple were very evasive and blew the whole situation off. My son was vomiting everyday in school after that incident. He continued in that school for another week until I could find a place for him to transfer. The kids in the schools are really out of control. I work in a wcboe cafeteria and these kids have no self control. I am happy to say that my son is now in aq private christian school and I feel confident that he is safe and cared for while attending school. I have a 20 year old son that did not have a problem in the same school,the schools have really gone downhill.

Anonymous said...

I am just gled my kids are all grown up. The liberals that won't allow these problem students to be punished like they deserve to just keep perpetuating the problem. Bad egg should be broken.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

7:35, YOU are the idiot. Just because a child may not be in the magnet program, it does not mean that they do not want to learn, or be should be subjected to this type of behavior either. I am glad that maybe your child may have the capacity to be in the program, but that does not make him/her any more special than any other child that is in school to learn and does not have behavioral issues. So, once again, you are the idiot. The government does not mandate the magnet program, so if you want school that can provide "extras" I suggest you enroll your child in private school.

9:52 PM

Idiot, is that all you can come back with? Who suggested that I had a child in the Magnet Program? Just because your child is an underachiever and you are not working to encourage their education then don't fight to hold back the better students. I noticed you mentioned the Government doesn't mandate the magnet, but they should. How is that Title I and STARS working out for Juniour? I also notice you mentioned enrolling "my" child in a private school. Well guess what, I think the government should mandate tax vouchers so that we may send our kids anywhere we want. Oh... and say hello to Junior for me tomorrow when he gets off the short bus.

Anonymous said...

10:13 pm the schools have gone down hill because of the high crime rates and rental properties in the city of Salisbury. Get rid of High Density and rentals and you get rid of the Crime.

Anonymous said...

The 14 year old blew this way off course. There was ABSOLUTELY no blood...the "attacker" was not put in hand cuffs he was brought to the office and a parent picked him up. Yes it happened, there is always 2 sides to every story. Fabrication is great for fantasy and gossip.

Anonymous said...

12:44 Just exactly does the sex offender comment have to do with this situation? sounds to me like you have a real problem....

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:50, you're anonymous. Why should anyone believe what you say?

Anonymous said...

10:30, If your child acts the way you do, I am sure at some point, you will be making a trip to the school to pick him/her up, crying with a bloody nose from getting a smack down.

Anonymous said...

We're just beating around the bush here and not saying what everyone knows is true. We ALL know who the problem kids are, the wannabe gang banging thugs who don't deserve to be in the vicinity of decent kids.

If you doubt this then explain why we didn't have these problems 20 years ago when we didn't have such a large population of these thugs around here. We'll never fix the problem until we admit what the problem is. If they're a thug in school they'll be a thug when they're an adult and we'll all be reading the same description of them on the wanted posters. Some may think it's harsh but it's the absolute truth and no one knows it more than the decent people trying to live a normal life in the thug neighborhoods.

Anonymous said...

I may be opening a can of worms, but here I go anyway. I think the biggest problem with kids today is they were never taught the old fashioned way. Parents are not allowed to teach their kids the difference between right and wrong
the way us baby boomers learned it.
My parents never abused me, but if I did something wrong when I was a kid I knew what I was getting. A good ole fashion spanking. That was it. I had better not go in my neighbor's yard without permission,
talk back to my elders, take anything that was not mine to take.
I have had kids say some nasty, hateful things to me, give the finger and steal my belongings out of my yard. I know a lot of you are thinking the same thing and some of you think I am totally wrong. Thats why this is America, we are allowed freedom of speech. Kids today have no respect for anyone, even themselves because they have never learned or shall I say never been taught respect and the difference between right or wrong and the consequences for doing wrong. Parents today think their children are someone elses responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Obviously, 10:50 is a school employee looking to minimize things as much as possible. Notice the quotation marks around the word "attacker" as well as the fact the little thug was "brought to the office." Indicates the person was IN the office at the time. Otherwise, he/she would have said the person was "TAKEN to the office." Notice the difference? Fact: some punk injured a child while at school. Where were the teachers?

Anonymous said...

As the writer of the post, I just spoke to the 14-year old again. He said there was blood on the floor after the incident. He said the attacker was taken away, he thought in handcuffs - but he may have been mistaken on the handcuffs.

If not, he should have been in handcuffs. It's time these brats start learning the meaning of punishment. This "child" should be made to realize the reality of the situation. Attack = real punishment. What is a suspension? Time to recoup?

And to the writer saying that anyone not in Magnet is an under-achiever. Hardly. I have 2 students in this school. 1 is Magnet material, 1 is not. However, the 1 who is not tries hard, does his work, does not cause trouble. They are also Boy Scouts and volunteer in the community. Unfortunately, when they started this school, they both learned early to "keep their heads down", meaning avoid confrontation at all costs.

I am posting anonymously (Joe has my real name from my email) to protect my child from retaliation.

Anonymous said...

"Just one more plug for private schools..."
Private school are not any better. Family members have pulled kids from private schools becasue of problems and sent them back to public. Most of the kids in the school had high income parents so the only difference was that these kids had more money and better drugs.(high school)

citygoer said...

No wonder ppl around here cant spell or form a basic sentence. The schools suck. I'd be afraid to learn too if I knew that I would be bullied everyday at school. It doesnt matter though because most of the job openings locally dont require an education, you have to know someone to get hired around here. Welcome to the eastern shore.

Anonymous said...

So, if it is as 10:50 stated, why was there a call for not only WCSO but SPD as well (look at the call logs for both for that day)?

It also remains that the parents were not informed nor did the media report it. I, as a parent, expect to be notified if such an incident happens in my child's class so that I can discuss it with my child. It should not be swept under the rug and ignored.

Anonymous said...

Every time there is an article about the Wicomico County BOE there are hundreds of hits and hundreds of comments. Many of those comments are problems that result back to the BOE and the Superintendent. The Superintendent and much of his overpaid staff are the problem and they need to go. Get rid of Fredericksen NOW!

Anonymous said...

From my understaniding teachers are being attacked every day. Where is the outrage?

Anonymous said...

putting these students in the new school will not stop this behavior. This behavior is being developed in thousands of your children by the shows that are currently on tv that we all refer to as "Reality TV". Where are the parents of these kids? Parents need to take a more proactive role in the behavioral development of their children.
The next question is where was the teaching during all of this. Most fights dont just begin out of no where. Most fights start over something small and escalate into an actual assault.
Our juvinile justice system needs to become more strick for juvenile offenders not only for assaults but all other offences as well. If the ounishment for these behaviors is increased then there would be more of a deterent for these kids to commit these crimes.

Anonymous said...

keep accepting the trash from NYC just to get a few more dollars. Your kids are going to school with kids that were thrown out of NYC public schools. NYC pays wicomico county to have them sent down here to attend school. Where I grew up if you were that bad and you got thrown out of school, your parents had to drive you to school in the next county. otherwise they would be charged for not getting you to school. Mkae the parents of these scum step up and hold them accountable. Not every parent is a parent and every kid can't be reformed! The prisons are full of them!
Is that scumbag fulton jeffers still the attorney for the school board? He's very good at burying all this stuff!

Anonymous said...

10:00 You honestly believe that NYC rejects are the only problem? Are you ignorant? Salisbury has gangs and an increasing drug problem at the local level and has for years. Pull your head out of your a$$ and look around. Stop blaming everything else. Typical dumba$$ local. Blame everything as if the shore is some kind of perfect place with perfect kids, perfect ppl. Morons!!

Anonymous said...

This aggressive behavior is not a new item. My son attended Bennett Jr. in the mid 80's. He was bullied relentlessly on the bus, he complained to the bus driver, I complained to the bus driver (after no action was taken), I complained to the administration, nothing, then they finally took some action! They suspended HIM for fighting back (which was MY suggestion because NO ONE would do ANYTHING)

Anonymous said...

You know what's really funny? Having recently graduated from the Wicomico County school system... It's the kids that adults would think are not dangerous (yup... middle/upper class white kids) that are the problem. My friends and peers. You adults think you have it figured out... and I'm sure you think we don't see what you're saying with "gang-like" but the problem comes from YOUR kids... the kids who look like me and you. Hate to burst your bubble, but that's the truth in Wico County schools.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This aggressive behavior is not a new item. My son attended Bennett Jr. in the mid 80's. He was bullied relentlessly on the bus, he complained to the bus driver, I complained to the bus driver (after no action was taken), I complained to the administration, nothing, then they finally took some action! They suspended HIM for fighting back (which was MY suggestion because NO ONE would do ANYTHING)

11:29 AM

Your first mistake is complaining to the bus driver and the administration. YOU need to complain to the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office. This is an assault and it needs to be investigated by law enforcement. The school administration and the WCBOE will do absolutely nothing about it. AGAIN need I remind you this is an assault and a criminal report needs to be made.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

You know what's really funny? Having recently graduated from the Wicomico County school system... It's the kids that adults would think are not dangerous (yup... middle/upper class white kids) that are the problem. My friends and peers. You adults think you have it figured out... and I'm sure you think we don't see what you're saying with "gang-like" but the problem comes from YOUR kids... the kids who look like me and you. Hate to burst your bubble, but that's the truth in Wico County schools.

12:45 PM

This is so far from the truth, you are nothing but a liberal idiot for spouting this misconception.

Anonymous said...

Children, lets settle down now, and behave like good little adults.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Just one more plug for private schools..."
Private school are not any better. Family members have pulled kids from private schools becasue of problems and sent them back to public. Most of the kids in the school had high income parents so the only difference was that these kids had more money and better drugs.(high school)

6:52 AM

Some liberal public school employee or advocate using scare tactics to downplay sending your children to private schools.

Anonymous said...

The administration more often coddles the disruptive students and offers little support for the teachers.
As a retired high school teacher, I never miss teaching and have never been happier.
There needs to be swift action to remove these trouble makers and place them a an environment of learning and respect. A 'study hall' supervised by an 'aide' is unexceptable.

Anonymous said...

First of all yes I do work for Bennett Middle School and I hate to see a story fabricated as in "cracked" and "blood" and like I said it should have never happened, did you ever think that the boy that might have done this was getting bullied? No of course not how could that every happen, get real! I do agree with there needs to be more punishment for these kids in school, but its not just the "thugs, gangs" as you all say that are acting this way, there are several gate kids (yes GATE) that act this same way so you cannot judge just one type of child. Secondly JOE I think it is wrong to come down on a person that signs anonymous since it is an option on YOUR website. And lastly 2:41 you are right, my daughter graduated from JMB and said all the pot smoking, cocaine using in the parking lots that she would have to walk by every day and smell that crap were the GATE kids...Just stating the truth but for most of you that isn't good enough. Unless you were there don't be the judge you are not entitled.