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Friday, March 19, 2010


Salisbury Mayor James Ireton, Jr., encourages everyone to fill out their census forms.
An accurate count is so important for the state of Maryland. An undercount of 100,000 people translates to a loss of $1 billion dollars in federal revenue over the next decade. “We need to make sure all residents of the Eastern Shore are counted in this decennial Census!”

Need assistance filling out your Census form? This is a free service. Please select "Questionnaire Assistance Centers" in the following site: or call:
· English - 1-866-872-6868
· Chinese: 1-866-935-2010
· Korean: 1-866-955-2010
· Russian: 1-866-965-2010
· Spanish: 1-866-928-2010
· Vietnamese: 1-866-945-2010

2010 Census: It’s in our hands.


Anonymous said...

filed out mine, only the number f people and that we are American,

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:24, from the looks of your comment, I don't think they expect much more from you, seriously.

Anonymous said...

we certainly wouldn't want to miss out on our fare share of federal money, especially when at the rate we are going the dollar will be worthless. it is unconstitutional to ask for anything but the number of people in your household

sorry joe

Anonymous said...

i also checked other under race and put down American.

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:41, no reason to apologize to me. I personally had absolutely no problem filling out the documents from front to back. I have absolutely nothing to hide. The way I see it is, it's bad enough illegals will never see one of these letters, now Americans are refusing to fill them out? Looks to me like this country is falling apart and so afraid of their own government. Who cares if a census person shows up at your door to ask questions. They won't arrest you for not answering the door. The government always throws in those scare tactics hoping you'll simply fill out the form BEFORE THERE'S TROUBLE. LMAO!

Nevertheless, what's the harm, really. I like the fact that my local Fire Department knows there's three of us living in my home as well as the Police. My property taxes are ore than fair and if it helps boost income to local municipalities, better the Feds than more/higher taxes.

Anonymous said...


i am with you....

Anonymous said...

Well said Joe. Why does everyone have a problem with the Census ?

Anonymous said...

The filing status is as of April 1not before.

Anonymous said...

I did not fill everything out, just the number of people who are in my house.

Anonymous said...


I did the same thing.

Anonymous said...

Nothing in that form offended me.Not like the last one i completed. However i think the forms should be sent to the owners of the rentals for information.

Anonymous said...

the constitution requires you to tell the number of people living in your home, that is it, the other data is meant to help those that would gerrymander and decrease the voting power of certain voters depending on who is in power.

That's right Joe, you have nothing to hide, so you won't mind if the government puts a camera in your house to protect you, right?

Do you know what a slippery slope is?

joealbero said...

anonymous 11:13, they make pills for problems like yours.

No government is going to put a camera in my home and if it ever comes even close to happening, I'll move out of this Country.

Get a grip on life and enjoy this beautiful day, before they tax you for it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

what's the harm in the irs enforcing this new health care bill. the harm is that it is not called for in the constitution and the more liberty that we just brush aside (what's the harm??)the less freedom we have. what's the harm in the federal government taking by executive order 10 million acres of land. the harm is it just doesn't stop

Anonymous said...

I received the short form and in general have no issue with the questions except one: Why do they want to know if a home is paid for or not?

Daddio said...

Maybe no camera at Joe's house, but they sure did put one aimed at his business! That camera is still out there, right Joe?

joealbero said...

Daddio, no. The camera was removed immediately after Ireton was elected Mayor. Webster knew he'd been in deep &%*@ if he had to explain why it was there.

Anonymous said...

No no senor I swear only two people live here.

Anonymous said...


Answer: So if you do own your home they can declare that you are "rich" and take some of what you have and give it to those who "deserve" what you have. Karl Marx would be proud.

Anonymous said...

I didn't get a census form and know a lot of people who didn't get one either. guess we won't be counted. lol

Anonymous said...

For what purpose would they need any other information except # of people per house hold and possibly age?