
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Friday, March 19, 2010

265 Comments So Far Today

Its only 3:00 PM and we've already had 265 comments so far today. Each day when I review the comments I'm always amazed at the great participation we receive from our viewers.

Remember Folks, your comments are what really makes all the difference with our local politicians. For example, if you only knew just how pissed off the WBOE is at the County because Salisbury News got our hands on PUBLIC INFORMATION!

The Board of Education has enjoyed the Good Old Boy Network for far too long and it's about time there's some accountability. The Taxpayers clearly deserve to not only know, they deserve better with their tax dollars.

One thing I can assure you of, there will be more articles next week about the WBOE. We're nowhere near done with this group. Pout and threaten all you want Mr. Fredericksen, we're not through with you yet.

So keep those comments flying Folks. You made a difference with Legislators in the Sarah Foxwell murder, you're also making a difference with our local politicians as well.


Anonymous said...

You actually think that the WCBOE is going to change their ways because of this blog???

joealbero said...

I guarantee it.

Anonymous said...

Keep digging, G.A. and Joe--and don't quit.

BOE has been out of control for too long.

Also get the figures on how much over State Rated Capacity many of the County schools are--a disgrace.

Frederickson and his minions are all over PAC-14 with public relations programming all the time.
Forget the programming and watch out for taxpayer dollars.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Joe... I just pray and hope we can reach these officials to NOT vote for this health care bill and pass it... The country will go under in my opinion...

joealbero said...

anonymous 3:56, while JT, JR, BB, SB, WB & TM continue to send in nasty comments, we simply reject them and move on. However, while they cannot make a positive difference, Salisbury News has proven time and time again that we can.

The more people comment, the more influence we ALL gain. If you were ever in doubt as to whether or not we do make a difference, look at the old sex offender laws, then recall the Post we put up showing ALL of the Politicians who did NOT show up during the Sarah Foxwell search and look at ALL of the legislation they proposed soon after.

WE made a HUGE difference, no matter what anyone says. Together we will pass new and tougher laws to assure any child in the state of Maryland will be better protected. When we're done with Maryland we'll move on to Delaware and other surrounding states.

I'm proud of all of you and I'll express that in tonight's 6 pm news broadcast.

Anonymous said...

Joe, We never would have been able to do these things without YOU! You have united this community and I personally want to say THANK YOU !

Anonymous said...

Seemed like the thing to do.

Anonymous said...

Gosh your a cutie! AFJ

10001110101 said...

I agree with TDP! Thank you for your relentless determination. It takes a leader to start a movement.

Anonymous said...

i say we raise the bay bridge toll to 100 dollars per car! maybe the city ppl will stay away!

Anonymous said...

mr. a

since you have so much information and are going to attack the boe with it and have answers to all, have you considered finding a way onto the boe and fix things from that side of the coin?

i do like that you are able to get a lot of things moving in our community and i agree the boe is a good ol' boy network, especially when it assigns principals but i have always felt that until we walk in the shoes of others, we should not judge and be critical. i'd rather see positive solutions posted rather than bashings or negativity.

it is hard to be in any aspect of education. it is a different world than when we grew up. the same folks who bash and accuse are the same ones that do not offer to help in the classrooms, the teachers, the schools and have kids who never do anything wrong-it's always someone else's fault or someone hasn't done their job. let's have more adults accept responsibility for their kids and themselves.

maybe you could outline positive ways to address the items you feel are a problem?

i do not work for the boe in anyway-just have lots of friends that do (teachers & admin) and see them suffer at the hands of kids and parents. most really do love what they do and love trying to help these kids. MOST deserve so much more credit and respect than they get.

IslandSTAR said...

This is a very worthwhile site and potential to give everyones opinions and views on the subjects which is not afforded at local newspapers/t-v news. HOWEVER, IF ONLY YOUR OPINION IS PRESENTED HOW IS IT A HELP TO LOCAL CITIZENS........???

Anonymous said...

The good news this morning in the D.T. is that a new Hooters will open in OC. Maybe the WCBOE could offer field trips and the bus contractors could pick up some extra money. As Dr Fredrickson said one of the things that the BOE does is stimulate the ecomony.