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Friday, March 19, 2010

Guess Who's Laying Off Good People?


I really don't think the economy's getting any better. This week where I work(ed), they told me they were eliminating my position. I was told I could "apply" for the new job, in which, they were combining my old job with more duties. I had to submit a resume and interview with my boss and her boss for the job.

My boss came to me yesterday and told me they hired someone with better qualifications. Joe, we are talking a job that pays less than $10 an hour! There aren't many of them out there and I feel like I got a really raw deal. So here's the riddle...What proofreader at what newspaper is now unemployed where the CEO made $4.7 million last year? Capitalism is good? Look where it got us so far. (Not far at all.)



Anonymous said...

Capitalism rocks!!!

It not what the government can do for you ... it's what YOU can do for yourself!!

Pull yourself up and do something better instead of complaining. You don't own the business.. you are an employee that can be fired at will(Maryland is a right to fire state)

Anonymous said...

What? What is your point?

Anonymous said...

The Daily Times first makes you a contract employee and then changes your job position to make you put in a resume to fight for the same job you already had. Then they fired you. They have made it impossible for you to collect unemployment. Joe warned all of you a long time ago to get out before they screwed you. You should have listened.

Anonymous said...

And this is why our country has lost it's way! Because a majority of the citizens that are lacking in marketable job skills think it's inequitable for a free market economy to not take care of them. That state of mind is socialism people. I'm in my mid-40's, have my master's degree and I constantly look for ways to improve my job skills. Wake up people!! The society that can give you everything can also TAKE it from you.

Anonymous said...

I did not see he/she is a DT employee. Where does it state that.

joealbero said...

I know it to be a fact.

Anonymous said...

I have never had anything handed to me in my life. I have worked hard all my life. My parents did too. I intend to "do something better" and I know Maryland is an "at will" state, but there is a difference between the capitalists and the people who actually care about others. The capitlists say "get another job" thus giving the powers that be a thumb over you...the people who care say "I'm sorry this happened and you didnt deserve it, and get another job." We all deserve human compassion, those of us who have doled it out in the past. I have many skills and I have no doubt I will survive, but that doesn't make up for the fact that what they did just plain sucks.

Anonymous said...

To the writer:

God helps those who help themselves. Use this as an opportunity to take control of your own destiny. The mistake so many people make is to put all of their eggs in one basket and rely on someone else to butter their bread when the reality are born alone and you die alone.
There is always pain during a growth spurt, no doubt about that. Pain is good because it forces change. People get too comfortable in their life. A great book to read that is only $18.00 is called "The Shift". It is an easy read and you will walk away for it with a new perspective and in a year from now you will want to thank the person that fired you.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes life is not fair, you have to look at it as their loss, not yours. Walk away from this with the learning experience of never handing over your power to anyone else again.

The DT Gang said...

You were let go because your proof reading skills are about as good as Joe's spelling.

Anonymous said...

To the DT GANG: You hide behind your name. I take that as a compliment. I was given a proofreading "test" as part of my fake "interview" and they would not give me the results because...I passed with flying colors. If I didn't pass or do well on it do you think for one minute they would hesitate to tell me my work sucked? NO they wouldnt. Oh, and by the way, proofreading is one word, and so is MORON.

Anonymous said...

1 ANON 11:17

Anonymous said...

Could it be that you failed a random drug test or is the truth not the point?
"An Insider"

Anonymous said...

Capitalism does not apply here and frankly, I'm getting sick of hearing that word PREACHED to me every day!
Instead of ganging up on someone who is now struggling, and by the way, not asking for ANYTHING from YOU, try having a little compassion!
Be thankful you have a job, or your career handed to you because of who you know or who your parents are but at the same time, you should realize that not all are that lucky!
Did she deserve to lose her job? Maybe. We don't know that, we're not the employer. We're hearing ONE side of the situation and for those of you to post comments bashing her, I feel that is just totally rude!

Anonymous said...

Wow thanks last poster! Some good people left in the world. To the so called "insider", your posting or posing name should be "instigator". No drug tests were failed, no drug tests were taken, I have never so much as smoked a cigarette let alone do drugs. Your post is a total waste of time and completely false.

Anonymous said...

Joe needs a proofreader for this blog, his spelling is atrocious.

Anonymous said...

Don't like this blog you can try another blog. Joe works hard on this blog and spends many hours doing it. Sometimes when you are in a hurry things happen. Be a little more understanding if not you can cancel your subscription to this blog.. top right hand corner... click on the X.

Anonymous said...

This person could not have worked for the DT, as they obviously do not have proof readers. What a mess of a daily rag.

Anonymous said...

Yep drug screen is what we understand too. Denial will get you no where. Proof read that little one. :)

Anonymous said...

10:41 Yeah you always do. Never proven to be wrong, in your opinion.

Anonymous said...

I must say that this is one of the most entertaining blogs I have read in a while! Keep up the great work Joe.

10001110101 said...

It sounds like you were probably smarter than they were and they felt very threatened by you. Dumb ones like to keep dumber underneath of them....god forbid you outshine them. Just remember that everything does come full circle in time.

Anonymous said...

What a nasty bunch of people you all seem to be. Instead of being compassionate toward this person that was cheated out of her job, you point the finger of blame at her and accuse her of failing drug tests, or tell her that god helps those who help themselves. Well, what would you say if the shoe were on the other foot? Would you be so quick to play the blame game or spout useless religious platitudes that mean absolutely nothing? In the meantime, this person is out of a job, cannot collect unemployment and I am certain she has bills to pay. In our current economy I can't see her being able to find another job so quickly. I know that she is 'helping herself' by applying for other jobs, but in the meantime is god going to pay her mortgage or put food on her table?

for what its worth said...

like myself joe might not get all his spelling correct but he sure as heck ALWAYS GET THE POINT ACROSS!