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Friday, March 19, 2010

Don’t Worry, It’s Coming

Sorry for the delay on Part III of WCBOE – Who Bought the Doughnuts.  I didn’t get back from a job in Cape Charles until late.

Expect it a little later this morning.

Just so all of you know, your voice is having an impact.  The educrats at the WCBOE are screaming bloody murder and even want to cut a deal with the County Council that any future document requests will be withheld from the public.

Hey, I wonder if the WCBOE puts me on the payroll would Joe Albero stop printing stories that are unflattering to the bureaucratic party line?

NO! Thank goodness.


Anonymous said...

They can scream all they want. We elected the officials on the County Council and last I remember they work for us the people.

Anonymous said...

any future documents be withheld from the public? who the hell do they think they are?

Anonymous said...

"...the annual Wicomico Teacher of the Year Awards Banquet at The Commons at Salisbury University."

Question: Who pays for this extravagant banquet held at Salisbury University for the teacher of the year? How many people were in attendance and how much did it cost the tax payers? Enlight of the economy and budget cuts you think they would be intelligent enough to be more frugal with this and not make it front page news.

Why couldn't this have been held in on of the school cafeterias? Why couldn't this be catered by the BOE food services personnel? Why did it have to be a banquet? Why couldn't it have been just an assembly?

Mr. Harrison or Mr. Albero could you please find this out for us and do a post on it. I am all for recognition and accolades, but not at a cost of a free meal in a rented hall at tax payers expense.

Anonymous said...

READ THE BLOG!!! There is an article (posted before this one) which explains that the banquet is sponsored by local businesses. It is also my understanding that this year many of those who attended the banquet paid for their meal. (I don't know about the teachers who were honored, but I know others who did.)
It just goes to show you that some people would rather shoot their mouth off and try to make trouble, than take a moment to find out the facts. That's probably because the fact is that the Board of Education is actually doing a really good job considering all the crap that people like you throw at them, and a county council (and a small group of citizens) who won't own up to the fact that the revenue cap is strangling this county, and bloggers who are nothing more than vindictive gossip mongers.

Anonymous said...

Hmm..10:10 am, sounds like the blog struck a nerve.

Anonymous said...

WOW! 10:10 am must be one of those liberal BOE morons that think everything should be paid for by tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

10:10 AM

There is a difference in "sponsor" and paying for the event. Can you prove that no tax dollars were spent on this event? NONE? Can you prove that no Board employees worked on that event without compensation from the tax payers?

Anonymous said...

The suspense is killing me!!!

Anonymous said...

To whom is the BOE screaming bloody murder to?

Anonymous said...

Someone should scream that the coordinator of the banquet is paid as a fulltime year round position at the Board. What a crock.

Anonymous said...


the truth about that coordinator of the event is this - she was once the Principal of Prince Street School, when one day she completely cracked up, telling the staff during a meeting that it was all just too hard for she gets PROMOTED after a breakdown in front of her staff and she gets moved up the chain...Her snoot is soo far up in the air that she must bump into all sorts of things! In an era of budget cuts, surely the BOE needs to look at the top, and this position should be one of the first to go as the woman commands a salary over 90k, and for what? Putting on a pretty party - ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? Certainly the outstanding teachers of this county should certainly be recognized, but in this economy, it all needs to be carefully scrutinized. While we are at it, how about canning all of the Principals as well, and just put a lead teacher or two in charge (on teacher salaries of course). Now, let's think about that one - let's say that each Principal/Vice Principal makes 70k a year times two adminisrators per buliding ( I know Delmar has three, as do the high schools, but this is a theoritcal argument)...multiply that by 25 and you get a whopping 1.75 million and that is a low ball estimate! Now, excuse my spelling as I am just whipped after working 18 hours today on two jobs, so I may not be just so lucid right now. Might I add that I am also a county emoployee, and I have had the wonderful fortune to have been furloughed for 11 days....where is the equity in all of this?