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Monday, March 15, 2010

Obama's Sick Obsession

Nationalized health care is the progressives' Golden Fleece. It is their obsession, the ultimate prize that was denied to previous administrations but is closer than it ever has been. As the ability of government to take over the health care system draws tantalizingly near, the president and leaders of the majority party have become infected with a kind of mania. President Obama and Democratic congressional leaders seem determined to ram through a severely flawed piece of legislation by any means necessary, heedless of the desires of the American people or the negative impact on the system they mistakenly say needs to be saved.

A large majority of Americans are satisfied with their current health care plans, though most also think the system could be improved. Yet proponents of the Democrats' radical health care overhaul brazenly claim the system is irretrievably broken and only radical surgery will save it. According to the latest Gallup poll numbers, less than a fifth of even those who favor health reform agree with that position. The majority of Americans are divided between those who want a scaled-back health care measure and those who want the current project dropped entirely. If any system is broken, it is the legislative process.

Long-time Democratic pollsters Patrick H. Caddell and Douglas E. Schoen warned last week that "the battle for public opinion has been lost" on heath care. Democrats have backed themselves into a corner. If the bill fails, they suffer a defeat. But if they win, they also lose because Democrats "will face a far greater calamitous reaction" in November. "Wishing, praying or pretending will not change these outcomes," they caution.

The Democrats' headlong drive is leading to bouts of political insanity, such as the aptly named Slaughter rule, which potentially could allow the House of Representatives to "deem" the health bill passed without a final vote. That the Democratic leadership would consider resorting to such a stunt betrays a high degree of contempt for the electorate, whom they presumably think will not remember or care that their representatives would not go on the record on such a major piece of legislation.

Disaffected voters, however, will recognize cowardice for what it is. Add to this the Louisiana Purchase, the Cornhusker Kickback, the backroom dealing, special-interest loopholes and fundamental unsoundness of placing government at the center of the health care system, and November will be a slaughter indeed.

More from the Washington Times


Anonymous said...

Regulating the insurance companies is the answer, not regulating the people's choices! Make insurance companies responsible for their actions, hold them accountable when billions are profitted from the hard working citizens. If insurance companies had to pay 100% of an insurance claim instead of the 80 or so % they pay now, doctors would be able to charge people without insurance less.

For those who cannot afford employer offered insurance make an affordable plan available specifically for those people to chose if they so desire.

There are so many simple solutions to the issues at hand, but Obama in his push to be superior cannot see the small solutions he can only see a major overhaul...he is like the bumper sticker go big or go home and no is not the time to play egotistical games.

Anonymous said...

The "battle for public opinion" is lost because Republ. are experts at fearmongering and rousing emotions. Kudos to them. But it is the American people that lose out. "Government takeover of healthcare" is a myth that when Obama confronted them with, Republ. couldn't defend. They were left stammering until another Republ. could step in and repeat the line.

The sad thing is that there is alot to criticize about the bill, especially when it comes to the cost and paying for it. But these critical issues are lost in the debate when the opposition focuses on BS talking points ("I see death panels").

Anonymous said...

You are falling for the propaganda that the Democrats are spewing.
“Regulating the insurance companies is the answer?” Give me a break!
The insurance industry in the country is one of the highest regulated industries in the nation. Insurance companies sell subscribers a plan that very clearly spells out what and how medical care will be covered. Citizens can shop and choose what they what to buy and how much they want to spend.
If you don’t like to pay the premium, then either buy less insurance or pay as you go.
Why do misinformed people such as yourself keep getting healthcare and insurance confused? NOBODY in this country either here legally or illegally are ever denied access to health care! It just doesn’t happen!
Your comment “If insurance companies had to pay 100% of an insurance claim instead of the 80 or so % they pay now, doctors would be able to charge people without insurance less.”
One of the problems with healthcare in this country today is that people believe someone else should pay for their care. If the insurance company had to pay 100% of the claim then the disconnect between care and cost just gets bigger. If you aren’t seeing what the bill for the care is then you don’t have any incentive to moderate what care you seek. Somebody is paying for it and the insurance company just charges premiums based on what care you want.
You are given one body to live out you life. Why isn’t the care a maintenance of your God given body YOUR RESPONSIBILITY and not mine?

Anonymous said...

sorry I don't read the Washing Times, their too right wing for me

Anonymous said...

9:58 you are a fool. "Citizens can shop and choose what they what to buy and how much they want to spend.
If you don’t like to pay the premium, then either buy less insurance or pay as you go."

You must have either never been really ill, have tons of money, or on Medicare. Insurance company premiums for a personal health plan are incredibly high. Factor in one pre-existing condition and the premium skyrockets. And then, at will, you insurance company can increase rates, decrease coverage, and deny claims. There is no real regulation. Co-pays are higher than ever, and physician reimbursement rates are lower than previous years. To think that capitalism is the answer in health care has proven to be faulty logic. Tack on now that baby boomers are beginning to retire and be on Medicare... We are in big trouble.

And by the way, the buzzwords in this article read like a right wing manual. "nationalization" "takeover" "radical"

The folks who are so against any health care reform really have no understanding and don't work in the field.

Anonymous said...

Your whole disertation is based on the myth that someone else should pay for your care.
Why do you think having a prexisting condition raises your rates?
Do you think the insurance companies just print money?
Why should I pay for your bad habits, wreckless addictions or dangerous activity?
What a complete a$$hole you are to think I should pay for you!
It is your body, you and only you are responsible for it!

Anonymous said...

12:52pm...pull your head out of the sand and quit being so partisan. Most everyone want reform. But this hatchet job of a bill is ludicrous and EVERYONE except you knows it! AND 90% of the sob's voting on it dont know whats in it. Name 1....just 1 program like this thats worked correctly? Name 1 action this administration done thats worked correctly? YOUR own party dosent want this bill, just a handful of thugs pushing and threatening for it. There are a ton of ways to correctly reform health care...but this bill is def not 1 of them.

Anonymous said...

I have been to the doctor once in 4 years, yet I pay $320 every month to have health coverage IN CASE I develop a health issue, am involved in an accident that will require repeat treatment, or god forbid end up with a terminal illness.

My uncle who worked for 38 years is now on medicare, he pays $520 a month for that and has to juggle his fixed income once a year when he falls in the "donut hole" because during that period medicare will not pay for his required diabetic supplies or the 10 other pills he is on.

A very good friend of mine opted to not have health insurance because he was fairly young and in good health. One day he be noticed blood in his stool, he went to the doctor to find out he has colon cancer. By that point no insurance company would take him on, so he applied for medical assistance to help with his needed treatment. The woman told him point blank you will be denied the first time, so you may as well be ready to come apply again. He was denied over and over and luckily found a doctor willing to treat him probono. He worked every day even when he was going through chemo and radiation so he could live. He doesn't sit at a desk every day either, he is out there installing flooring, which is very hard work.

Another friend of mine has health insurance through an employer, her daughter broke her arm and she had to take her for emergency treatment followed by a visit the the orthopedist, she received a notice from the insurance company saying there was an investigation into the claim. Since her daughter was hurt on her property the health insurer feels the home owners insurance should be responsible.

So Sir/Ma'am anons that say health ins is the most regulated business in America... if that's the case America is really in bad shape! I think you are sadly mistaken and must have a horseshoe stuck somewhere if you have not had to deal with an insurance issue, you better keep those cheeks tight btw I would hate for you to lose that shoe and have to face the reality the majority of us are already facing.

Anonymous said...


Can anyone say ACORN Troll?

Right from the Democrat talking points about all these poor victims of insurance companies. Your fake stories are loaded with falshoods and you know it!
Stop lying to try and pass Obama care! America has spoken and we don't want it!

Anonymous said...

anon 4:19... my point is I DO NOT want the Obama bull! The solution is changing the way insurance companies operate, not in taking our right to chose away! Not one of those stories is BS and ALL lead back to crooked insurance companies. I am NOT a supporter of the Obama Health crap, nor a supporter of Obama, nor a Democrat!

Anonymous said...


No one is taking your right away to choose. Please for the love of god, get educated before you talk.