Same-sex couples in D.C. have been waiting a long time to tie the knot , so a big rush is expected at Superior Court Wednesday, the first day for couples to get their marriage licenses.
"While we don't know quite how large the group is going to be, we are expecting a significant increase in the number of folks applying for licenses that day," Superior Court Judge Lee Satterfield said Monday night.
D.C. resident Cuk Vu and her partner will be among those folks.
GO HERE to read more.
how sad!!!
Yes, how sad that two people that love each other can get married.
I just threw up in my mouth
Wow, it is sad that we as a society except freaks now. I guess soemday they will learn when the time comes how screwed up they really are.
They will always get it in the end!
It is all a scam by lawyers to double their income on divorce cases.
Live and let live
Men are from Mars and Women from Venus
the Same sex understands each other better
If my husband (who I dearly love) goes before me - I won't look for another man
I'll stick with the girls - not for sex or marriage - But then again NEVER say never
The Bible says two men ought not lay together....
Oh for petes sake if our fair boy wants to have a civil union to share benefits and hospital stays will etc, fine I dont care but dont call it marriage, let them have a civil union
Gays should be able to have a civil union
marriage is between a man and a woman
the benifits should be the same
marriage is not heterosexual privilege
I think this is wonderful.
I bet the 'gays' divorce rate will be lower than the 'straights'
there are so many narrow-minded people in this town, why do you think the local 'gays' move to the city!? I would too.
For all of those who are so vocal about how gays should not be able to marry, I would like to know how it affects YOU?
Because it doesn't affect me. good or bad.
live and let live!
oh here is another one for you bible thumpers-stop using the ancient bible to argue your OPINIONS of today.
This is great! How can you people not support this? What a miracle!
The only reason their allowing {not that it makes it right} is for the fees/taxes......just another way to bring in income. They will whore out ever sacred thing before its over.
looks like nick & bob
anon 2:00 - Brilliant!
anon 3:45 - use spell check before you post nonsensical statements.
9:04...really dude?
#70 same sex couple to apply for a marriage license today, right here from good ol salisbury!
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