
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Today’s “we need a new library” editorial (not the real title) argues that millions must be spent on the current library facility – for a new roof and HVAC system and to improve accessibility – if a new library is not built. That cost estimate seems absurd, but there is a more ridiculous aspect of the editorial, which points out that “the design and construction of an actual library is still years away, even if the land is purchased now.”

So, in any event the current facility will be used as a library for some “years,” and that could be at least 5-10 years before a new facility would be opened. In that case, the work mentioned above and in the editorial is appropriate under any circumstances. Would the County really be dumb enough not to replace the roof if needed?

In fact, with some expenditure for ordinary maintenance and repair/replacement and a relatively inexpensive means of access for disabled persons, the current library is perfectly adequate for the foreseeable future. And, is it just me or does that design in the sketch in the editorial make you think of the typical auto dealership in southern California?


Anonymous said...

More total B.S. from the D.T we do not need a new library. They cannot afford to keep the doors open on a regular schedule now.

Anonymous said...

Another good example of the way things have been done in Wicomico County for years. They let the buildings fall apart fail the keep up on the repairs and then say the building needs replacing.

Anonymous said...


Doesn't the "highly motivated seller" of the land they want to buy on the outskirts of Salisbury have close ties with the library board?

Anonymous said...

Let's flush this down the drain. Pollitt blew too much tax money on that parking for the Civic Center.

Anonymous said...

Let them 'show us the bids'-- PROVE that the estimates they cite are accurate, and not just some numbers somebody pulled out of their butt

Anonymous said...

If the roads in this county get any worse, no one will be able to get to the library!!!

Anonymous said...

11:10 I agree. They obviously recommended this site because they like the owner. They don't care about the library.

Anonymous said...

Above all of the ethics and meat hook realities of the library...

What a terrible writer. Who would postulate such a position and give away their Achilles heal in the process?

Anonymous said...

Repair the current building. Add a few branches around the county. Thats got to be a lot cheaper than building a palace anywhere.

Anonymous said...

Just like the Government spend money they don't have while people are loosing their jobs or being furloughed?

Anonymous said...

The library would probably get more use by tax payers if it wasn't used as a homeless shelter for the stinkies that hang out there .

Anonymous said...

It's called spin, folks. Take the position that you want and then back into it, so to speak. If they want to "prove" something, just start pointing out the extremes of the situation that will create what you want...i.e. bad roof, hvac replacement costs, whatever. I've seen it done by our HOA BOD about our community building. Turns out there is nothing more than regular and ordinary maintenance issues and wear & tear to actually deal with. Except our HOA hasn't been doing their regular maintenance...but that's another story.
The library is fine. Fix what needs fixing and lease a couple of the empty storefronts in convenient areas that aren't readily served by the downtown main building for satellite branches. And hope for better times.