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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Arizona Law Promises To Be 'Toughest' On Illegal Immigration

A bill empowering police to arrest illegal immigrants and charge them with trespassing for simply being in the state of Arizona, is likely just weeks away from becoming the toughest law of its kind anywhere in the country.

Already passed by the state's Senate and currently being reconciled with a similar version in the House, the bill would essentially criminalize the presence of the 460,000 illegal immigrants living in the state.

The measure allows police to detain people on the suspicion that they are illegal immigrants, outlaws citizens from employing day laborers, and makes it illegal for anyone to transport an illegal immigrant, even a family member, anywhere in the state.

The bill's supporters say a local crackdown has become a necessity because the federal government has failed to adequately seal the borders or actively enforce its laws. They blame Arizona's spiraling crime and unemployment rates on its large population of illegal immigrants.

Here's more


Anonymous said...

If every state had the balls to do this it would solve the illegal immigrant problem.

Ironshire said...

Finally! Arizona, like California, is awash with these criminals and is doing something about it. Yes, I said criminals. A non-citizen who is in this country without a visa is a criminal. It's a federal law. A federal law that this government chooses to ignore.
When I was a police officer in California we arrested "Title 8's" on a regular basis. That was in the 70's and 80's. No "Green Card", here's your handcuffs. Then the government got all touchy-feely and California went to hell, where it still remains.
Congratulations to Arizona!

Craig Theobald

Mardela said...

Once this passes, hopefully they will enforce it. Unlike the federal laws that are ignored.

Most all of our families are immigrants, but most all came here legally. They learned the language, learned the constitution and became Americans.

But now we have so many people coming here illegally! If they can't respect our immigration laws, then how will they respect any of our laws?

Anonymous said...

Don't support business's that hire illegals .

Anonymous said...

Most of them are landscapers so I think I'll do my own lawn care .

Brittanicus said...

An Amnesty for illegal immigrants, will do several things that will cost a trillion dollars more for American taxpayers in processing and government benefits. Remember the main author of the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration law, Sen.Ted Kennedy stated , THERE WOULD NEVER BE ANOTHER AMNESTY."


LOS ANGELES COUNTY – Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich released figures from the Department of Public Social Services showing that illegal aliens’ children born in the United States collected over $50 million in welfare benefits (CALWORKS + Food Stamps) for the month of January.

Approximately 23% of all CALWORKS and food stamp issuances in Los Angeles County are made to parents who reside in the United States illegally and collect benefits for their native-born children.

“When you add this to $350 million for public safety and nearly $500 million for healthcare, the total cost for illegal immigrants to County taxpayers far exceeds $1 billion a year – not including the millions of dollars for education,” said Antonovich.

1. The illegal immigration rush to the border will never be stopped.
2. Millions more will be ready to run the US Border Patrol gauntlet, before the final act is signed.
3. It means literary-FAMILY UNIFICATION-, so those already here will be able to bring in their immediate family members. That means a rough calculation 3 extra people, (Just a minimum number) could mean another 100 million people, adding to at the least 20 to 30 million already settled here.
4. People will be waiting expectantly for a third AMNESTY.
5. Millions more pregnant females from all across the world, will try and sneak into America before the baby is born. This means that the whole family can move in, which is extra people to the welfare lines.

Brittanicus said...

6. California will be sinking in financial quicksand under the behemoth volume of foreign nationals pouring into the floundering state. Therefore it will become a third world cesspool.The costs are in the BILLIONS of dollars.
7. The highways will become deathtraps--not that they are not already?
8. Our depreciating infrastructure will decline even more, as there will be even less money to pay for it.
9. Welfare rolls will soar to a unsustainable heights.
10. E-Verify, 287 G, Ice Raids, No Match Letter (Real ID Act & Save Act) would become obsolete.
11. Spanish will become the predominant language in border states.
12. Violence will erupt on a massive scale across the country, that could lead to unrest and riots.
13 Could even lead to a Second Civil War?
14. The only way to justify another AMNESTY is a nationwide referendum. LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE.
15. We must elect--ONLY--true conservatives? NOT RIGHT WING REPUBLICAN'S.
16. Sen. Dick Armey will vote for AMNESTY, so will Sen. John McCain, Sen. Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham.
17. We must remove Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), majority Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) from office.
18. Guest workers visas for farms and agricultural work are for that employment--ONLY? They cannot leave and on expiration of that visa, must return to country of residence.
19. ONLY workers with specialized skills, can get special visa's such as engineers, scientists and PH.d. But must be carefully vetted by federal agents. Not the Department of labor. There is much fraud in this area of employment, with less than reputable attorneys.
20. Our government allows around 1.5 million new immigrants into America annually.
21. Approximately 8 million illegal laborers are in the workforce today.
22. Go to www.numbersusa. com for a immigration qualifying records of our politicians. For instance Sen. Jeff Sessions has a high recommendation for fighting against the illegal alien occupation. We also need more tough police chief's like sheriff Joe Ariapo, to carry out their sworn duties.

23. Go to to view who has been involved in corruption in Washington.

24. NumbersUSA is fighting for every American worker and slow down the invasion.

25. Steve Poizner, a California candidate for governor, has declared he will cut all state entitlements to illegal aliens and begin the task of reporting these people to ICE. Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman are just meandering around the severe financial issue of illegal immigration in SANCTUARY CALIFORNIA.


Anonymous said...

well, at least Sheriff Joe Apario willl be delighted! He is one of the best Sheriff's out there. He saved Arizona close to 40 million each year with the prison system