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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Has The Sh!t Hit The Fan?

"I recently received word that in Michigan, the federal agencies moved on some key militia groups, and now all of Michigan Militia is now armed and is preparing to defend themselves against this open and aggressive move by the federal agencies. If anyone has any information on this, please contact me immediately. I went on to skype and there were dozens of conversations going on about this. As always, I prefer verification. Thanks for the time, and be prepared."

FBI Conducts Raids (WXYZ) - The FBI was conducting raids Saturday night at multiple locations in southeast Michigan. Action News has learned Homeland Security and the Joint Anti-terrorism Task Force is also involved in a major operation. Federal officials would not say who they were targeting or where, but the FBI has set up a command center at the Washtenaw County Sheriff's Department in Ann Arbor, where they have brought in two satellite trucks and a radio tower. Agents have also obtained search warrants and multiple arrests have been made.


Anonymous said...

it's on!

Anonymous said...

The FBI can raid American Militias but they can't infringe upon the constitutional rights of terrorist training camps in the US of A?

We, as Americans, are in BIG TROUBLE.

Anonymous said...

Get ready folks-it's coming to your town soon.

Anonymous said...

Let's watch this one closely, folks. This could require our help.

Anonymous said...

Were prepared thanks for the heads up !

joealbero said...

To the person who just tried to place a comment up about a DC Fire Department on this Post, GET A LIFE!

Your comment had NOTHING to do with this Post.

Anonymous said...

Notice when we have democrat President they always attack Americans but when we have republican they attack foreign enemies ?

Anonymous said...

one man's militia is another man's terrorism group. Timothy Mcveigh anybody?

Anonymous said...

Keep Your Powder Dry. Obama's Forces are coming to a neighborhood near you.

Anonymous said...

You havent seen anything yet. This is only the beginning.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody blown anything up ? Militia's are constitutional I can guarantee if they didn't have bomb wielding people like Mcveigh they will now ! Anybody know of a local militia group I'm in !

Anonymous said...

This is BAD! Maybe the beginning of the end.
Do not underestimate this Government, we have been taken over from within!
God Bless Us All

Anonymous said...

Joe, This is a BFD, Please keep us posted, thanks for all you do.

cory said...

The Feds are only going after the Militia's because they dont like competition. And they dont want the people to be able to defend themself's when the government tries to take everything away from them. Get ready people your freedoms are going to be taken away and its the people that keep putting the dangerous lunatics in office that are going to let it happen

Anonymous said...

I like my freedom and am willing to kill and die to keep it .

joealbero said...

anonymous 10:52 is JT trying to stir the pot.

Anonymous said...

Remember that Detroit is a hotbed of Islamists.. I wouldn't jump to too many conclusions just yet-- but keep your powder dry nonetheless...

Anonymous said...

This should be big MSM news but I haven't heard a thing about it yet on TV. Is this one of those things that they will choose to ignore?

Anonymous said...

JT couldn't hold a rifle to his shoulder let alone die for his freedom. Besides he is one of those ENTITLED people drawing off disability that he never paid in to.

Anonymous said...

JT didn't send that I'm not sure who he is but I'm a father of six and don't want the government forcing me to do anything and don't want my children being slaves so I will do what ever I have to .

smitty240 said...

"THEY CAME FIRST for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

THEN THEY CAME for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

THEN THEY CAME for the Catholics,
and I didn’t speak up because I was a Protestant.

and by that time no one was left to speak up."

Anonymous said...

All peace loving Americans should pay close attention to this event. When the government states that they cannot raid muslim terrorist camps yet raids American militia camps it's time for all to wake up. This administration is truly trying to destroy America as we know it.

Anonymous said...

the Michigan Militia was NOT raided it as a religious group,they call them selfs the hutaree and the Michigan Militia is not taking up arms at this time

Anonymous said...

This is what you big guys have been waiting for.
Get out that supply of ammo and guns you bad guys have been holding onto.
It is your big chance attack whom ever it is infringing on your rights , shot em, blow em up, It is what you have been waiting for wait no more.
Or has just the wind been blowing again?
I think you will lay down your weapons and do as you are told when the helicopters and feds surround your house.
You are all full of you know what. s--------
Oh why is this not on any real news station?

Anonymous said...

Told ya that's why they don't want the citizenry to have weapons.They want the least resistance possible.

Anonymous said...

I like that freedom, Six feet under in a pinebox.
Do you think someone will let you out on sunday night to go bowling?

lastword said...

Only thing I can find so far is a local newscast in Mi. Also has video.
ADRIAN, Mich. (WXYZ) - The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Joint Anti-Terrorism Task Force are all involved in raids around Adrian that may be connected to a militia group.

The FBI conducted multiple raids throughout Saturday and into Sunday, with one of them centered on a property where known members of a militia live. The land is owned by a man who lives in a house on the property. His sons live in two mobile homes that are also on the property. Saturday's raids were concentrated on those mobile homes

Members of a number of militia groups say that the raids are connected to raids in Indiana and Ohio. However, the FBI has not confirmed that.

Anonymous said...

@12:00pm, keep your liberal head up your liberal ass while the rest of us protect your right to be a chicken shit follower. This isn't on the "real" news like liberal owned and controlled CNN, HNN, NBC, CBS, ABC because they don't want it to be known world wide. FYI WXYZ in Michigan is REAL LOCAL NEWS in that area.

You may now resume bowing to Obama.

Orsonwells said...

Fox is reporting seven arrests in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana for selling pipe bombs. Militia type people.

Anonymous said...

12:00 Is just a cowardly instigator .

smitty240 said...

MSM isn't reporting because Obamalamadingdong had to make a "secret" trip to Afghanistan. That's soaking up all the TV time, so you won't see the "national" story of the Fed raids. They learned from Waco that TV must be manipulated in order to be able to effectively spin the press releases.

Pipe bombs? Didn't they bust a kid that was doing something like this a couple of years ago without all the spool up of troops? Is this a message being sent? For a party that is supposed to have the best interests of the "common people" at heart, they don't mind throwing the heavy hand of the law around.

If this is the new norm, how long before we see the National Guard deployed in heavy drug sale and use zones? Aren't they a threat to the peace? Oh, that's right, this party wants to legalize drugs.

Anonymous said...

Then do something coward.

Anonymous said...

2:52 Please let me know who you are and we will find out. Please Mr: coward

Anonymous said...

This is a big deal. We have a small unit and we are prepared. those interested should start putting their own unit together. start small. Just people you have known for a long time and trust. Close friends and relatives. Train. A lot. There are a few militias in this area but they are very low keyed. They fly under the radar. They are flying columns. Militias will never be very large organizations with leaders. In fact they are leaderless organizations so thatif one group is taken out the rest remain capable. Go here:

you will find a great deal of information about weaponry, tactical plans, training, info on how to get started, etc.

Anonymous said...

there has been a lot of helicopter activity here lately! All hours of the night.

Anonymous said...

I don't see your name on here can we say 3:29 is skeerd .

Anonymous said...

3:28 & 29 Put up or shut up keyboard warrior you would never stand eye to eye with me without running in fear but I'm ready tough guy .

Anonymous said...

Didn't I once hear in sohool history, " GIVE ME LIBERTY OR, GIVE ME DEATH, AND TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION AND life LIBERTY and the persuit of happiness. and protect this nation from enimies both foreign and domestic. " well remember a fellow named Adolph Hitler and Joseph Stallin, well now how about Barrack Oboma. one in the same. my ancestors who fought and died for this country would roll over in their graves at what this once great country has become, a communist bunch of winning liberal pigs. Who knows for sure whats up ,but didn't militias form the revolutionary army.( i know my spelling sucks )who knows mabye it is time CHANGE. I have heard some groups are forming on the eastern shore. Don't know that for sure just hearsay.

Anonymous said...

5:07 I think you have it backwards 12:00 3:28 and 3:29 are the Obama-bots calling out the militia I'm merely asking him when and where !

Anonymous said...

OK, Look, you guys, You can't sell pipe bombs, you can only tell others HOW to make the pipe bombs. You can't sell them. It's perfectly legal to send internet links to others; it's just that we all have to make our own pipe bombs! Let's get real here! Everybody has to sign up the black powder quantity they bought, and the lower to each person lowers the odds of a red flag.


Anonymous said...

3:28 / 29 come you Obama coward !

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be a part of a Delmarva Militia. But this is a problem with trying to start a Delmarva Militia. You never know which member who claims to be a patriot will actually be a spy for the government.

Anonymous said...

7:51 start with your close friends and family members. If you feel the way you say, it is very likely you have friends with the same mindset. It is 100% legal to have a militia. It is 100% legal to practice to defend yourself and your family. Start now. keep it close and small. NEVER share the types of weapons you have with anyone. NEVER discuss militia business with anyone outside your unit. NEVER wear your camo, molle gear, rifle/shotgun in public. No patches on cloting or stickers with a militia name on your vehicles, etc. A "don't tread on me" Gladsden decal or an upside down American Flag (signifies a nation in distress)is fine to be able to identify like minded folks outside of your unit but never trust anyone with confidential information regarding the identity of your unit or it's members. Know, however, that when you start involving your unit with JFTX's with other units, the confidentiality of your members will be compromised because you can't vouch for the memers of other units with whom you train. Keep it clean and don't engage in any illegal activity and you will be just fine.

Anonymous said...

It has begun people. The government is now your enemy. Don't trust any of them.

Anonymous said...

How much should we take. Next is immigration reform where any illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. will be granted amnesty. They will then get healthcare for free and suck what little we have left from us. After that there will be finance reform where they take control of our 401k's and place them under the Soc. Sec. Admin. Then when you pass away you will only be able to will 50% of the remaining amount to family members. The balance will be absorbed by "the fund" so that others can have a retirement. WTF people! We need to wake up!

Anonymous said...

I can just smell the testosterone here.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone fill out their census by the way??

Anonymous said...

Obama has to go!

Anonymous said...

10:14 You won't smell that coming from the left that's for sure