Because I felt the laws in Maryland SUCK when it comes to sex offenders, I spent the day yesterday in Annapolis to participate in the next level of government, as compared to local legislation. It was well worth the trip, with a few exceptions.
With the Sarah Foxwell murder in late December, several things really got to me on this trip. Let me start with the following. WHERE WERE THE REPUBLICANS? I can't think of ONE politician, (especially from the Eastern Shore) that wouldn't want to make the laws tougher on such criminals as Thomas Leggs but where were they.
The Democrats, (for what it's worth) have moved forward with newly proposed legislation, yet our republican officials haven't said a word and haven't done a thing. That bothers me quite a bit.
That being said, no Daily Times. No WBOC or WMDT. Congressman Frank Kratovil sent out a Press Release recently so I know the local Media was aware of the proposed legislation being presented today, yet the local media was not present.
More importantly, where the heck was Jennifer Foxwell and her Mother. Look Folks, there were parents from Cleveland Ohio there and others from all over the East Coast. The majority of discussion was based around Sarah Foxwell, yet not one representative from the Family was present. It has been reported that Jennifer Foxwell is trying to retain an attorney to get back custody of her children. Well, this would have been a great step forward for her to be there and support this legislation.
Much was discussed and even one member of O'Malley's Staff was there to speak on his behalf and their testimony was quite convincing. Many stated this is a no brainer, getting the new legislation passed. However, in my honest opinion the closing deal would have been Jennifer Foxwell being present to speak in support of her own Daughter.
And don't feed me that crap that it's too soon because she has been attending all sorts of events and is not shy by any means. Nevertheless, Mathias and Conway did a fine job presenting their case and the Eastern Shore can be comforted in knowing at least SOME of their elected officials were doing their part to introduce new legislation.
It should be noted that Tuesday was pretty much dedicated to all sorts of sex offender law changes. I can't say just how much influence Salisbury News played in waking up our elected officials but we certainly did our best to let them know we were all listening. In fact, Norm Conway stated he had never received so many e-mails and letters on any single issue than the Sarah Foxwell murder. The images below shows you the entire schedule for Tuesday in the House of Delegates.
Regardless of what some people think of Mathias and Conway, my hat is tipped to them for introducing this legislation and with any hope some time within the next two weeks we should know if and what was proposed actually passed.
How about a tip of that hat to Frank Kratovil, too!
Where was Colburn, Haddaway, Eckhardt, Elmore, and Andy Harris?
I didn't see Rudy Caine (D) in the photo either.
Good questions all, was this meeting open or was access controlled by those in power in our state legislature? (democrats)
Which commitees were invited and who serves on those committees?
Open your eyes folks, the truth is out there.
It's an election year and this is how the game is played, while the new media is not being wined and dined with cigars and escorts, there could be something more subtle in play.
Please give us a break.
Conway has been in Annapolis for years but done nothing until now, an election year, and Mathias is not much better. Do you think they would be posturing in public these days if the Foxwell abduction and murder had not occurred?
anonymous 9:50, I'm not going to sit here and argue with you but let me at least say this. Are you not satisfied with their participation on a major issue for the entire state. Are you saying you are satisfied that you didn't see your republican elected officials not there?
Joe we need an answer from Andy Harris as to why he wasn't there yesterday. This man wants my vote for US Congress, but if he couldn't make time in his busy election cycle to be at this hearing then maybe I'll be too busy with my schedule to vote for him in the primary and possibly in November.
Which one of the proposed legislation does anyone think would have saved Sara Foxwell? NONE. Judges and court of appeals kept letting him out of jail. They are the ones that need change.
I think I might now know why Andy harris was not present: He didn't wanna be seen or photographed with Democrats which could be used against him in the primary or November (The Criss factor in Florida). If this is the case then it's an outrage.
The legislation should not be a partisan issue. I would also like to know where the Republicans were? I understand the democrats are using this as a campaign platform but the bottom line is that all elected officials should be outraged with the abuse laws that exist. Get doing the job we sent you to do.
Let's all pray for the other foxwell children that jennifer foxwell does not obtain custody back nor should they be in the aunts custody its time people step up and protect our children even with laws being changed it is our priority as parents and guardians to protect our children
Anonymous 12:20 Wrong ! Wrong!Wrong! The Aunt is doing everything for the children. Why do people blame her for this ?? Someone (Leggs) took Sarah from us , the Anut did not give her to him. Back off from the Aunt ! Enough already !!
I, for one, am glad Jennifer Foxwell didn't attend and speak. What would be the point? What credibility does she have? Yes, she lost a child, but I dare say, Jennifer is not an innocent in the whole situation.
mom, I highly doubt those Delegates know her history, nor Sarah's Father's.
No matter what Jennifer Foxwell's past is, she is stil the Mother of that beautiful child and she should have been there to support this newly proposed legislation.
Just my opinion.
What we need are not more laws, that only makes things more complicated and creates loop holes. What we need are for judges to start putting people away for the max and jails to stop letting them out early for "good behavior". These idiots would not be able to prey on innocent victims if they were behind bars.
Right 4:31 Thats the problem we DONT need more laws. enforce more stricter penalties. These people are re-releashed only to add to the cry for more police, more money, more BS feel good crazy useless law. Enforce and lock these wackos up. Plain and simple soulution, but not for a Politician. What a bunch of stinky BS. They use this issue to bolster their rice bowls, grease the skids for more useless restrictions that will bit us all in the ass at some point. GPS chip talk, castration, new law what is wrong here!!. Lock em up throw away the key. We need judges who will do thier jobs. Why is this kinda stuff always a cry more more police and bad laws. If they cant enforce the ones we have what makes you think this one will..its a cryin shame as we see our freedoms eroded on a daily basis. When we have prisons for a reason.
They will say anything to get re- elected. They are using the legacy of that innocent little girl to promote their political careers. That's what the talk is all about-nothing more or nothing less. They are POLITICIANS!
Norm Conway was a teacher and an elementary school principal. He does care about children.
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