Rescuers report using trucks as ambulances and doors as stretchers
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - Desperately needed aid from around the world began arriving Thursday in quake-stunned Haiti, while rescuers struggled frantically to save the trapped and injured, using trucks as ambulances and doors as stretchers.
President Barack Obama said "one of the largest relief efforts in our recent history" is moving toward Haiti, with thousands of troops and a broad array of civilian rescue workers deployed to aid the stricken country — backed by more than $100 million in relief funds.
"To the people of Haiti, we say clearly and with conviction, you will not be forsaken. You will not be forgotten. In this, your hour of greatest need, America stands with you. The world stands with you," Obama said.
GO HERE to read more.
Dear American Parents, Please advise your children and grandchildren they will now have to work until they are 106 years old to pay off the American debt.
Also advise them that the best training one can get in this economy for a future job is working on a printing press, The kind that prints, (not earns) money.
Think how much we could help if we had stayed the hell out of the mid east. We got Saddam, to stupid to get Bin laden so get out. We are over there supposedly to help them when people in Africa, Haiti, etc are worse off then they are. jackkcharl@aol.com
I also suppose you should teach them that Jesus was wrong, or at least misguided, when he told us to care for our fellow man. If you read the original text of the Bible that he and his Dad wrote, (the version the secular, lib-loving MSM won't tell you about,) Jesus says to love your fellow man, as long as you can afford it. If not, they are on their own. It serves them right.
We can't even help ourselves and now turn to help a nation that really has never liked us.
anonymous 1:48, tell that to the individual who wrote us today. It starts at HOME first. We can't even take care of AMERICANS.
Again, for all the "take care of us" crowd; where were you before we went to Iraq or Kosovo or before we helped with the tsunami? And aren't you the crowd who rails against govermnet trying to "take care of us" through the types of aid (unemployment benefits, welfare) that you are now complaining about not getting. The people got hit with a earthquake in an area that is rarely hit by this kind of natural disaster. Stop your wining and praise those looking to save some lives down there.
I have to agree; while the natural events that occurred in Haiti are terrible, I feel the US should participate in relief efforts, as members of the UN, not as the sole leader.
Haiti has no strategic and/or military advantage for the US, and has a history of very unstable goverment administrations.
Yes, American's need to help, it's the right thing to do. We don't; however, need to do it all!
Where is obamanation in rounding up the WORLDWIDE community in this effort. I know France has sent help, but what about the Saudis, Japan, and communist China? Let them contribute too. What about your native country of Kenya?
I thought government wasn't supposed to be taking care of AMERICANS? Isn't that all just apart of the Obama anti-christ socialist marxist communist muslim terrorist fascist racist Cobra Commander plot to rule the world?
We do try to take care of our own but the demand more and take out assistance for granted. I'm sure haitii is thankful that we are assisting. I doubt any haitiin will try to sue because they weren't treated fairly by the relief support
Our country is bankrupt, so why in the hell are we giving away another hundred million dollars? I'm all for helping the downtrodden, but you must keep yourself healthy before you can help anyone else. If we were rolling in money like we once were, then we should be helping the less fortunate. But that is not the case-we are broke. He won't foresake Haiti, but he has forsaken Americans. He is helping Haiti with the very money he has stolen from Americans who have no jobs and are loosing their homes.
Americansare in a sewer deposit with this blk non american
It will be wide spread madness in another 24 hours or so, all that money will disappear into the abyss somewhere.
It's funny how the right conveniently believes the US's financial problems began during the 1-year old Obama presidency. Quite laughable!
In the last five years, American has given Haiti $1 billion dollars. That's more than double what the World Bank has given Haiti. Haiti's a shit hole and always will be because of the corrupt government. Only people doing well off of all that U.S. generousity are the corrupt politicians.
Just keep telling yourself that Doug... and we're all going to really care when you the one that needs help...
I knew I should have saved my post since you wouldn't post it :\
Forgot exactly what was said but I was talking about how America has handed off its debt to the children for 40 years. So why be pissed about it now.
Oh well. It's your site.
Fair and balanced :)
Hey way to O. Now your stepping up bringing in more votes for yourself. Hey they do not even need a birth certificate. Master of ripping the system off just like yourself.
Proud moment to be an Americam.
I wish our Govt. would have sent 100 million to New Orleans, those people are still hurting and we haven't cleaned up that mess yet. We can forsake our own people, but let's not forsake the people of another country! Huh! Also, would someone please tell Obama that the good ole USA doesn't have 100 million to send to another country, well, unless we borrow it from China.
We will need to raise heavy arms to keep the Thugs away from Distribution areas. The same type of Criminal activity will evolve. The children will suffer more from the aggressive behavior that rules within that population. Staging relief efforts will be lethal for the Humanitarian help
While I feel, as human beings, it's important for us to help others who are in need, I also feel our government shouldn't be spending any more of OUR money than they already are. Leave it up to individuals to help how they can, and if they choose to. Our government is out of control.
4:09, explain yourself.
You all should be ashamed of yourselves. We are pledging humanitarian aid to a country devastated by an act of god and you complain about it. Some Christian nation we have become. In your eyes, politics have trumped human decency. Disgraceful.
How about we Americans individually choose who we help and who we do not help?
Our government is for serving us.
If we individually choose to help then so be it. There is no pride in being victimized financially by our own elected officials, and then, they - pretend that they are helping someone else with our stolen money.
Our government is wicked and evil.
PS, if Obama were president when Katrina happened- the federal aid situation would have been 180 degrees different...
his swift aid to Haiti illustrated that...
I do feel for the people , however why do we have to give 100,000 million dollars it will not touch the damage . I hope we do not run of ink for all the money we need to print.
More wasted money, how much more can we borrow from China to give away to other countries? Our leaders are the worlds dumbest. We are the laughing stock of the world. If Obama isn't stopped, we are all doomed to poverty.
Yeah! we no need give money and aid to other people. We keep money for us! Americins are number ONE!
I'd rather buy more truck nuts and some Natural light than help out a damn foreigner! like i said, wide spread madness in another 24 hours or so, all that money will disappear into the abyss somewhere.
at least the U.S.S Hope & Comfort may now leave Nawleans.
FYI, more than 100 million has been sent to New Orleans. Ask the Mayor where it is. Probably went to pay off his roll of dead police officers. The crooked SOB!
Our financial woes began when the democrats took over congress up to that point it was record breaking .
He definately thinks he is God.
I could really give two craps about those devil worshipping Haitians. I'm not here to bail them outta crap! On your own fella's!
how is this wasting money when its going to help save lives? I support it 100% They need it more than we do right now, have some compassion, there are Americans over there as well who need help. All you people care about is yourselves, I cannot believe someone said "they deserve it" how can you let that go through??? Because their not americans they deserve to die? I don't understand some of you people's thinking sometimes...
9:39am, how do you explain Obama's speech and promise of money as "swift aid"? Is that all George Bush had to do, get on a TV somewhere and promise to help them with money? Wow.
Yeeeeeah, Slow-Joe has a way of accidentally bringing out the worst in his cronies. Point.In.Case.
a nickname is born....
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