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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A New Conservative Party?

Public opinion is turning against the Democratic legislative agenda. The bailouts, the attempted government takeover of our health care system, imposing cap-and-trade, hoping to end the secret ballot in the organization of unions, massive tax increases and granting amnesty to illegal immigrants - these radical policies will permanently transform America. Mr. Obama is on the verge of achieving a cultural revolution.

Conservatives are the last line of defense. The burgeoning "tea party" movement represents resurgent traditionalist forces. It is more than a call for limited government and fiscal sanity. It is an embryonic nationalist-populist coalition that threatens the corrupt Beltway establishment. The patriotic right understands that we are slowly, relentlessly losing our country. Our globalist elites have turned their backs on America. The symptoms of decay and decline are everywhere: runaway spending, ballooning deficits, the erosion of our manufacturing base, the loss of national sovereignty, the onslaught of illegal immigration and an imperial, arrogant political class.

Led by Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, the GOP claims it has changed. The party of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan is allegedly returning to its conservative roots. Mr. Steele vows that political exile has chastened - and humbled - Republicans, teaching them the folly of their spendthrift ways.

But conservatives would be wise to follow the old adage: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Actions speak louder than words. And it should take more than a mea culpa from Mr. Steele to buy conservatives' allegiance.

Instead, the "tea party" movement should demand that the Republican Party outline a detailed platform for the 2010 elections. To receive conservative-populist support, Republicans must promise to repeal Mr. Obama's policies root and branch.

This means Obamacare must be rescinded - immediately. The election should be turned into a referendum on government-run health care.

Taxes must be slashed. Government spending must be reined in, with sweeping cuts across the board. A balanced budget must be passed every year - with no exceptions. The Education Department must be eliminated.

Labor unions must be rolled back. Real tort reform must be implemented. Draconian rules against carbon emissions passed by the Environmental Protection Agency must be abrogated; the EPA's ubiquitous regulatory power substantially scaled back.

Unfair trade agreements must be scuttled - unilaterally, if necessary. A security wall must be built within 12 months all along our porous southern border. English must be made the official language, and bilingualism prohibited.

Republicans are poised for major gains this year. Electing more Republican politicians, however, is not the same thing as ending the march of Big Government liberalism. If Republicans refuse to adopt an America-first manifesto or worse, promise to enact these policies but fail to do so, then the "tea party" movement in 2012 should do the unthinkable: Break away and form a third party.

More from The Washington Times..


Anonymous said...

These "demands" will keep the democrats in power.

Anonymous said...

Form a 3rd part NOW! I dont trust any of these sob's!

Orsonwells said...

We need the 3rd party now for November's election!

Anonymous said...

The greatest thing we need is to have well informed voters/citizens getting involved in our government at all levels, i.e. calling, writing and e-mailing politicians to hold them accountable.

Going to Annapolis tomorrow, participating in the T.E.A. Party Rallys and joining and supporting the Americans For Prosperty which can be found at

We must make the sacrifice to give some of our time to becoming active in our political process. When we think of the sacrifices made for our freedom and way of life, starting with the Revolutionalry War up to and including fighting for us at present, what we are being asked to do seems very insignificant at best.


Anonymous said...

For conservatives, a third party breaking from the Republican party would be suicide. That splits the American conservatives into two separate voting entities. If only the democrats would split apart.

Alex said...

Dear Teabagger,

Please do create a 3rd party, maybe if wingnuts would separated themselves from the Republican party, I would actually consider voting Republican.
On the second though, I will continue vote Democrat because 3rd party would be the end of the current Republican party.

Anonymous said...

how about we trash political parties all together. Parties are what makes people bash every idea from that doesn't come from their own party.

Anonymous said...


Just think about your introduction of Dear Teabagger, then think about which party you support. If this were a dumbocrat movement your introduction would be appropriate,because everyone knows you are the party of teabaggers.

Anonymous said...

It dosent matter what party, vote them ALL OUT this go around! Their all crooks and traitors!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to conservatives and liberals, the country is broke. I left years ago from the Republican party when George W. Bush kept spendng. I'll never belong to another mainstream political party unless Indepenent becomes mainstream.
The last thing we need is a rich doctor from the weatern shore like Andy Harris. he thinks he a gift to the world with his conceited attitude.
More level headed with Frank Kratovil.
And I've met and talked to both. Harris was a complete idiot.
Lou Dobbs for president