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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Webster vs City of Salisbury



Anonymous said...

yeah, it was posted on the Daily Times website a couple of hours ago.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else hear Capt Tyler's request for assistance from other police agencies on WBOC tonight?

Stop by on your way through town???He made it sound like he was asking MSP and WCSD to stop by for a cup of coffee and a donut. WTF???

Anonymous said...

Face it the police can't do a whole lot there is just not enough of them it's up to the people arm your self !

Anonymous said...

Webster refuses help. Has he cleared this with his boss or is Webster stuck in the marsh?

Anonymous said...

Chief Webster your a$$ is fired. Pack up your desk now and go back to the rock you crawled out from underneath of so that Mike Lewis can get this under control. Get out now!!

Anonymous said...

Lets be carefull not to cast a negative shadow on the rank and file officers for SPD. I believe they are as good as any agency on the shore, but when you have poor leadership who could care less about the folks he was hired to protect and serve what can you expect?

Anonymous said...

Webster said he's tired of people blaming his department for the rise in crime.

HEY BONEHEAD no one is blaming your department. EVERYONE is blaming YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Our economy is based on war and drugs. We kill people in Afghanistan in order to profiteer off heroin production. Karzhai's own brother is a CIA drug dealer - admittedly!

Locally, there are drugs everywhere and none of them made in America! How do they get here?

Salisbury can't police the drug trade. Salisbury can't prevent robberies and murders. It can only mourn and pray.

There is a much bigger evil lurking and its name is the U.S. Government.

Anonymous said...

Your Fired!!!! If not now, when? How much worse do things need to get? Heard on WBOC tonight that Webster is tired of everyone blaming his police force for the crime wave. We don't blame the force, we blame you and you only Webster. You denied crime was a problem for so long, denied the existence of gangs, and now deny the blame. You ran off good officers, allowed your force to become grossly understaffed, and closed neighborhood substations. When you go, and I hope it is very soon, the force will be the happiest people in Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Big Brother can't help you ! Arm yourself !

Anonymous said...

Webster nor Lewis will not be able to do a darn thing with the number of officers they have now !

Anonymous said...

Please tell me that he did not refused help from allied agency, and have his dectective go home after processing the crime scene to avoid overtime. What happened to a Nieghbor Hood Canvas, and working snitches?

Chimera said...

Score another victory

Anonymous said...

7:33, did some of those drugs make it to your house? One can only assume reading your paranoid drivel that you are under the influence of "something" or just a weird dumbazz.

Anonymous said...

Webster never wants other agencies to assist because he truly believes he is the best. Since you have nobody else to sue maybe you can get your friends to launch more investigations against officers. You are truly pathetic.

Jim, call me when you fire him so I can hold the door for that a$$hole.

Anonymous said...

Anon. 7:24. Agreed. SPD has some good honest officers. Officers with character. I can name on 1 hand the officers who give the good officers a bad name and rep. Most at SPD know who they are. We know who the a$$ kissers are. We know who is allowed to take off the whole weekend. We know who the shady cops are. We know who will lie for the CPT and LT. We know the LT who was helped fudge his day and night qualifications. You have higher department heads at SPD only reading the reports from the patrol officers and not doing any leg work. They don't understand what its like on the streets in Salisbury anymore. They read the news paper and watch it on TV. They do not get to know their officers on a personal level so it makes it easier to put them through an IA investigation and toss them out on the street or make them resign. Look how many has left since the begining of this year. That should be a red flag and every citizen should be lined up in front of SPD wanting answers. If a child breaks a window on purpose, the parent is held accountable. If a child skips school, the parent is held accountable in some cases. Catch my drift? Placing the blame on the public for not wanting to help is a coward way of not admitting your wrong doing. No one wants to help someone who is a coward. Webster asking the public for help is ok but when you do not make your self present to these crimes and be more active with the community, dude your just a waste of 2 paychecks a month. You have other police department LT's, Sgts and even Chief of police interacting with their citizens. That is what leadership is about. The citizens of Salisbury only know Webster from a few pictures from the news. Here you have Sheriff Lewis only new to his spot has made more public appearences than Webster has EVER done. You don't see Webster on TV helping out with the Salvation Army. You don't see Webster out shaking hands with the public at events. Webster is a no show. The public has got to know that their Chief is willing to help and interact with them. Webster isn't doing any of that. What is this guys MO? What is his mission statement? What is his goal? I can only assume that he is here for a pay checks. I have seen how he treats his officers. Animals treat their young better. SPD is only a stepping stone. Do 2 or 3 years and get out. Pay the $2,500 contract. It isn't worth your health and your life. Sorry if I mispelled words. Spelling wasn't my best subject.(former SPD officer)

Anonymous said...

Webster - Your typical Baltimoron! I think that about subs it all up, need we say anything else.

Anonymous said...

Of course the case was dismissed. It was just a nuisance suit anyway.
He could NOT have thought it was going anywhere.
He needs to turn over the officers to be managed by Lewis. The larger and more efficient force may be able to effectively turn things around here in SBY. What is being done now clearly isn't working. I heard that it would involve too much "red tape" to convert from two to one agency...there MUST be some way to merge the two that would work. Somebody smarter than me needs to figure this out. Then let the people know. We'll support it wholeheartedly.

Anonymous said...

comments speak truthfull words its almost if not more a 75 officer turn over rate since dykes left, just to name a few perdue, davis, oliphant, dailey, porta, burns, bratten,smullen,dykes,farmer,bratten,wells,polk,peters,meinschine forced on medical along with townsend, peterson, and the list goes on these are just a few in the past few years

Anonymous said...

921 I agree totally with everything you said but you have to admit that Sheriff Lewis was elected by the people and that is a big reason why he is out there making public apperances. He needs votes come election time. I know Lewis is a stand up guy excellent Trooper and all around good Police Officer and he truly cares and would most likly be out there anyway. On the other hand Webster is an employee under contract and does not need the votes and that is why he is not out there in the public eye. Not that he would be anyway. If the team is losing no matter what the players are doing the coach is responsible and SPD is Losing and Webster you are responsible and you need to go. It's not hard for you to dismiss an Officer for not ding their job maybe you should take a step back and look at yourself and ask yourself am I doing my job. If you have problems answering that then there are plenty of people out here to help with the answer. NO!!!!

Anonymous said...

My husband was a victim of a violent crime here in the city limits. I called to follow-up on the case and was told that the detective assigned to the case was on vacation and that someone else would call me back. Well...that was 11 months ago and I'm still waiting for the call! (I kept on trying to call, even though I was rudely ignored). Eventually I couldn't even be connected to the Criminal Inv. Div., the person answering the phone told me that if there were any new developments, that I would be called. My tax dollars help pay these salaries and I WANT ANSWERS!!

Anonymous said...

11:41 PM was there 2 "brattens?"

Anonymous said...

11:37 Right right right.
This is a notion that has now become essential to the survival of the city. Move forward consolidate forces. Tell us how to do this, so we can save our city.

Mardela said...

I'm a Baltimoran, and believe me, Webster is no such thing. My Uncle is a detective in the Balto Co police force and after spending 10 years in robbery, he was recruited to IA under Webster....he transfered out within a month! He went back to investigating real crimes and real criminals, something Webster never has or never will do!

Anonymous said...

11:41 you are wrong. There has been a 250% turnover rate in the past few years. You name your friends but there are so many more. Webster never did like the fact that people compared him to Dykes. Don't worry Chief - Dykes was in a league of his own. You don't rate to clean his shoes.

Anonymous said...

It was a very bad PR move Chiefy, and now you look even worse you fool!

Anonymous said...

Jim, crime has the City Council and Daily Times on the run, people are mad and they seem to finally see the light, so why not fire Webster now.

If Council members choose not to back you, the voters will, they'll be there at the council meetings and everywhere else screaming "bloody murder!" FOR REAL!!!

Anonymous said...

joe, pin this up top today

we are suffering from this crime and our chief is chasing lawsuits and made up crimes from 10 years ago.

the lady with the assaulted husband should file a complain about her treatment!!!!!

also i didn't known we had lost so many oficers if that is true for me i'd be fired

sorry abot bad typing stickie keyboard

off to work

Anonymous said...

I think there is alot of piling on against Webster and that he is working with somewhat linited resouces. I also think that people have some notion that more crimes of this type are solved in the county...not really. They also lose sight of the fact that most crime targets i,e. cash laden businesses are located in the city as opposed to the county.

But with all that said, there is no question that Webster does not have the support of the community or it's elected leaders.Given that, and the fact that crime is going to continue to escalate given the state of the economy,Webster should resign and give someone else a chance to take a new approach.At this juncture ,it's what is best for the community.

Anonymous said...

Red flag. SPD can't keep officers more than 5 years due to Webster and his goons on the third floor. He is the issue. I compair Webster to a dried up turd in the park. Webster isn't going to resign. He will ride this money train until the wheels fall off. Screw the crime in the city, just give that guy a paycheck as 9:21 said.

Anonymous said...


It ain't over til it's over -- the Fat Lady has not sung yet on this mess.

PS -- recall what Stu Leer did to Wilber in the appeal court in Annapolis!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cheify, You're Fired.

Mardela said...

Maybe we need Donald Trump to come to Salisbury...YOUR FIRED...hahaha