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Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Another Armed Robbery in Salisbury Last Night

Allegedly there was yet another armed robbery in Salisbury last night. A Red Door Sub Shop delivery driver was robbed at gun point around 9:00pm Monday night.

People pulling up to the curb at Sam's Club, rolling down their windows making statements dripping with sarcasm "Crime is down, isn't it Joe?"


Anonymous said...

Help Is On The Way!

Anonymous said...

The person who committed this crime is every bit as violent as the person who killed the owner of the Shell Station on N Sal Blvd, and as cold blooded as the three that killed Anita. The police need to find these people, the prosecutors need to ensure conviction and the courts need to send them away permanently, just like they did to Anita's murderers.

Anonymous said...

Fire that donuthin chief already!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

don't worry it's the economy's fault... Let some cop tell that to me when one of these violent crimes hits my family! He'll have more to worry about than the economy or a criminal case to investigate! And you can call that a threat all you want! I'm sick of it! The simple fact is, QUIT MAKE UP EXCUSES FOR CRIME AND START FIGHTING BACK! Take control of the situation like I have in my household-I am legally armed and I will shoot somebody dead if I feel that that they are threatening my life or the lives of my family!

Maybe we should resort to colonial times and develop a civilian militia to combat the crime! I know that I'd have over 100 on my side and that's only the people that I know-SPD doesn't even have that many! ASK FOR HELP and I guarantee you'd get it!

Anonymous said...

12:15...the city and county governments as a whole should be merged.Then we'd only have one circus not two and it would lower taxes by eliminating dupication and inefficiencies.

Anonymous said...

I saw a shoplifter get arrested right in front of Sam's yesterday.
Word of advice: Don't shoplift at Sams. Those people who work there miss nothing! AND, have no hesitation having you arrested. Which is as it should be.

Anonymous said...

You keep saying Help in on the Way. WHEN?????

Anonymous said...

Hey Mcveigh at 2:37 take your meds and quiet down

Anonymous said...

The Police caught that one that killed 4 of them.They blowed his ass away.He sure as hell dont need a bible and a preacher now.

Anonymous said...

2.37 I agree! We will join a millitia to combat crime. Looks like it up to us the citizens. I am also armed and wont hesitate to fire on anyone who puts me, my family/friends in danger.

If anyone sees crime call crime solvers and be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe most people use "it's the economy" as an excuse.
Let me tell you something. When the economy is BAD, crime is UP. PROVEN FACT.
On top of the bad economy, we now have Christmas right around the corner.
The ones committing these crimes have nothing to lose. They've probably already lost their jobs (gone for months now), lost their home (even if they rented) and probably even lost their car.
I am not for ONE second saying what they are doing is right. It certainly is NOT right.
However, this is a fact of life and this is why people need to open their blinds and take off their blinders and be aware of what is going on around them.
I don't know how much the numbers are up but I also suspect that we are seeing it as worse than it is simply because we are now in the days of instant news.
We didn't used to have instant news and unless it just so happened to be something that the local papers thought was newsworthy, we didn't hear about it.
The blogs are a good thing in the case of crime because it gets people talking and lets us all know what's going on. Now the next step is for people to do what I stated above, because until that happens, crime will continue to escalate.
The criminals KNOW when they are NOT being watched! They KNOW where to hit!
That is why POLICE PRESENCE is SO important! If the police are more VISIBLE, the criminals will think twice (unless they want to get caught).
PROACTIVE..........not REACTIVE!!!
How many more times does that have to be said before people listen???

Anonymous said...

Let's get the citizen's to patrol the street's of their neighborhood's. It is time we take back our city from these low life thugs. Remember the Charles Bronson movie where he becomes a vigilante and takes matters into his own hands. Sounds like a really good idea to me right now. Watch out low life thugs, your days are numbered!

Anonymous said...

2:37 and 3:46.
Yeah this is all we need. Low Iq's and lots of ammo. That would make me and the rest of this city feel alot safer. Do us all a favor and stay at home. We don't need your armed services.

Anonymous said...

Rumor has it the SPD was offered help last night from allied agency's and refused the help. Things that make you go hum!

Anonymous said...

This time of the year its also getting dark much earlier which gives the criminal more time to commit a crime against the innocent. Just this evening, when my kids got home from school I asked them if they wanted to go walk through City Park and see the Christmas lights. Something we've done since they were very young. Both started laughing at me and said, "And what, got shot."

Anonymous said...

hey 4:19 do not automatically assume that everyone that knows how to fire a gun has no education. I am going to go ahead give you an assumption to counter your statement. I am assuming you are an Obama supporter, the typical person who sits back and watches our city crumble down around us. You would probably be the person who hides in the corner whimpering to theirself quietly with your thumb in your mouth when (not if) a civil war breaks out. Instead of standing up and fighting for your family, your friends, and or your nation at that. I myself am legally armed. I'll tell you right now, I will pass out invitations to all these so called street thugs to my house to come rob it. I got two words for whoever steps in my house uninvited, GOOD LUCK! 2:37 and 3:46 don't listen to this city boy gone soft, we need more people out there like you both that will take a stand for where we live.

Anonymous said...

I mentioned to my husband about the carriage rides thru the park and how cheap they seemed to be and maybe we should give it a try. His response was. "and dodge the flying bullets?"
It's sad that people can't go out and enjoy things like this for fear of something happening.

Anonymous said...

Webster's lawsuit against the city was dismissed today. Now fire the bum!

Anonymous said...

I'm with 2;47, 3;46, and 5;43. It's getting to the point where everyone will have to be armed and willing to shoot.

Anonymous said...

It's time for the citizens to hold a rally - an overwhelming show of discontent and march on the Mayor's office.

How many more people have to get shot or die?? Doesn't anyone who is "in charge" have any gonads? By the way - who IS in charge??

Someone put a rally together and see how many businesses owners show up. How many are having to provide extra protection or close early because of crime?

It is easy for some to put their heads in the sand when it isn't in their neighborhoods or someone they know. Greg Knowles getting shot should change the dynamics for a lot of people.

Coulbourn Dykes we miss you - you'd never have let it get like this.

Are there any leaders left in Salisbury - it is certainly quiet at the State Attorney's office. Thought he was the BMOC.

There is a real leadership vacuum - someone needs to fill it....NOW!

Anonymous said...

Salisbury business owners ARM YOURSELVES,
better to be fighting the maryland judicial system then being dead! unfortunatley those same inep police officers that can't catch the robbers would surely show up to arrest your ass when you blew one of those scumbags away! just make sure you kill all of them, that way you don't have to worry about the sob's comin back some day or being sued! Plus the police will only hear the correct side of the story. but then the family's will come out and tell us what a wonderful little boy their scumbag child was!

Chimera said...

In an apocolypse situation,I am going to choose the "uneducated man who clings to God and guns" before I go off with the educated smartass who hugs trees.Food for thought!

Anonymous said...


I'd join in a rally upon the steps of the GOB. You know what would be great? Maryland's gun law allow a person to openly carry a loaded rifle and/or shotgun.

"It is a crime to wear or carry openly any rifle or shotgun with the intent or purpose of unlawfully injuring any person."

Everyone should show up to this proposed rally with a rifle and/or shotgun draped over their shoulder.

Anonymous said...

some of it is because of the economy.....not like salisbury is some jobs hot bed! the ecomomy on the shore is in the high paying jobs and the ones that are open are for fast food....

Anonymous said...

I am an avid gun supporter, NRA member and supporter of right to carry, HOWEVER, we do need more police and a chief who cares. A Greater police presence with a few more hard a$$ cops will bring these numbers down. There are many fine men and women in the SPD, the problem is that they are over worked, under paid, under staffed and have no motivation from the top. If we can correct those issues and those officers can feel that they are making a difference, plus throw in some hard-nosed judges, public safety will improve in this city.

Hannibal138 said...

I see a lot of people agree with changing the gun carrying laws in MD. I agree. We need to make it possible to obtain conceal carry permits again at the very least. Open carry should be allowed without any permit what so ever. VA has both such laws there is no reason MD cannot have these same laws. I would go as far doing what Vermont does as far as gun laws...if you own you can carry it concealed or otherwise as long as you legally purchased it with no special permit.

I would be very interested in trying to organize a movement to help re-arm the lawful citizens of MD. By definition criminals do no follow laws...gun laws hurt people that follow the law. If you are more afraid of average law abiding American citizens carrying guns than you are of gangster thug criminals carrying guns then you are an idiot or a traitor or both...

Sides are already being drawn, the war or whatever you politically correct folks want to call it is here. Just look at the streets of Salisbury to see the battle raging.

This is not about race or class or society or dems or repubs or any of that, this is about not wanting to be shot, and if shot at being able to shoot back.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:19 PM,

So since I own a gun I, by default, have a low IQ?

I'd be willing to bet that my IQ is considerably higher than yours for two reasons: 1) I have a PhD and 2) I have guns... I not only provide for my family financially, I also provide them security knowing that I owe the proper tools to defend them. Not to mention, I'm a damn good shot! I can hit a target center mass off a 180 degree turn from 20 yards the first time, every time!

I'm not a "redneck" or "hillbilly" for owning a gun. In fact, in my short 32 years on Earth, I have never even resided outside of any city limits. If I were you, I would make friends with those "rednecks," "hillbillies" and people with "low IQs" because they'll actually be able to save your ass when sh!t hits the fan!

Anonymous said...

Screw the police, let's go huntin.

Anonymous said...

4:19 PM

we dont need any wimpy namby pamby wuss worried more about criminals' rights then our safety. u love them so much, go live with one.