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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reid Bill Says Future Congresses Cannot Repeal Parts Of Reid Bill

Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) pointed out some rather astounding language in the Senate health care bill during floor remarks [Monday night]. First, he noted that there are a number of changes to Senate rules in the bill--and it's supposed to take a 2/3 vote to change the rules. And then he pointed out that the Reid bill declares on page 1020 that the Independent Medicare Advisory Board cannot be repealed by future Congresses:

there's one provision that i found particularly troubling and it's under section c, titled "limitations on changes to this subsection."

and i quote -- "it shall not be in order in the senate or the house of representatives to consider any bill, resolution, amendment, or conference report that would repeal or otherwise change this subsection."

this is not legislation. it's not law. this is a rule change. it's a pretty big deal. we will be passing a new law and at the same time creating a senate rule that makes it out of order to amend or even repeal the law.

i'm not even sure that it's constitutional, but if it is, it most certainly is a senate rule. i don't see why the majority party wouldn't put this in every bill. if you like your law, you most certainly would want it to have force for future senates.

i mean, we want to bind future congresses. this goes to the fundamental purpose of senate rules: to prevent a tyrannical majority from trampling the rights of the minority or of future co congresses.

More here..


Anonymous said...

Equal Rights for all States ! It's unfair for the rest of us to pay for Nebraska !

Anonymous said...

Keep electing the liberals. i hope everyone is happy with this BS. I am sure not looking forward to where this country has gone. God Save America PLEASE!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It makes it unlawful to change the subsection containing the protected legislation within the bill.
Does this mean that the entire bill is similarly affected, as the only way to undo the subsection is to repeal the whole bill; but is that prohibited by the language protecting the subsection, too, because undoing the bill will undo the subsection?!
I'm dizzy thinking about it.

Anonymous said...

We were going to have the most transparent administration and congress. NOT!!!!!!! This is why they wouldn't let ANYONE read the bill!!! They should all be impeached. We, the people, do not like it when Congress/Pres etc LIE TO US. slf

Anonymous said...

and for Louisana and the other secret deals, like Chris Dodd's medical & dental school in CT...

The whole premise of forcing people to buy into this healthcare or suffer fines and/or jail is unconstitutional-why isn't anyone in Congress even bringing this up? Each and every Congressman and Senator has an overpaid administrative and advisory staff to look this stuff up.

Anonymous said...

Yet we all are drug along like lemmings headed for a cliff. Not caring, oblivious to what lies ahead, and no leader to rise up and organize a stop to this. We see our fate and it is ugly. We see the future and it is bleak. We see the economic consequences for our children and grandchildren but, yet, hardly a whimper escapes our lips.

We have just gotten to the point where the old country song said "my give-a-damn is busted". Or have we? you decide.

Anonymous said...

3:32 So well put!! Unfortunately, your comments ring so true. Apathy will destroy us.

Anonymous said...

Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi should be impeached and thrown out of office.
They took an oath to protect and defend the constitution of the United States, and instead they are trashing it.

Impeach them and throw them out!

Redbird said...

4:21 - apathy HAS destroyed us. We have let everything for which our forefathers fought and died lay to waste. Our constitution has been viscerated. The visions of our founding fathers now lay in ashes. We've voted for those who said they would represent us and what have we gotten? Lies! We voted to bring our country back under the control of the people and what did we get? Empty promises! Everything for which we've fought for the past 200 years is gone.

The tears of our soldiers who cried for their families while they hunkered down in foxholes in Europe - wasted!

The tears of loved ones who waited for their soldiers to come home - not knowing if they were alive or dead - wasted!

But we are beginning to awaken. We The People are waking up and seeing the injustices brought about by the greed that has reared it's ugly head bearing the faces of our elected officials. This greed has taken root with all of the authority granted our legislators by the same constitution that these legislators now usurp. I say the time is now, people. The time to take this country back to the principles upon which it was founded is here.

Are we willing to let these tyrants take all that is ours?

Are we willing to let these merchants of evil sell our children and grandchildren into debt they will never live long enough to pay?

We can stand idle no more! Get out there! Spread the word! Common Sense! Find like minded people and tell them how you intend to be a part of the resistance. Some aren't physically capable to do some things but we can all do something. Do your part! When the time comes - and it's coming - do your part in bringing down the tyrants!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this information.

This is not about Left-Right. It is about fundamental change which has been underway since President George Herbert Walker Bush.

Anonymous said...

6:10 Try since LBJ

Bob said...

7:35 try since Herbert Hoover

Anonymous said...

We didn't choose apathy. We were systematically programmed to become who we have become. Stupid and dumb sheeple. We are literally intellectual sheep. We have been brain washed into believing the richest people on the planet do not control our lives.

Money is everything in this world. Money is debt. Debt is slavery. You will never pay it off. Every man, woman and child is said to owe over $30,000 right now and the Fed is charging interest. They print the money and then charge us interest on it. It is unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Most of what's wrong with the bill is what's in it. This is a great example. Future Congress should be able to fix anything legislated prior. Good grief, even the Supreme Court rulings can be overturned. This man is sick!