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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

American Resistance Movement?

Joe, I got an e-mail from some sort of militia coalition called the American Resistance Movement. They are apparently a leaderless association of citizen militia groups from all over the country. I went to their site and checked out their chat room. There are militia groups from California, Georgia, Alabama, New Jersey, New York, Nebraska, Michigan, on and on. They are recruiting heavily in anticipation of some sort of conflict and they are serious. Check out this video that was attached to the e-mail.

Here's the site:

This is crazy stuff. The level of detail from technical support to recruiting let's you know that these folks are serious.


Anonymous said...

Nuts. We've seen them before, Mr. McVeigh. A bunch of guys who want to play soldier without committing to real service in the National Guard or military.

Anonymous said...

We may need them to protect out civil liberties so don't dismiss them.

Anonymous said...

yes, the REAL patriots will do everything possible to notify the authorities so that these homegrown terrorists do not commit any violent acts.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, the new-world-order has air superiority. They are prohibited from using it against our real enemies - but they'll likely use it against their own citizens in an uprising.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

McVeigh was in the Army . I think I might join we need some defense from our government !

Anonymous said...

The militia is a recognized legal group allowed to protect us from a government out of control . I'm joining !

Anonymous said...

This is a case where being Anonymous might be a better ideal. Never let them see you coming.

Anonymous said...

You guys take this seriously? Did you watch the video? I love the guy with the skull bandana talking into the camera. The videos look a lot like the jihadists videos--ought to make you stop and think before running off and joining these guys.

Anonymous said...

They will fail in their goal to protect themselves and their families from our government.

Anonymous said...


If you think you are truly anonymous on the internet, you are sorely mistaken.

Oh, and who wants to sign up with this group and see if it gets you put on the no-fly list?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Im at a library.

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like watching videos of domestic terrorist training camps.

I'm sure if any of these jokers tried anything, local law enforcement would put them down fairly quickly.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous 2:24 PM. Did you even watch the article? A lot of these men were in the military and served in Iraq and Afghanistan. They did a little more than play soldier.

Get your facts straight!

Anonymous said...

Wow. I just watched it. I guess some of you missed the part where homeland security was training people and telling them that Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were domestic terrorists. You people had better wake up. We will need people like this very soon. Just remember that during the revolutionary war many people thought we should cave in and bow to the king. Only 3% of the population fought the war. And 3:31 most law enforcement support the constitution not the government.

Anonymous said...

Where do I sign up? I will not be a part of a new world order.

Anonymous said...

again, you people are absolutely hilarious. While you sit back and make idle threats against murderous slime like Leggs, these are the only people with the balls to actually take him out. You talk all this vigilante justice, but when somebody organizes the very thing you just embraced, you turn and condemn them.

I heard nothing on this video that I disagree with. Who was it that first fought the British on our soil? The militias!! This guy is right. The only way to make any real change in his country is through real action. Keep writing your politicians, keep having BS rallies, keep doing exectly what they tell you to do! While you are distracted by the simplest of things, guys like this are ready. He may not know what he's ready for, but he is ready.

At one time, these were the guys who protected American citizens on their own soil, and you sheep have been brain washed by the system to recognize them as "terrorists"

Anonymous said...

Can't wait until open season on liberals !

Anonymous said...

Great. More Timothy McVeighs.

Let's watch some reruns of "Jericho" so we can figure which armed group to trust.

Anonymous said...

Psychopaths like 4:10 prove that you don't care about democracy, you only care about your narrow-minded worldview.

God help you all if any of you pull any of this crap.

Anonymous said...

Many believe that a revolution is coming in our Country. The continued actions of our elected officials toward a new world order, and what seems like their apparent disdain for us almost guarantees it.

We can only hope and pray that a political revolution will be successful, thus eliminatng the need for an armed revolution.

Put me in the column with those willing to take up arms and give their lives in defense of our God given freedom if it comes to that.

Semper Fi,
U. S. Marine Corps (Ret.)

doug wilkerson said...

You people is a very broad term.

Anonymous said...

Think about this. Ten years prior to the American Revolution, the King of England came up with the Stamp Act. A group of what woould now be referred to as "militia", known as the Sons of Liberty, rebelled against the act. They posted notices threatening the property of those who supported the act and in fact took steps to prevent the British ships carrying the stamps from coming ashore. They were instrumental in convincing the British government to repeal the act which postponed the Revolutionary War about ten years. A second Revolutionary War is coming. It's not a matter of if - it's a matter of when.

Anonymous said...

I agree. You people - means all humans. You is second person plural, people is obviously plural.

Anonymous said...

The day this union breaks is the day its all over. Nothing can be allowed to break this UNION.

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many of these guys bothered to vote.

Anonymous said...

All you "historians" might want to read a little about the group that actually won the Revolutionary War--the Continental Army. The impact of the militias was significant, but it was the regular army under regular military discipline that won the war.

Good luck shooting your rifles at jets with missiles.

Anonymous said...

Honestly anyone who calls these guys "domestic terrorists", are the real terrorists. Sheep like you are the real threat to freedom.

Anonymous said...

2:24 get your facts straight.these men are not terrorists most have them have served their time protecting you.these men are there to protect the constitution and prevent the government from taking away our rights and freedoms.

Anonymous said...

Not at jets and missiles I'll be shooting people like you !

Anonymous said...

4:21 Your the psychopath standing by giving up your freedom without a whimper your either part of the solution or part of the problem ! Don't underestimate the size and scope of militia groups they have deep ties inside the military so the jets flying overhead just might not belong to Obama !

Anonymous said...

You will eat your words. It will happen , we don't know when.
I fought in one war and will do it again here. Civil war is upon us and you must believe it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah but it was the militias that did the heavy lifting leading up to the War and then defeated the British forces on countless fronts with the use of unconventional guerrilla tactics. It's unfair to sell short the militia's and the role they played in the war for independence. Also the tools these militias have would obviously surprise you. Jets with rockets would play a small, insignificant role in any battle for independence fought here in the future. The government will lack manpower in comparison to the Citizens Militia. They will try to compensate with technology, small bands of federal law enforcement, and psyops to win a propaganda war. They will try to divide the militia groups and pit them against each other until their cause is no longer significant. It's our job to make sure these militias succeed in restoring the Constitutional Republic.

Ben and Geri said...

JFK said in a speech: For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumour is printed, no secret is revealed.

Will B. said...

HERE!!! HERE!!! 7:33

I read every page of their site, mand know many of the assocated groups. The Oath keepers are all current military or veterens!!!

These people are the real thing! They are well organized and are out in the open, under the authority of the Constitution of The United States of America! They are true patriots!

Anonymous said...

Can they please take out Thomas Leggs? Would save lots of taxpayers money! Get that SOB please!! So no more children will die the death that Sarah Foxwell did.

Anonymous said...

I do believe that when it happen's, the aim will be higher than the Thomas Leggs creatures.
The aim will be at all the people responsible for letting the Thomas Leggs walk.

Anonymous said...

You all take a guy seriously who wears a skull bandana? Please. Go out and vote, that is what a real patriot would do.

Anonymous said...

I Im sure most of us did...and look what we have now...nuff said

Anonymous said...

Yes that's right. Go out and vote. And when the person you voted for starts showing that they are only out to line their own pockets, taking bribes, passing laws that violate the constitution, and destroying our constitution, the country will be worse off that it was before you voted. Then before you can vote someone else into office the damage those people have done will be so great that you will barely be able to recognize our formerly great country. You'll be an over-taxed, unemployed, slave to the government. The problem is that the people we voted for forget that they work for us not Washington. THey also forget that we the people are where the power resides. It's time to rmind them. And not at the ballot box.

Anonymous said...

11:11 Would you take a guy seriously who wore burlap on his feet ? That's what our rag-tag Army did and they defeated England !

Anonymous said...

Haven't we voted long enough? The elections are rigged. The candidates lie. The corporations buy off the elected officials. We live in a military dictatorship already. Both political parties are controlled by the corporations.

What ever you do - don't claim you will fight. You will end up being the first ones in the back of the truck.


Anonymous said...

this video is intense. but for the love of God, buy a tripod, camera man... sheesh.