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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Would You Like To See The Real Unemployment Rates


Anonymous said...

I like to look for trends in these types of visuals so I can't help but to notice that the unemployment rates tend to be higher throughout the time scale in areas of higher illegal immigrant populations such as along the Mexico Border in Texas and California and throughout Florida. What does this tell me? I tend to assume that unemployment rates are higher in these areas because there are illegal immigrants working illegally in these areas thus reducing job availability for Americans and increasing unemployment. Sure, a lot of foreigners work the less desired jobs; however, they are certainly starting to move up the ladder to higher paying blue collar jobs. Start cracking down on these illegals and send them home and I guarantee that you will see a decrease in unemployment rates.

In addition, you can see that areas like the Great Lakes Region, Southern Appalachia, and the Mississippi Valley are experiencing much higher unemployment rates (they also have much higher minority population); however, studies have shown that these areas have been producing more jobs than other regions. It seems to me that the people of these regions may be abusing the system...go figure minorities abusing the system, the system that Obama is trying to "enhance" and make it easier to do in the future! I think I may just go try to get fired today because it seems like it's easier and more profitable to live off the Government than to work for a living...

10001110101 said...

Excellent visual.

Anonymous said...

The gray area in the south that information wasn't available is
the place where nobody works or hasn't worked in generations. They are bleeding the system , federal and state! Katrina did nothing to their life style except improve it!