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Monday, September 07, 2009

See What I Mean, There's More To This Obama Speech Than Meets The Eye!

Classroom Engagement Resources

Menu of classroom activities for students in grades preK-6 to stimulate discussion on the importance of education in students’ lives

Menu of classroom activities for students in grades 7-12 to stimulate discussion on the importance of education in students’ lives

A video contest for students will be launched soon - details will be available at


Anonymous said...

Yes, we wouldn't want to discuss the importance of education in student's lives! Heaven forbid. Keep 'em all in their place!

Henry said...

HELP!!!! WITHDRAW YOUR KIDS FROM SCHOOL!!! WE CAN'T HAVE OUR CHILDREN HEARING THINGS LIKE, "That’s why today, I’m calling on each of you to set your own goals for your education – and to do everything you can to meet them." SOCIALIST!!! FASCIST!!!! BOTH!!!!!

You people really need to get a grip on reality.

joealbero said...

Hey Henry, why don't we just produce children and drop them off to be raised by you or Obama. You can return them after 18 years and we'll all have perfect children, just the way YOU want them.

Let me guess, you're a Democrat and a Teacher.

Henry said...

I'm sure they would turn out a hell of a lot better than some of the spawn out there now.

joealbero said...

That what I thought.

Orsonwells said...

I'm not sure why my comment was not posted other than it disagreed with your intention in the post. I am a regular viewer and part-time commenter and usually sign my name, as I did on the Obama speech post. I am not associated with anyone else, so please do not assume that all dissenting opinions to yours are just one person. There are more people than one that disagree with you, just as there are more than one who agree. I happen to be moderate so I do not wholeheartedly follow either the republican or democrat doctrine. I would rather be educated about both views to make an informed decision.

5:41 PM
Anonymous Orsonwells said...

You know, Joe, it's not like old BO wrote a bad motivational speech; I think it was pretty good, and could be used to really get these kids started off on the right foot this year.

Its just that...

It should be coming from their parents and teachers in a good, loving, environment, not the Fuhrer.

You are right.

5:51 PM

Anonymous said...

what work do the kids who won't be watching get to do? If the teachers have this crap curriculum based on Obama's speech - what about the other kids?

Yep, just what I thought. It's like a cult, and I'm glad the good parents are keeping their kids home!

Anonymous said...

That's okay. Leader of the GOP in Florida just did a major flip flop from last week, now that he's seen the speech.

Last week, he sounded just like you mouth breathers.

This week, he likes the speech and would let his kids watch.

The more you pound this, the funnier and more pathetic you sound.

Anonymous said...

This is the new page.

The old one asked the kids to write a paper on how they could help Obama. What inspired them about Obama. And so on.

I do not know how anyone could defend that. Had Bush done such a thing heaven forbid.

This is the new speech the old one was never released but was no doubt much different.

Anonymous said...

The current speech is not the same as the proposed speech from last week.
Obama, and his minions replaced the speech after it drew all the attention that it drew.
The original speech was more like Mein Kampf!

Anonymous said...

The original speech was the same crap Obama spews all the time, and I certainly won't have my children listening to that. Obama had to revise the entire speech, due to public outcry. Try again next time, Obama. We'll catch you then too. :)

Anonymous said...

Aw, Henry...most of the *spawn* are either children of far left extremist whackos, or mental incompetents. Which are your children? You seem intent on spewing unwarranted attacks on everyone else, surely even you can see that you're merely projecting your own inadequacies as a responsible human being.You and all the rest of the insane creatures screaming out for socialism, do you have any idea what the impact will be on you, your families? Years from now, will you be able to look at them and admit that YOU helped bring about such abject misery?

Get a grip. Learn to express your thoughts and ideas coherently, without the over the top insults. Maybe someone will take you seriously. Maybe.

Obama is doing exactly what he was brought in to do, rip this country apart, piece by piece, bit by bit, until the United States of America no longer exists. Sadly for him, he is expendable, and when he's completed the tasks that the forces that put him in office have decreed, they will have no more mercy on him than they will on anyone else.

Poetic justice? I like to think so.