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Monday, September 07, 2009

Abusing School Kids With Pro-Obama Propaganda

Radio talk-show host Michael Medved

"My wife Diane seldom gets upset about politics. But President Barack Obama's recent demonstration of megalomania in insisting on beginning the school year by simultaneously addressing all public school kids in the United States elicited a concise response: 'it's sick.' In addition to her Ph.D. in psychology, Diane holds an M.A. in Education, and both primary and secondary teaching credentials in California. She has raised and educated our three kids, each of whom received some combination of home schooling, parochial education, and public schools. What bothers her (and many courageous teachers across the country) is the crude attempt by the Department of Education and the White House to blur all distinctions between education and cult-of-personality propaganda. On September 8th ... the President will address them live about the importance of education. ... To prepare for this great event, the Department of Education orders teachers in Grades 7 to 12 to ask their students: Why does President Obama want to speak with us today? How will he inspire us? How will he challenge us? ... For those who consider this an appropriate use of classroom time at the very beginning of the school year, ask yourself the question: how would you respond had President Bush ordered teachers to get students to write letters to themselves about what they can do to help the president? ... The idea of using government schools to force students to bond with the maximum leader might seem appropriate for Cuba or North Korea, but it's clearly out of place in a Constitutional republic..."

Read More here..


Orsonwells said...

Gosh, thanks very much, but I will be the one who decides how my children will be raised. It is a fine speech, but it needs to come from me, not you. Bye.

Anonymous said...

Too bad so many parents don't feel it is their job, what about their children? Would you like to speak to them, or should we all just pretend they don't exist?

Anonymous said...

Sweet goodness, there are worse things a president can say to the future adults of America. Be the best you can be, make good use of your education. Be responsible in your decisions now, because it will effect your future. Do you know how many kids do not get encouragement at home. To be accountable for their choices, make good decisions, that every thing they do now will have an effect on their future. Take a good look at the directions kids are going in. They have no regard or respect for their self, their parents, teachers or any other form of authority. There can never be too many people, trying to lead our kids to be the responsible future leaders we will need them to be.

Anonymous said...

Kids cannot be indoctrinated to anything a parent does not want them to be indoctrinated to, if parents are actively involved with their children.The political polarization is a greater detriment to this county than radical islamism.

Anonymous said...

If Hussein wasnt such a pathological liar, I might believe it was going to be JUST an inspirational speech.

Anonymous said...


If you've all got such problems with the public schools system (which is purely socialist, BTW) then I beg you to pull your children out immediately. There are plenty of great private schools out there that you can send your offspring to, all of which are operated on the very free-market principles that you rave so much about. If you can't afford a private education, then you can always quit your job, stay at home and educate your kids on your own. So, I beg you to quit talkin' and start chalkin'...

I hope that you all had a great Labor Day weekend, BTW! I enjoyed mine with my beautiful family, at one of our state's socialized parks. Even though it was cloudy we all had a great time.


Anonymous said...

The President wouldn't discuss what he was going to say until it became a fire storm now he had to tone it down and come up with a generic speech . It almost like a child molesting stalker outside the school house plotting.

Anonymous said...

The media floats these psy-ops to see how the public will react.

They are curious to see how we will react to the man-made flu epidemic and forced vaccinations.

We are showing them that we get our feathers up when we believe they are over reaching.

As long as they remain consistent, gradual and steady, we will let them take us very far down the rabbit hole. We have lost our religion. Soon we will lose our personal freedoms.

Anonymous said...

Md-progressive, Why dont you explain why your so pro-socialism....enlighten everyone how you think your secure and protected with your government/tax payed job. We'll pull our children out of public schools, along with OUR TAX MONEY.

Anonymous said...

You're the one that's saying I'm pro-socialism. I'm simply pointing out that there are plenty of things in our lives today that are "socialist". You're chasing after boogey-men! Do you think that we live in a truly "capitalist" society? We don't...and I don't imagine that you'd really want to either.


Anonymous said...

Another point that I'd like to make. It always seems as though the "socialist" programs that your are up in arms about are the ones that you don't use. You don't seem to have a problem with the "socialist" programs that you take advantage of (i.e. mortgage interest deduction, farm subsidy, pell grants, federal student loans).


Anonymous said...

There is the well intended plans for a social good, ie: parks! There are "i.e. mortgage interest deduction, farm subsidy, pell grants, federal student loans)" Then there is the movie 'Wag the Dog.'
Never before has one man and his amazingly blind following scared the crap out of me in such a manner. You may sit back today and wonder how a man like Hitler was able to rally such a following. Look around you and you will see exactly how he did it...slowly, methodically, and with amazing patience. History proves itself to be repeated if the lesson is not learned! Unfortunately, our country is in in peril.

Anonymous said...

md pro...If you dont understand the diff between this NORMal types of socialism and taking over industries and defying our Constitution...theres just no hope for you. Stop telling people to drink the kool-aid.

Anonymous said...

"The idea of using government schools to force students to listen to their maximum leader might seem appropriate in Cuba or Venezuela, but its clearly out of place in a Constitutional republic."
So well stated! thank you.

Anonymous said...

Oh for goodness sake. If his speech helps one child rise above and be the best student, and citizen he can be..then more power to him!! It cracks me up to read all the comments from the Obama haters. Whats the real issue here? Is it that he is a Democrat? That he is black? That he is trying to head us in a different direction then the past. Insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results. We've been doing that forever. I for one would bet everything I have that his speech probably encouraged more then one kid to really take his education seriously. To really want to try to be the best person he/she can be. That is priceless as far as I am concerned!