While the former Mayor Barrie Tilghman walked a group of young children throughout Downtown Salisbury yesterday passing these trash cans, I also noticed Allen Hope walking through the Plaza yesterday as well, passing overflowing trash cans. Current Mayor Ireton is a regular on the Downtown Plaza and to be 100% truthful, Public Works was also there today watering the plants but not removing the trash.
So while they ALL talk the talk, they cannot walk the walk. The Plaza looked like this all weekend and throughout Monday. It's ALL politics Folks.
Your correct JOE its just plain politics.The chief is staying put, Hobs staying put,Lorrie Chambers staying put,former mayor Tilghman is still in place.Then that rejected citizen Lynn Chathcart had the nerve to address the council and slam Debbie Campbell after all the money she helped to put salisbury in dept to. What an ass.
I recall you had pics of Ireton AFTER he won the election down on the plaza cleaning it up. I guess he forgot now that he's in the position.
Besides you, who else would notice? It's not like anyone else really goes down. Charles Cook, Chris Demone (champs1) and William Duck (duckaround) don't care about downtown unless their is music to be played. Even then they try to avoid the plaza.
And what did you do Joe to help the situation. I would bet nothing, but complain.
I pay city taxes dearly to help keep our city "clean"...What a joke! Public Works is NOT doing their job...
It is not public works job to take household trash from the apartments on the plaza. It is the landlords legal responsibility to provide them with trash receptacles. WHY doesn't the city get on the landlords that own those buildings? Code & Compliance, now would be a good time to write citations on the owners of those apartment buildings. It is long overdue.
Don't the residents of the downtown plaza have trash cans in the rear of their buildings? How much effort does it take to remove the trash on the downtown plaza?? Doesn't anyone care? It is never a welcoming site to go somewhere and see overloaded trash bins! Why can't a truck ride down the plaza each morning and remove trash?
Looks just like the rest of downtown...an open sewer. Level it all I say.
downtown is a beautiful are 9:31... i wouldnt be taking a chance of opening a business there if i didnt have faith that downtown is beautiful. granted it needs work but thats where people like me come in and try.... hey joe how about this idea? why dont all the people who live, work and own properties there to split the cost of trash removal? i would be game for something like that.
eric the barber
Sorry Eric, location, location, location. A basic business principle. Hope it's your hobby and not your living.
10:16, you suck for pissing on someone's good idea.
Why not just remove the trash cans altogether? Or put a more secure lid on them, like a squirrel-topper, that would prevent a large bag from fitting inside?
the landlords have trash cans but the tenants are too lazy to walk around the back of their buildings.
How about holding the tenants accountable and not the landlord.
I was at Kuhns just last week and pointed out that the planter in front of their store had been dug up and the flowers thrown on the ground. They wondered if someone was trying to steal the planter until I said (a little bit jokingly)" or trying to make it lighter so they could pick it up and break a window." We then all realized it was a distinct possibility now in Sby. How sad is that? They were truly concerned but stated that they would probbally have to clean it up themselves.
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