"He's brought shame on the town," Nicholson said he told the elected official. "I don't care if it's $10 or $10,000 if they're illegal expenditures."
NO Mr. Nicholson. Liz Holland and the Daily Times brought shame to Princess Anne.
Read the documents, they do not lie. The Daily Times lies. They twist stories to cover their a$$es and then come back and say, well, we didn't exactly say that.
I just knew they'd cover their tracks with excuses and once again, quoting OTHER PEOPLE and their OPINIONS in order to make it look like they were just doing their job. Some people are media whores who will do anything to get attention and the Daily Times knows this. They use people like this to get what they want out there and MANUFACTURE news.
Funny, this little group the Daily Times mentions in their article, they don't mention Liz Holland's part in that group, do they! This Nicholson sounds like a real tool! I know guys, try this out for size. Rather than attempting to smear so many names in the press. Why don't you look at the numbers, (which just came out yesterday) and see for yourself. All this time you've been running a campaign to oust Frank White, without any concrete numbers. The numbers are in, you haven't had time to review them, then you come to a meeting full of piss and vinegar waving your hands, LOOK AT MEEEEE, LOOK AT MEEEEE. Was Billy Burke there too?
Shame on the Daily Times. They just can't MAN UP to their own mistakes and continue to USE other people to slip and slide through an embarrassing mistake they clearly made two months ago. That's a shame. Liz Holland, I have lost ALL respect for you and your ability to be a professional.
Unlike the Daily Times copying our information and NOT linking to Salisbury News, (like all other MSM sources do) here's a link to their article in today's paper. http://www.delmarvanow.com/article/20090915/NEWS01/909150372
I read what the DT wrote. I don't trust a word of it due to all of the lies they print DAILY. They claim a large amount raised their hands. As far as I know that could of been one hand, Liz Holland's. Write what you want, I'll never believe any of it. I only go online to look at the obits which your known for making mistakes by leaving family names out of.
How could he be found guilty with no policy or rules in place at time of credit card (ab)use?
There was no credit card abuse. That's just it. The charges on the card were for the entire board of commissioners, plus $675 or whatever that was just Frank spread out over 25 meals.
I hope Frank nails 'em!
9:22 I do not have a vested interest but do work with someone in the audience and I hear that all hands were raised when asked a question about Frank resigning. I believe that is the incident you were talking about.
anonymous 9:22, that's complete BS.
Joe, 9:22 is referring to the TImes and Liz Holland, not you.
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