Wicomico County Executive Richard M. Pollitt, Jr. announced today that he is in receipt of a refund check from IWIF (Injured Workers Insurance Fund) for $53,937. Mr. Pollitt said that the funds have been deposited into the county’s general fund and that “considering the current budget restrictions and those about to come, this refund is good news for the taxpayer.”
Mr. Pollitt credited county department heads and workers for adhering to safety guidelines throughout the year. “Safety is its own reward,” commented Pollitt, “but it’s made even better when an added result is saving taxpayer dollars.”
Pollitt pointed out that the county Human Resources Department has been the source of other savings. Due to administrative changes in the health insurance plan for Contract Year 2010 some $240,000 in projected premiums will be avoided. These changes could also result in a refund at the end of the insurance contract year on October 31st. Last year, the county realized a $296,538 refund in this area.
What administrative changes?
I think safety is a good thing , however , the county employees should never have a work related injury. They require 2 employees to carry an 8 ft. 2x4 that weighs
3 lbs. , the rest of the employees may pick up a pencil or a stapler.
It takes 5 employees to fill a 2 inch pot hole. Don't pat yourself on the back , it's a bunch of crap and you all know it.
A 70.000.00 dollar a year employee transfer to the HR dept from the detention center that is pushing papers in a 30.000.00 dollar a year slot
The private sector can due more work with less expense and be finished sooner.?
The previous commentor is an idiot
2:11 PM
You are a friggin idiot. Just because you may disagree with elected officials, dont bash and stereotype the grunts. I think you would be suprised at the workload of your average county employee that works hard everyday for a$$h...I mean people like you. What do you do so great for society that you can contribute to a blog during the workday. Lets examine you. Dont be bashful. What do you do. I will bet I could think of all sorts of things to say about what you do, and make up crap about how you do it. Why dont you provide some sort of justification for your claim. Pictures, where you saw this, etc. And just so you know, there are jobs at the county besides the sheriffs office that are towards the top of the list for people to be killed or injured, good safety practices help to avoid injuries.
The refund could very well not be from effective safety management at all - it could simply be from payrolls that were lower than originally projected. If the county has had layoffs, or, if they have not replaced positions that were vacated, this creates a lower base from which to charge. They true-up at the end of the year, and if claims were good and payrolls were down, there is a refund.
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