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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

FINALLY, A Way To Bring All Democrats/Republicans/Independents Together

The forever long debates between Republican, Democrats, Independents and what have you can very easily and very quickly be resolved. It doesn't matter if we're on a local level, national level or world wide level, I believe I have an answer to uniting ALL Americans and I truly believe each and every one of you will agree.

You see, right now many Americans are extremely upset about Health Care. Some are in support of it and many are against it. However, MOST Americans aren't educated enough about it.

Many Americans are getting Swine Flu Vaccines shoved down their throats, the MSM is actually SELLING Americans on it by throwing out 4 articles per day about it and trying to scare the crap out of ALL Americans that this is going to be the death of us.

So here's how we resolve ALL of our issues with important decisions of such at ANY level.

ALL Senators, Congressmen, Delegates, Mayors, Lobbyists, Vice President & President AND their immediate Family members MUST take part in a pre trial for at least 6 months in advance before ANY project is shoved down our throats as Americans.

They want ALL Americans to get shots, let them take the shots first and come back to us in 6 months and PROVE to us it works. They wants ALL Americans to be on Government Health Care, let ALL of them go on it first and give it a run for 6 months and then come back to us and tell us how well it's working for them.

If we simply demanded accountability and changed the policy on each and every program they shoved down our throats, I say let's go for it then. However, if they refuse to prove to the people that voted for them that they are NOT willing to get on board, well, need I say more!

You don't see Church Bulletins telling everyone NOT to shake hands at Church or receive communion. If there was such a big scare, why haven't they come forth in advance and tell everyone how to take better care of ourselves in advance.

I want my Congressman and his entire Family to take these shots first, place his Family at risk, (six months in advance) and then come back to me and ASK me to participate because it's good for our health.

I for one refuse to drink any Cool Aid, especially when the person serving it refuses to take a swig first. You want to rid of all of this crap fast, force our leaders to participate in every single program FIRST and come back to us after 6 months and tell us how wonderful it worked for you, IF they're still alive.

I'll bet you there would be a TON of Pork disappearing from all sorts of legislation and a lot more time, (at least 6 months) to read 1,800 page bills while recovering from nasty flu shots.

Let's change the scope of what a Politician means today. Let them prove to us that they're honest and united about making sure ALL of us are truly represented. Just imagine how hard some politicians might work at defeating a bill if it could harm their loved ones. Could you imagine what would have happened to Dick Cheney's heart condition is HE was on Government Health Care, just like every American is being subjected to. He'd be dead today and he knows it.

Accountability is the key Folks. People became politicians because they wanted to make a positive difference and make their children's world a better place to live, work and raise their own children in a better America. Today, politicians go in poor and come out some of the wealthiest people in America. Turn this idea into policy in America and watch the political discourse disappear immediately.

What do YOU think?


Ken Smith said...

I'll vote for that!

Anonymous said...

They have been stressing to people about basic flu precautions for months now (wash your hands, cover your mouth when coughing/sneezing, stay home if you feel sick etc.). When flu season starts- depending on the speed and strength of any swine flu/seasonal flu outbreak they will probably start stressing social distancing (don't shake hands at church, don't congregate with large groups of people etc.). With any vaccine there are risks associated, but there are also risks associated with the flu. It is all about your personal risk taking threshold. No one will sneak up and jab you with a vaccine needle if you chose not be vaccinated. Research your options and make your own choices, please don't take all statements about this stituation at face value.

Anonymous said...

9:35. Spot on. And "they" do not want everyone on "Government Health Care." The health care is just for those who don't have ANY and can't GET any. There are a lot of working Americans who fit that bill, including my brother and sister.

Anonymous said...

You really think they would introduce ANY bill that would bring accountability to THEM? Only a revolution would bring them accountability, the ones that survive that is....

Anonymous said...

Sounds good to me.....Prove it first!!!

Chelsea Reid said...

Like 9:35 am said, no one is forcing anyone to get the shot.

And I for one won't be. I never get a flu shot, I haven't in over 10 years, and every year I never get the flu. In fact, whenever I did get the flue shot, I got the flu.

I'm not taking my chance on something untested. But who knows, maybe it'll work. Am I saying no one should get it? No. Thats a personal choice. And I'm choosing not to, but I don't blame anyone who wants to get one. It might come in handy.

park-n-ride-al said...

"The health care is just for those who don't have ANY and can't GET any. There are a lot of working Americans who fit that bill, including my brother and sister."

It is health INSURANCE that some people can't get. Health CARE is given to everyone who walks into the ER that needs it including drunks, druggies, and perverts.

Case in point:

A mother brought her child into a MD ER with a bad case of athletes feet. It had spread so far, it was getting into the bone. The mother was an addict living on the street with her child. A doctor treated the foot for nearly a week at the hospital. I know the attending nurse.