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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

King Op-Ed: Liberal Policies Benefit Illegals

Washington Times, Aug 20 - American workers depend on this administration to protect their jobs from illegal workers by enforcing immigration laws and opposing amnesty. Instead, President Obama and liberals in Congress are determined to pursue a legislative agenda that benefits illegal immigrants at the expense of American workers and taxpayers.

In February, liberals on Capitol Hill muscled an expansion of the State Children's Health Insurance Program through Congress, making it easier for illegal immigrants to receive taxpayer-funded health care services. For Medicaid benefits, their SCHIP expansion eliminated citizenship verification requirements by substituting a new lower standard, simply requiring that a Social Security number be entered into the blanks on the form.

This was not an accident. It was a willful verification change to create an open door to Medicaid fraud and abuse by illegals. Simply telling a case worker a nine-digit number now constitutes "proof" of U.S. citizenship. The Congressional Budget Office estimated this change will cost taxpayers $8.9 billion over 10 years...



Anonymous said...

Very special. This makes as angry as when I was stuck in line at Walmart by an illegal with an independence card that couldn't speak a word of English.

Anonymous said...

poor immigration policy niether begins or ends on the doorstep of democrats. Both parties have been F-ing up immmigration for years. Dems don't want to go after illegals. Reps. don't want to go after employers illegally hiring illegals

Anonymous said...

8:16, you have this habit of looking backward and trying to divert the focus.
Though you're right about some things, (including the role of both parties in this problem) the point here is what's just been done by the dems. Intentionally, while they were saying they weren't going to do it.
Obama keeps saying illegals won't be covered, even while the MSM bigboys are saying he's lying. Even they have seen through the fraud.
If there's any point that has been made by the American people over the last 4 years, it's this--
get immigration under control. 80%+ say they want the borders SECURED.
You certainly don't do that by offering free healthcare to illegals.

Anonymous said...

9:16, cut your crap.

"..Obama and liberals in Congress are determined to pursue a legislative agenda..."

This isn't an objective piece on gov. immigration policy. Rather it is another attack directed at Pres. Obama and Dems. Therefore it makes since to point out that the problem is not with Dems. (as implied by the article) but with both political parties. We can only work to fix the problem if we have a true accounting of what is wrong.

Both parties should man up, go after employers aggressively, lock up illegals who go to the emergency room as soon as they have been stabilized, and stop catering to illegals by printing documents in spanish. And thats just a starting point. A point we won't get to with people like you who always want to point the finger but never look at the ills of their own party.

doug wilkerson said...

Its not going to stop unless we the people stop it. You all know what that means.

Anonymous said...

Boycott every business that hires illegals.

Chimera said...

Its no worse than Americans who make themselves "poor on paper" to get their kids on SCHIP.I know of people who actually own a thriving business who have all their kids on medical cards.Thats fair.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Wilkerson-

What does that mean?

doug wilkerson said...

You cant bait me in that easy buddy.

tedh said...

blutojthetotmom I agree people squeeze the system but the sad truth is they do it because the coverage is so much better with no questions asked.