Former president seeks release of American women detained since March
SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea welcomed former President Bill Clinton to Pyongyang with flowers and hearty handshakes Tuesday as he arrived in the communist nation on a surprise mission to bring home two jailed American journalists.
Clinton landed in the North Korean capital in an unmarked jet. On arrival he shook hands with Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Kwan and the deputy speaker of parliament. Footage from television news agency APTN showed Clinton bowing and smiling as a young girl presented him with flowers.
GO HERE to read more from MSNBC.
Maybe he can negotiate a trade - Hillary in exchange for the two journalists
President Clinton is a true humanitarian and American statesman. Good luck to him.
Yeah, NAFTA sure as heck helped all of us, didnt it.
I truly hope he is successful in the realease of the two women. I have but one request. Please do not let him get alone with these women for their well being, based on the former presidents's behavior.
Clinton cares about these women.
There are also two people in Salisbury who ran into some bad luck last week. I know Clinton, cares so I am going to ask him to help them out also.
I will keep you posted.
10:10 Ya he's a real humanitarian and American Statesman and of course he's big hit with young female interns. Bill Clinton is a piece of sh#@!#
This is not a right wing, left wing issue. If he can help these reporters, he should and he is. That is commendable.
12:19 PM....Just ensure he in not left alone with them!! They may be safer left with N. Koreans until their release.
Better him than Jesse Jackson !!
so true 2.59
Well I wonder what we had to give THEM so that they would release these 2 women?
Kudos to al bore( NOT)for negotiating any release of HIS OWN EMPLOYEES.
BOO for sending them there in the first place.
I watched on the tele this morning as Clinton and the journalists stepped out of the plane. I have to admit that I was so touched by the whole scene that it brought me to tears. Though Clinton had personal faults(what person doesnt) I was so moved by him being so humble. Few can argue about his international charismatic way.
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