Reported bank robbery at the PNC bank in the Twilley shopping center. More news to follow!
UPDATE #!: Above is the image of the bank robber. If you know this individual, (white male) please contact the Salisbury Police Department immediately. More to come.
This guy better turn himself in because from what I have heard they got finger prints.
Looks homeless by the frayed colar on the jacket, plad shirt for "cold" weather and t shirt..probally only clothing he owns and a beard..shouldnt be to difficult to find...he is probally looking for a warm place for the winter.
What's the hat say?
Just went up there to cash my paycheck and it was closed off. Man it is getting bad when this stuff happens in the middle of the day.
You need to tell us he is a white male?
Damn it this guy looks familiar!!! I just can't put my f'in finger on it where i have seen him!!!!
Yes, he is a white male.
Hat says either "LIMBACH" or "LINBACH"
you know, it's good to see that PNC (where I have all my bank accounts and loans) has adequate surveilence cameras. All too often the police release video still shots of a suspect but you can't even make out the person's face, but here you can clearly see the suspect's face and features. Kudos to PNC for having the correct technology to catch this guy-this guy will be caught in no time at all! I'm glad to hear that all employees are ok (I assume) and hopefully the police will catch this lame asshole!!
I'll bet he shaved already.
I hope he gets away.
Wonder how long ago he lost his job?
Hollywood did three in one day.
Check the homeless camp behind K-Mart off of 50.
someone i work with called into crime solvers that she spoke to a gentleman that looked just like this in KMART parking lot- He was asking for gas money to get to snow hill.. in a burgandy ford f150, she said he was sweaty and kinda nervous- if you see that truck with a man that looks like him anywhere let the police know!!
he just robbed a bank why would he be asking for gas moneybegrau
Attempted robbery!
thank you 4:02 - i am 2:40, he didnt actually rob the bank it was attempted YOU IDIOT.. ugh. Read the actually story before you comment trying to be a SmartA$$!!!
Hey Tedh...of course bank robberies happen "in the middle of the day"...they aren't open at night!!!
WOW Ted..(my stomach hurts from that one)..how did we all miss that opp to bust ur chops? BAAAHAHAHAHA! ;)
wife id'ed his picture and he was arrested
desperate people do crazy things. like everyone else, he probably just needs a boost & didn't have the courage to carry it thru.
So who was the guy and where/when did they catch him? Didn't see a thing about it in the DT this morning-go figure.
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