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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


THIS IS A MUST SEE VIDEO! Ladies & Gentlemen, this is a very brief video and well worth watching. This is YOUR President representing YOU all around the World. Take 5 seconds of your life and watch it and see how well respected our own President is by other Countries. This is a disgrace. Mind you, the pea brain leaders are completely disrespecting Obama. The MSM is hiding this like there's no tomorrow.


Mike said...

Funny as HELL!!!! Russians like him as much as we do.....

Anonymous said...

We should be surprised by this?
Our country's reputation went even further down the toilet in the last eight years.
Trying to force peace in the Middle East is a waste of time, money and effort. It will NEVER happen and in the process, we have gained even more enemies.

Anonymous said...

Bet you won't see this on the Salisbury Version of Daily Kos


duck around said...

Same thing happened to Bush at the last G8, and the ReThugs were ready to declare war. NOW it's funny? Conservatives have a convenient sense of timing in their outrage.

joealbero said...

Prove it Duck.

dogg said...

Why would anyone want to shake our illegal president's hand. Check out his latest numbers. Finally the sheeple are beginning to figure this out. He is a fraud. He is trash. He is ruining this country.


Anonymous said...

These guys know what the Federal Reserve is doing to the dollar and the world economies.

Anonymous said...

Not funny at all. Whether you like him or not, or even voted for him or not, he is the leader of our counrty. It's time we put all the crap and BS behind us as a nation and learn to move forward. What are we back in the 50's? If that is your way of thinking the world is going to move on, hopefully, without you.

Anonymous said...

OMG the libtard Demonrats have no counter argument except Wah Wah Bush did it too Bush did it why can't we Wah Wah Wah no we get to do it cuz Bush did it--for the love of pete, how about an intelligent coherent response instead??

Anonymous said...

I think liberals should take this time to do some self reflection. You've blamed Bush for America's standing in the world it's not Bush it's Americans in general we have the best country in the world and they hate us for it. But at this point we stand to lose what makes us great and the only way to keep it is to stop the partisan bitching unite as a people and demand our country back!

Reconciled1 said...

Joe, As I've stated before on both blogs I follow, I'm no way shape or form a supporter of Pres Obama, That being said , what I see in this video is him introducing the leaders and not reaching out his hand to shake. I've watched it 5 times and see the same thing. Am I wrong or is this quick editing to make something thats not there? Remember , as republicans we hate it when things are twisted, even in the least bit to reflect something thats not there. EX: I can see Russia from my house Said by Tina Fey but majority believes Palin said it..... Russia is our neighbor

Anonymous said...

Proves the point no matter who is in office some countries/nations will not like the US.... Russia, Iran, Venezuela, China, N. Korea etc... I think it was naive to think Bush ruined the world wide view of the US and that Obama would suddenely fix it. We were hated before Bush and hated after...

joealbero said...

With all due respect, watch it again. Watch how he attempts to make the first handshake, no response. By the second one he realizes they're not going for it, (look at the expression on his face) and he's smart enough at that point to walk the line and introduce the other leader. Sorry my friend, he was snubbed.

Anonymous said...

The US is the laughing stock of the world because of uniformed voters who wanted a celebrity as a president. Obama can only BS his way through for so long. People are starting to see the light. Obama has never ran anything his entire life. Not even a hot dog stand. But people voted for him to run the US government. WTF

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the so-called "Obama checking womans @$$" pic that turned out to be him helping someone down-stairs. And you guys wonder why you lost 2 major elections! Get a clue! You have SOME good ideas; people like me (young, black, independent voter) would be more supportive of your party if you would stand on the issues instead of the socialist, terrorists, "he's not american" crap you throw-up every day.

Reconciled1 said...

OK Joe, I didnt only watch the video here but also did a search and watched it on several other venues, I can now say he was snubbed. It is clear as he reaches out his hand to the first two, he is in fact trying to shake hands by the end of the line he is politely just reaching out his hand to lead the way for the Ambassador. I also did a search for the Bush snubb, Look under Bush snubbed at g20, he doesn't reach is hand out to shake just walked through.

joealbero said...

Thank You Reconciled1

duck around said...

Joe, really, you're not going to post my link to Bush getting the same snub after you called me out? That seems a bit, well, hypocritical.

Here's the CNN coverage just in case there was something in the last attempt that offended you.

big mike said...

and how much aide do they want? if that was me they would see the end of food imports and any ya like me now?

Reconciled1 said...

I believe in searching out truth

Anonymous said...

President or not, if you played me for a fool like that you might get knocked out.

Anonymous said...

So Bush and Obama both get snubbed but somehow it only reflects poorly on Obama? Oh yeah, its I forgot.

Anonymous said...

12:09 How pathetic you nuts always try and demonize people you can't brain need to admit obama is doing a horrible job!

Anonymous said...

His hand is out there. No one is shaking it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right Duck, and he didn't BOW to the Saudi prince either,right? After all who can you believe The Messiah or your own lying eyes right? Yes We Can!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am not an Obama supporter but I am an American and American President supporter. I will say if this was true it would annoy me because the man whether I like it or not still represents our Country.

Having said that, Joe of all people should begin using a little thing called GOOGLE or SNOPES. Obama isn't attempting to shake hands with these people, they are members of his own delegation. He is introducing them to the Russian President. Watch the movie again, you can tell this especially with the last handshake when Obama presents him to the Russian President after the man has already extended his hand.

Joe, you've been putting up a lot of stories, information, and video's lately that are simply misleading or not true at all. Every time I comment about one being not true you don't approve the comment. I am a loyal reader of SBYNEWS and normally agree with your points. However, you target a lot of other people for putting misleading information out there and now you are doing it yourself. Furthermore every time I do a quick search and comment on how something is false you don't approve it. Are you turning into those that you started this crusade against?

Afterthought: Please don't try and say that my previous comments had profanity in them or anything of the such cause they didn't. I just simply didn't agree with you.

joealbero said...

anonymous 2:51, you are welcome to disagree with me, that
's cool, I have no problem with that. HOWEVER, if YOU have to rely on Snopes, (a proven failure for facts) when we provide the video for YOU to view, well, you have to be so insecure it isn't funny, with all due respect.

The President clearly goes to shake hands, gets rejected, then tries again reluctantly, gets rejected, then introduces the gentleman knowing they're NOT going to shake Obama's hand.

Now if you need Snopes or anyone else to confirm the OBVIOUS, your statement here has absolutely no meaning whatsoever.

I can't sit here and babysit and respond to each and every comment, sorry. However, yours was worthy of a response from me and now you have it.

Anonymous said...

I agree he was snubbed. However, he should not have been first in line like that. He should have been BEHIND the other country's leader.
THAT is probably why he was snubbed like that.

Anonymous said...

He was snubbed because NO ONE respects him...especially the citizens of the USA!


Anonymous said...

Seems to me our POTUS & State Secretary needs to DEFEND our country and it's people against all attacks, especially & including verbal ones, rather than apologize to every Tom, Dictator & Harry with whom they meet. Why project the appearance of weakness?
NO OTHER COUNTRY contributes more to the worldwide state of the planet than we.
Our POTUS said at this G-8 "we haven't always been as RESPONSIBLE" in our global "efforts" along these lines.(ref.pollution)
Mr. President, Madame Secretary, all the other countries are LAUGHING at us. No other country does anything. Period.