ANCHORAGE, Alaska – An independent investigator has found evidence that Gov. Sarah Palin may have violated ethics laws by accepting private donations to pay her legal debts, in the latest legal distraction for the former vice presidential candidate as she prepares to leave office this week.
The report obtained by The Associated Press says Palin is securing unwarranted benefits and receiving improper gifts through the Alaska Fund Trust, set up by supporters.
An investigator for the state Personnel Board says in his July 14 report that there is probable cause to believe Palin used or attempted to use her official position for personal gain because she authorized the creation of the trust as the "official" legal defense fund.
GO HERE to read more.
If she did not resign, it would have been interesting to see the order in which other elected officials were probed. What happened to Rangel? What happened to Dodd? What happened to Obama's foreign campaign contributions? What happened to Kennedy's drive into the river 40 years ago? What happened to Biden's claim that his first wife was killed by a drunk driver. What.... I think you see where I'm going.
The "untouchable's" need to be voted out of their long standing seats of power beginning in 2010.
6:18....I gotcha ya. Very much agreed upon.;)
She's been cleared of everything these liberal lawyers have charged her with it's clear it's witch hunt. The Democrat's are going after a private citizen just because they don't like this is clear to rational minded people. I would vote for her no matter what !
This story has already been debunked.
ok, and who is surprised by this???
The democrats will do anything to take attention away from this failing Marxist Administration.
the majority of these ethics complaints over the last 2 years have been initiated by other Republicans. The Reps in her own state hate her.
8:37, no it hasn't. show us the proof if you've got it.
Keep this story exactly the same, but substitute Palin for ANY Democrat Governor.
My GOP friends, is it such a silly story then?
The Obamacrats are deathly afraid of this woman. 8 months after the election they are still attacking her and doing everything they can to bring her down. I pray they don't bring down the entire family in their efforts. SCUMBAGS!!!
Did any of you read this ridiculous story??
Palin is being accused of getting "personal gain" from having a legal defense fund set up. The ruling basically says that an ordinary private citizen would not have similiar results in getting legal defense funding than a sitting Governor would have.
Well, I got news for the so-called investigator. Any other ordinary private citizen would not be subjected to numerous witch hunt ethics charges, and the legal expenses that go with it. Alaska does not provide for legal expenses for its elected officials, the Governor included.
A real catch-22 in this case. Numerous complaints have been filed, all dismissed as unfounded. Legal bills piling up, so a legal defense fund is set up.
So an ethic complaint is filed because of the notion that personal gain is realized by setting up a fund to pay for expenses in defending unfounded complaints??
Other democrats, Washington fat cats, Hillary, etc all have the luxury of legal defense funds, but let a lowly republican from a place like Alaska try to set one up, and they fault her for it!!
What is wrong with this picture?
But the real underlying question here is this:
Why are the Democrats, and by extension, the Lame Stream media all afraid of Palin? They have to be scared to death of her, otherwise they would not continually be trying to destroy her like this.
heard this the monday following the friday she resigned. it was the FIFTH ethics complaint filed by this one person.
grudge, much?
Nice try it's the economy stupid ! Obama is destroying the country !
Once again, the democrats are pursuing their agenda of the "politics of personal destruction" Amen to all the previous posts here condemning their actions. Time to vote these mf-ers out!
Same thing Hitler did in his rise to power didn't attack issues only people that stood in his way. So libs your fine until he steps on your toes and you grumble in disagreement.
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