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Thursday, July 02, 2009

White House Reporters Grill Gibbs Over ‘Prepackaged’ Questions For Obama


Anonymous said...

I am not surprised at all,this been
Obama style press conferences since
he has been president,he is a liar and a thief,he has stolen the future
from the American public he is no
better than Dennis Kowlowski or
Benard Madoff

Anonymous said...

The questions and questioners must be pre screened so that the puppets behind Obama can program the answers into the teleprompter.
This was not an election, it was a coo by outside forces to take over this country and destry it economically.

Anonymous said...

The screwed up thing is the fact that he is laughing about it.

Anonymous said...

Exactly! The culprits are the international bankers who control the Reserve Banks in every country including the Federal Reserve here in the U.S.

Anonymous said...

O one
B bad
A ass
M mistake
A America

Anonymous said...

You are exactly right 4:39 they are
taking over the country without firing a shot. All they had to do was put their man in the White House. If he was so smart he could answer town hall meeting questions that come up. But he is just a puppet on a string and is told everything to say. That is why the questions are screened. So that the people behind the puppet can write out the answers they want him to give you. You would have to be a true idiot not to see this. But if you ever noticed any question that comes up he dances around it and never answers the question but says something he wants you to hear that is entirely unrelated to the question asked.
Wake up you liberal Obamamites. He wouldn't even have been elected President if it wasn't for Acorn and all those dead people and illegals voting for him.